IMITATION Aswa gandha Wine
in those days, will l eidnut from the centre of wearing. Arni dhotire and
INDIAN CHEMICAL following extract from a rare old dara. Arni mwalimu were celebrated through
AND Inent in tho r n of the writer in ont the Presidency and even far beyond the toda llores:
it. Mint of the Wevers who wettled PHARMACEUTICAL I n the area in anul humble first in Madras naine Proin Arni. During rritun af Arhimm lingaman l'ammi the bet days of John Company thoumando the fi f th Jambavar
wete lying in Mara, and the to owned ottle and analiti n y bal a large volume of the in with their families and up and all walk of
will of Jothe which were went home Xo. 1. Hoca Keria. Surla P. O.
the which were went home in 1 their what t he waving for option nt a considerable profit. within the city and brother in the East India Company reared to
CALCUTTA. on where the fortum w trule in 131, od for two three de Mes N
e w of the war the proces flowiny private English Arun wil henby kive and rent to the wail rarion Connidemblr trule in Mal Alu rulingan, P Riyi<ul
t ecekFrum alwut the year 1880 another weaves of the wail Jancravar
anbester found itself in a position to A with their familrte, that are atturn in attention to India': "true interMont
hulle berefter, full , and only nineteen years after Mr. niwtty and fun to pr u ik
writing in his Manual of the #outwell in any of the mut town (huglepet District, kave the following from
var Strert bably Arcount of the Man WPAVEINMint troisid Naistet Exerpt weaving there are really nu w that we weral wave private manufactures of the wlightest Wellknown invigorating tonic of ne bi thutr fara importance, and a reparti it even hand body and mind. It had been reeng. thriver 't westward the rest weaving it unor cloud as itu days are
nised as the best tonic alterntive Bitkilugha (urbane allant numeral in India.........Formerly the
in Nervous debility Exhausion, Long the most of the Right Hon'ble con prveluer of their looms was much fought y limits to the north want, and there after. The Muslina of Arni..........which
of Memmory. Brainfig Dimties of in te huve full likerty to follow their one forme staples enraged by the sight, Confusion of Idowe, loof maid taule und along and to have the East Inclin Conjuny al on whiclı not a vigour, Nervous headache, palpitufine excrets of ther religion with its little of their trade depondel, are now
tion of heart, Mential prostration monics Iurin Kuil with w alnost things of the print. They have
Ceneral sleeplessness etc.-- z Warmfund encouragement to the maid been elbowed out of the market in the
phial Re. 1 Dozen Rs. 11. Pouzd new. Walera, the Chemor Elihu competition with the European falrics, Yale) now hnth otletes a large well to li Manchester gouls especially, and in re- Rs. 3-8 Huilt and then at his own per gard to Muslims and Chintyes, the very
Il Dirhinner for landmark or 1 . ability to make thou has died it. Tho till the thru Lilientiem and I'mviler weaving community has fallen into great
indigenre, for although very industri. This wn for the days of Lancashire, out of ople , when and chil. when I wwww ruled the markets in all king , thay thu that of the old on the British Virgini thre
e with marhinery."
A potent remedy for habitual.com 11404 ho hail found their way into India In the mi
hely that the tipation cough out rheilmatien would have been true to then be verir
he a r
time the Muslims produced at the
the Muslim diced at the worms biliousness and piles. The they had file to make the most of
Art. it famous in the best nerving tonic alministered in the opportunity. Otherwino who can now 1
convalescent status, 4 02. phial Re. 1.
Mrr * frien bading Company
melancholy record of During the lenth of Aming Huttle
the two o f the Mal weavers Duxen R. 11. Rs. 3-8 Per pounil.
under the learnt tees of Fue ment for India in tax.free and Tirules
of th e found ang large well for their ru their
breul Anathed AWAY from their wallowing hh ntfection for their
mouth" Maty even if the well.to de An ideal canbinntion of lodived. lalette ud Privilng?"
Weaver, hvoliad to take toother walka for the linhment of of lifu f utenance, and the girntest
Surpurilla with wohl Tho best numer are now stually living from Nadia thu village Ari- few miles
remedy for all sorts of venerial poison lund t mouth, and their rendition in from Phine, Jailway Station on the rulolus in of the motiving trout. and moreurin trint in the bloul. 4 north-en-twetion of the Media and in Swadesh14m, which in abw with the
oz. phial Ps. 1-12. Dozen Rs. 20. spirit of the timing, lies their only hope, Nouthern Mar Mailas. W large
Nily's the writer in the town Irwin, and Pound R4, 6-8.
to this hope they new rally cling An SWADESHI SUGAR
the drowning man natrhes at the straw. - The Sugar mitfactured by the (awnpore ligar Work Lilure cer. tified by respectable JKTO in Chitant part in Jude a but its gennem and purity. In drder to muke i uvenient to the publio we
a have arranged to keep in stock 21
It is used sucessfully in Acidity
19 Heers puckets which we can supply
Indigestion and diarrhoca. Very conon orier at 11 as. and 10 ns. per
venient for Mofussil inhabitante. packet of X 1 & sugar.
3 oz. phial As. 8. Dozen Rs. 5-4. SPECIAL RATES TO WHOLE DEALERS,
Complete eabilouge sent frue on Apply for pes GHOSE
application. & Co. Agents
.. : S . B.IS 37, ('INING STREET, Culeuth.
ali 15
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