- What is your namo ?" asked AN OPEN LETTER TO LORD Press with more abborreuce than my hendr.
old chief of the "Pall Mall (in ett My name" replier the Vaishnav Mr. W. T. Stead, the Editor of the
nor de I believe that the conversion of
Anrditor into a Secretary of State (An "Review of Reviews" has aldressed the "Dhirananda (oswami." following open letter to Lon Morley:..
have offreted much a traninigration Dhirananda proceeded in front, To the Right Hon. Lord Morley, His
MOUIR 14 to render it wible for you to Mahendra and Kalynni followed.
Majesty's Secretary of State for Indian
Irgand Mr. Anton's decision, bakea Dhirananda took them out of the
is by the High Court, without #k forest by a very difficult path and My Lord, I venture with all rompect to
Some of humiliation not to say, of dep... wyrain plunged back among the
The situation which confruntu w toda Approach you with a hutable but tarnent request. Publishers, editor, eller
compl e to approach you with # and newergenta incernel in the publica
humble true that you will on On leaving the forest one came tion and wale of pern and periodical cir
the severity of the Arlitry "regime". utter little to A common with cnlating in India now find themselves ea
which the Press the English trees. To one side of it there was pwed to the suminary confination of their
IM Mubjected in Twin by estable the highway running along the
without lelay in the aute chart property and the imprisonment of their
the Fuel agents without any right of forest, and in one place a little river
Otlice an Official watu jury
whom we nubmit pref #wed out of the woodland with #
or without any h ar racirene fronu un appeal to superior rourts. I'mler thene
artwle which we contemplate
t h inurmuring sound. Its water way
in order that if it circumstance it is not surprising that
pared, ipry clear, but dark like thick
agend and thriller u nit. newsagents shouli demand from the pm cloud. On either bank beautiful
le delivered from ducers of periculivals published in Eng.
the dread of impi clark-kreon trees of any kinds
went by printing to the oticia! landlar olsewhere. K rantee that carb
primatur." threw their whadow over the river number went them formula contains noth
I hope that you will not rand this and in their brancher birls of differ- ing which inight lead the Bombay pulire
ngention as springing from my sy ent families wat and gave forth their
Magistrate to send them to Ol for dinseminating elition.
thy with the Russian renmurabi .. various notes. Those notes to
une knows better than I that rely ren
My Land, itunes the wit of inan were sweet and mingled with the to conceive what Mr. Anton
Or even the official whom I am awhink woulil
you sweet cadence of the streum. With
tablish at Downtug Stret not consider to be wellition. Jodging similar harmony the shadow of
will usually ben pellant and can liv from him recent decision the case of the
blockheal. But it is better to ! the trees agreed and mingled with
"Swara)" if he had been minintering the colour of the stream. Kalyani
deal with one cener living in the fra Statute 123A in England under Mr. mit under a tree on the bank and
of this country, who Foruter'. "regime of 1841-3, he would
bourditrs ud bade her husband nit near. Mohon
petty tyinnnican be whow up in the dia sat down, and whe took her certainly have placed the elites and
Pric and in Parliament, than to live child from her husband's Inp into publisher of the "Pall Mall Gazetter"
under the h w of those who fel her un. Kalyani held her husuuder Inck and key perantent medi
Torining the new s in UPPSSIN band's hand in hers and for some tion-uongers. But this uncertainty a la
all independent cuitir of the w the measure of Mr. Anton's fwt has led
eb time wilt in silence, then who neked,
intrat . I mit that it would be "To-day I see that you are very mc. new-agents in India o n the October Lancholy. "The calainity there will
ous culmination of your distinguishal number of the Review of Resi "
caror if thu famous Radwal journal on us, we have escaped; why then to the police Authorities in thad of up are you so mu?"
the "Morning Sunr," the "Fortnightly plying it in their customers fouring lost Mühendre answered with a deep
Haviow" and the "Pall Mall Girl in the legitimate exercise of their lawful sigh. "Iain no longer my own
were town his administratori man, and what I am to do, I cannot calling they might und ware have bruglet
Hin by the establishment of M r understand." down upon the the wrath of a
Marwhip in Tulun for all twe l Why?' anked Kulyani. lie magistrate. The fate of the
dian stairs. But uude the "Hear what happened to ine after "Swara" yesterday in the talent the
tances, unlo you see you will I lost you," said Mohendra, and he Review of Review." day, it may be
in HAVE A detailed nocount of all that the fate of the Time," the plater,"
Muthonty tu keurme the judgment of th had happened to him. and the Nineteenth century w now,
Court, I hul win tuture the Hly tentoring the new agents the male
1 is to be fully ferty of Gold of any puble juurnal or review which
questions of Indian port the LA venture t rittice any act or policy of
Prem creating de the Indian Administration can be up
I pray you then with all
: pred, and in mulf defence we shall
mitigate the FOR Le coupled to advertime we the cover
lish ownmake FOOTBALLS.
. M. Ast e
. of our journal that we guarrate it Agents wanted everywherr. contains no independent comment of
tur" we might be to b low Lists frce ou application. any kind upon the administration of the
U CITYwur profesioni Ufa SEN & SEN Indian Empire
It is letter to have wingur I am well aware that man alive
1, C 1, Chowringhee CALCUTTA.
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