Katinfactory realts. The tax cultivad esea for cultivaton and delivered popu. tint Dsooria in Muzaffarpur Wilar lecture on the subjevt. Voluntary
prwious year, the department published Guancially very succelul. The Agricul
and circulated loufoto and Dot contamservice to the line of agriculture of this al chemiot conducted
ing Informatina in connection with Agriseries of ex- character Are *pecially valuable, and de cultura periments to test the rugar yeikling pr o rro the fullest
Large queation of seeds of serve the fullest rorognition from the varioan erop man qwertion of the different varieties of communitr.
a nd cricultural
iruplements were ingved from the govern. ugarcane, but no definite conclusions
AONICULTURAL ASORTATION, FAIRS AND ment central med store which we th: have yet leon roached.
moved during the year to the wite of the SERICULTURE
The great interest lakon in the agricul Agricultural School Farm at Bibpur. The work of the vilk-rearing outablish tural development of the province hy
INDIGO RESEARCH. ment made satisfactory program during many nomliers of the Provincial, Divi- The indigo roboarel operations at Xir the year. The old silk coinmittee, consional and District Agricultural Associa- wiah ware continued with the aid of the pinting of non-official members, Wations, and the servicen randara
tion, and the services rendered by them Government ruleidy of Rs 50,000. Por Woolished and was roplaced by a new one to the Agricultural Department are the next five years Government will en with four milk experts as members and pourre of gratification to the Lieutenant tributo Rn. 32,000 your on condition the Director of Agriculture as president Goverunr, to whom the work of Mr. that the Bihar Planlar' Amanciation I nder the nupervision of this new com.
Sarola Charan Mitter Into Judge of the vubecribe Rt. 10,000 annually to the cont tuittee mulberry farm with a central
kleutta High Court, Rai Lalit Mohan of the research work. The Amoriatina nocl-rearing nursery WAS sarted at
Singh, Rai Baldur of Chakdighi, and beve obtained for that period the ti Berhampur. The 9 model nurserien
Babu Purnondu Narayan Singh, Secretary | vices of Mr. J. Porgtheil, who belonging to the old silk coinmittee have
Patna Anaveintion, has been specially terenigned his poet na mperial Bacteriale be brought under governniont manageported. Mr. A. N. Moberly, IC, S. hankint in the Pura Agricultural College Nu ment and 5 new ones are under cons done much in his capacity of Chairman of Research Institute in order to carry out vruction, of which 3 are in Berhampore, the Sambalpur District Association for and complete bis researcheo. I in Birbhum and I in Midnapora the benefit of agriculturo in thnt district. They are intended to supply healthy The agricultural laira and shows held Mr. N. C. KELKAR'S wood to the rearers of milkworms. The during the year, of which a brief necount
INELIGIBILITY. total value of the nood sold was IX. is given in Appendix 11 to the report, te
A PROTEST MEETING AT POONA. 1. 174. Experiments made with JAPAN ceived grants-in-aid from Government
MR. G. K. GOKHALK PREADER, and Italian mulberry wood gave encourag.
Aggregating Ra. 6,642. They appear to
| A largely attended meeting of the Ingrosult
be continuing to worvo very weful pur Deccan Sabha W held on Baturday AGRICULTHAL EDUCATION
the 11th instant at 6 r. w. in Phnom Little advance Was nie during the
The well-boring operations which have Wada to protest against the disqualities year in the promotion of agricultural
been undertaken in this province on the tion of Mr. N. C. Kelkar hy the Buna education in the province. Unexpected
recutuinendation of the Indian Irrigation lwy Chivernment iu the recent election delay in the commencement of the
Cominnion live made little progress by the Dintrict B ride of the Control Agricultural College buildings at Salinur
during the year partly in consequence of Division. Hon'mle Mr. G. K. Gollur will prevent the opening of the clases
the want of practical experience on the provided and the following resolution l.efore November 1910. Meinwhile, the
part of the muperintendent and partly WAN unanimously adopted: agricultural lace at the Sibpuru
because of the difficulty of clone super. The locan Sabhx lege loave to enter Engineering College have been abolish
vision over his work. He will for the ita renpotful but emphatic protest ed, but an attempt to secure some conti
future conduet his experiments under the Against tlw di qualification of Mr nuity in training har been made by the
supervision of the Principle of the Agri- C Kolkar under clum (i) of Hagulation grant of scholarship at institutions in
culture (llege At Habaur. A Inry 4 for the nomination and lection of other provinces. The students attending
number of artinan wells were bored during | Additional Members of the Bowl.my the agricultural classon attached to the
the year in Muzaffarpur by the District Lexiliative Council. In the pan . HPV'eral zille schools and the collegiate
Beard in connection with the scarcity of the Salha there is nothing in Mr. Kulhar wbl at Cuttack generally took little real
water that prevailed there and were t r oputation or intendent to July to Interest in their work, the only exception considerable extent succesfal.
CXPIXI by the Governnient of the exer being at Gays, where agricultural instruc
PUBLICATION OF AGRICULTURAL tional pwera Conferred by the claim tion has been made a part of the general
And the Mulle doenin it itu duty 11) .
Bewiden the qunterly Journal of Agri tuutine. The deputation of more at dents
culture which WAN tarted during the prewent to the Government the fut Lo America to study agriculture was die untinued during the year, partly because
AN INDIAN BOARD OF the supply of such trained men was like
ACCOUNTANTS & AUDITORS. ly exceed the immediate requirement the department and also because it
B. MUKER JEE & Co. noethed doubtful whether training under
Diplomad Accountants & Auditors American conditions as altogether wuitable for this country.
(London) Mr. A. C. Sen, rotired District and Sor
98, Clive Street, Colla sions Judge, who was trained at the Cir. GUARANTEK KOMIT AND SATISFACTURY anoster College in England, has kept up WORK AT Moderate Fees. his interest in agriculture, has both beld
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