NOTIFICATION BY THE LANDHOLDERS. . 13 (1) When the counting of the utes has been cono pleted the Returning
Wer shall forth with declare the can alidate or candidates to whoin the larg rat number of votes has been given to le elected
(2) Where an oquality of votes in found to exist between any candidates and the addition of a vote will entitle
LIV of the candidates to lie declared plected the determination of the person
persons to whom wuch one additional vite wball be denied to have been viven thall be made by lot le drawn in the presence of the Returning Officer und in such manner as he may determine.
14 Upon the completion of the count ing and after the result has been declared 1.v hiro, the Returning Officer shall mal up the voting papers and all documents to lating to the election,and shall retain the
stue for a period of six months, and thereafter cause them to be destroyed or otherwise directed by an order of the mpetent authority.
15. The returning Officer nliall with cut delay report the result of the elec
in to the local (overnment and the Batue of names of the candidater candidates elected whall lie published in the local official Gazette.
16 The Local Governtuent whall appoint and shall notify, in much manner uit thinks fit, auch date and if neces mary ruch time and place as it may think suitable for each of the following proceedings namely:
(1) The publication of the electoral roll under rule 4; (b) the attestation of nomination papers
opers under rulo R;
(c) the scrutiny of nomination papers uuder rule 9;
(d) the handing of voting paper under Tule 10;
6) the attestation of voting papers under rule 10; and 6.) the counting of votes under role 12. BY THE MAROMEDAN
COMMUNITY. 1. (1) "Attesting Officer" means auch rotticar utbe Looel Government may by notification in the local official Gazette appoiut to perform all or any of the
dution of the Attenting Officer under 1 (9) ot land in roopact of which land these rules and includes any other revenue amounting to not loa thay one deputed for the time being by the hundred and twenty-Ave rupees in the Allesting Otticer to perforon his duties. Presideney, Burdwan, Orim and (hola
(2) Tistrict Magistrato" ineludou Nikpur Divisions and two bundred and any Joint Assistant or Deputy Maginifty rupoon in the Patne, Tirhut and trate to whom the District Magistrate Bhagalpur Divisions in payable pep anmay, with the permission of the com- num; or missioner of the Division delegate any (A) own land in respect of which rund of his duties under these rules: And public works cerns announting to not
Provided that in Calcutta as defined by less than thirty-one rupees and four of under (Wouttu or under (wlcutta Municipal
Municipal Act
Act. Annas in the Presidency, Burdwan, Oriun 1892, the chairman of the Corporation
the corporation and Chota Nagpur Division and sixty. shall perform the duties narigued by two rupees and eight Annan in the Hatua thome rules to the District Magistrate Tirhut and Bhagalpur Division, are pay. and may delegate any of such duties to
able per annum to Government either the Vice-Chairman or Deputy Chairman direcwly or through a superior landlord; or and,
(1) pay on their own account Income (3) "Returning Officer" means such tax on an incomo of not lone than two officer M the local Clovernment may, thousand rupeen in the Presidency, Burd.
in the by notification
Aicialwan, O official
u and Chota Nagpur Divisions, Gazette, appoint to perform all or any three thousand rupoen in Calcutta, an deof the dution of the Returning Anedd hy or under the l'alcutta Municipal Officer under the rules and includes
Act, 1999, and four thousand rupeos in any officer to perform hin duties
the land, Tirbut und Bhagalpur Diri 2. Of the four inamhara Anfiel in HION ; or Regulation II, wub bend (vi), two mem
() are in receipt of pensioun from the bers shall be elected for each of the two Government of not less than fifty rupees
per menser: following electoral Arone namely:1.The Presidency, Burdwan And Provided that no elector whall have
more than one vot, though he may pun Orissa Divisions. II.--The Patoa, Tirhut, Bhagalpur And
HOS tuore thau one of qualifientions above
described Chota Nagpur Division.
4. (1) On or before such date as may be 3. The aid members shall be elected
ested appointed by the Local Government in luy the votes of delegates to be selected
thin behall, an elector roll for eneh olecfrom among thomselves in the manner
toral run in Form 1 annexed to this hereinafter by all Mahumedans qualified
Schedule shall be published by the Returs to vote and having a place of residence in
ning Officer in the local official Cinzelte. the electoral ares concerned, who
(2) In determining the eligiliility of a () hold a title recognised or confer
landholder in an elector, only laud re. ind by the Clovernment or are Menibers
venue or road and public works ce of the Order of the Star of India or the
payable in respect of his own personal Order of the Indian Empire, or hold &
whare whall be taken into account. Kaiser-i-Mind Medal ; or
(a) As soon as may be after the puls (b) Are ordinary or honorary Fellow'
licntion of the said roll in the Incal oficial of the University of Calcutta, or
Cazette a copy thereof shall be ponted'in (c) are Honorary Magistrates; or
conspicuous place at the office of opery (d) are graduaten, of ten years stand
District Magistrato in owch cluctural area, ing, of an University in the United King.
and in the case of Calcutta at the office of dom or British India; or
the Chief Presidency Magistrate. (.) are teachers in any institution
(4) The electoral roll ball be conclusive maintained or aided by the Government
evidence for the purpose of determining or affiliated to or rocognized by the Uni
whether any person in an eloctor or not versity of (alcutta or recognized by the
under these rules Director of Public Instruction :
1. (1) The electoral roll published under Provided that such teachers are not
rulo 4 shall be subjot to rovinion from less than 30 year of ago, and receives
time to time as the Local Governinent monthly salary of Afty rupeen in Calcutta,
may ly notification in the local official or twenty-five rupees in any place other
Gazette direct. than Calcutte, or
() Any Mabomedan whore name does (f) are Registrare, authorised to act
not appear on the waid clertoral roll, under the Bengal Mahomedan Marriages
And who claims to have his CAD inand Divorce Registration Act, 1870; or
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