forwal beauty, the emotional de action, active in thought, energetic
ANANDANATH. wand of humanity, tho portrayal of in stillness, crentive in repose, full of
0:bile and outward reality, as the best mastering intention in that European Art satisties these re-
CHAPTER XI.- (Continuerl.) which appears blind and unconsri. quirements, reaches beyond them
The ascetie said Coine by this ons. The great truths of religion, und expresses inner spiritual truth, science, metaphysics, life, develop
way", and began to ascend another the deeper not obvious reality of ment, become concrete, emotional,
underground passage. Suddenly thu things, the joy of God in thu world universally intelligible and convinc
rays of the morning sun shonu in
their eyes and from every sido the wd its beauty and dosirubleness ing in the hands of the nister of and the manifestation of divine
sweet-voiced family of birds shrillplastic Art, and the soul of man, in force and energy in
el in song. In a wide temple built phenomenal the stage when it is rising from creation. This is what Indinn Art
in stone of marble they saw # einotion to intellect, looks, receives
beautifully fashioned image of the be attempted thoroughly and in the suggestion and is uplifted to
Ten-armed Goddess male in gold, the ctfort it often dispensel, either wards a higher development, a deliberately or from impatience, diviner knowledge.
laughing and radiant in the light of with the lower, yet not negligible So it is with the divine love and
the early sun. The racetic saluted jurfections which the moro material joy which pulsates throughout exis.
the image and said, "This is the European demanded. Therefore tence and is far superior to alloyed
Mother 18 she shall be. Her ten Art hns Hlowed in two separate earthly pleasure. Catholic, perfect,
arms are extended towards tho ton streams in Europe and Asia, 90 unmixed with repulsion, radiating
regions and they bear many a force through all things, the common nu
image divers that it is only now that the
in her manifold weapons ; European nesthetic sense has so far less than the high, the mean and
her cnetics are trampled under her
feet and the lion on which her foot train itself as to begin to appre- shabby no less than the lofty and ciate the artistic conventions, aims splendid, the terrible and the repul
rents, is busy destroying the foc. and trulitions of Asia. Asia's future sive no less than the charming
Behold her, with the regios for her and attractive, it uplifts all, purifics
arms, " -- development will unite these two
he spoke, Satyananda streams in ope deep and grandiose all, turns all to love and delight
began to sob, -" with the regions How of artistic welf-expression per and beauty. A little of this imtur.
for her arins, wielder of manifold tecting thu aesthetie evolution of tal nectar poured into a man's heart
wonpons, tramplor down of her foes, hunanity: transfigures lifo and action.
with the lion-heart for the stood
The But it' Art is to reach towards the whole Hood of it pouring in would
of her riding; on her right Lakshmi highest, the Indian tendency must lift mankind to God. This too Art
As Prosperity, on hor lett Speech
giver of learning and mintte. can seize on and suggest to the hu
science, The spirit is that in which all the rest of the human inan suul, aiding it in its stormy and
Kartikeyrt with her as Strength. beint reposes, towards which it toilsomo pilgrimage. In that pilgrim
Ganesh ng Success. Come, let us reting and the final self-rovelation agu it is the divine strength that
both bow down to the Mother."
Buth with litted faces and folder of which is tho gonl of humanity.supports. Shakti, Force, pouring Man bcones Goul, and all human through the universe supports its
hands began to cry with one voice. activity reaches its highest and boundless activities, the trail and.
"O auspicious with all well-omened oblent when it succeeds in bring. trumulous lifu ofthe rose no less the
things, O thou ever propitious, wh..
efectest all desire, O refuge of men, ing burly, heart and mind into the Haming motions of sun and star.
three-eyed and fair of hue, 0 Enciky Baruch with spirit. Art can express To suggest the strength and virile
of Narnyan, walutation to thee." eternal truth, it is not limited to une quernblo force of the divine
The two mon bowcl down with awe the expression of form and appear- Naturo in man and in the outside
and love and when they ruse, Mohen ince. So wonderfully hns God world, its energy, its calm, its power
dru asked in a broken wice, When mule the world that a man uaing # ful inspiration, its august enthus
shall I see this image of the Mother! simple combination of lines, an un- isum, its wildness, greatness, attrc.
"When all the Mother's sons" replipretentious harmony of colours, can tiveness, to breathe that into man's
ed the Brahmacharm, "learn to call this apparently insignificant soul and gradually inould the tinite
the Mother by that time, un that medium to suggest absolute and into the innge of the Intinite is
day the Mother will be gracious tu protund truths with a perfection another spiritual utility of Art.us. which language labours with difti- This is its loftient function, its fiul Suldenly Muhendrat Askel. culty to reach. What Nature is, leat consummation, its most perfect Where tre my wife and daughter what God is, what man is can be privilege.
"Conte" said the wycelic, you
shall see them." triumphantly revealed in stone or canvis.
"I wish to see them wice and sty
farewell." Behind a fow figures, a few trees
"Why should you say farewell" and rocks the supreme Intelligence,
"I shall take up this mighty vox.." the supreme Imagination, the sup
ownmake FOOTBALLS. "When will you send them to reme Energy lurks, acts, fools, is,
Agents warteo everywhere.
Mohendra thought for little and ind, if the artist has the spiritual
then said, "There is no one in my
Lists free on application. vision, he can see it and suggest per
house and I have no wther plus. fuctly the
SEN & SEN great mysterious Life
Yut in this time of famine what in its manifestations brooding in
1, Chowringhee CALOUTTA.
other place can I find?"
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