& That man of little understanding with the three and doeth the triplo of these women and their singing. in whose houses Brabmin sitteth fast- works, passeth teyond death and Litb ine, all bis hope and his expectation,
1 37. Man & findoth no satisfaction for orer. He knoneth and seeth the l in wealth, you, and wealth Irball bare the companionship he hath kopt with
God of our adoration who God of our adoration
is cunni since I hate beheld ther, and shall saints, the virtue of kind words he bath scient and born of the Eternal live as long as thou spoken, the wells he hath dug and the Brahman and be
art my master.
attaineth utterly sacrifices he bath offered, all bis sons and
That boon will I choose and no other. the peace. all bis cattle go from him to that guest
28. Man that gruwoth old and
18. When a man kindjeth the three whonoured."
dwelloth down on the unbappy earth, fires of Nachicatus, when he knoweth 9. Yama said. "Because for three
whon ho hath entered the presonce of this threefold and so knowing heapeth nights thou hast dwelt in my house
tho Ageless immortals and knowoth, the fire of Nachicatus, he thrusteth fasting, O Brabmin, guest worthy of
yes, when he looketh very close at from him the cords of Death and roveredc0-0 Brahmin, salutation to
beauty and enjoyment and pleasure, leaving sorrow far tebind enterath thee, and to me peace and folioity,-thore
what delight can he take in over-long heaven rejoicing fore three boods do thou choose, for
19. This, Nachicatus, is the cach night a boon."
'29. That of which they debate, celestial fire which thou didst choose for 10. Nachicalus said. "Tranquillised
O Deuth, do thou tell me, even the truth
Denth second boon, and of this, fire the world in feeling, gracious and sereno be the
of that mighty Presago. Than this shall speak as thine. Choose yet a third Gautama, my father, let his sorrow for
boon entering into the secret of soorets boon, O Nachicatus." my sake pass away from him, let bim
no other chooseth Nacbicatus."
20. Na hicatus said "This that men know it is, 1, let bim greet me from thy
AUROBINDO GHOSE, debate about the spirit that has passed prasp, O Death, delivered. This is the
and some say" "he yet is" and others first boon of the three I chooso, O Yama."
"He is not", this I would know from thy THE MESSAGE OF THE EAST. 11. Tama said. "Even as before shall
teaching, the third boon of the boons is he know thee and believe, from me relea
this is, o Yama." nod, Auddalaky Arouny, thy father sweet
21. Yama said. "Even the gods de
In the relations between India and Eng. ly shall be sleep at night and his
land mince the beginning of the nineteenth bated this of old, for it is no easy riddle Horrow Pass away from him, having soen
century, two different and complementary and very subtle is the law of it. Choose thee rescued from the jaws of death, O
tendencies have been at work, the relative another boon, O Nachicatus; importune wignificance of which is noinotimes overlooked. Nachicatus."
me not, no, nor urge me. This, this There are the respective influencen exeroined 12. Nacbicatus raid. "In bearen abandun."
by the culture and civilisation of such country there is not any terror, in heaven,
upon the other. It is true that the AngliO Death, thou art not, the fear of old
22. Nachicatus said. "Even the godscination of the East has been sufficieutly age censeth ; crossing over hunger and
debated this of old, it seemeth, and thou obvious: the corresponding Indianisation of
thyself sayest it is no easy riddle. None the West is often overlooked. For death as over two rivers, leaving BOTCW
the first far tebind, the soul in
process manifenta upon the surface of things heaven
shall I find who can tell me of this as only
the other in more hidden waya rejoioeth. thou canst, nor is there any other boon
In the realm of the practical, empirical and • 13. Therefore that celestial
at all that is its equal." fire,
material life, India has been roused to a realiO Death, which thou studient, expound 23. Yama said. "Choose sons and to me, for I teliere. They who know grandsons that shall live each a hundred grandsons that shall live each a hundred highest thi
highest thing, she has carried too far her indif
ference to the concrete. Stung by
years, choone many cattle, choose Him are the people of heaven and
of her own impotence, who seeks to-day to their portion is immortality. This for elephants and gold and horas, ch 08
hold her own in officiency and in inanufactn re second toon I have chosen: " a mighty rench of enrth and thyself
Againnt the nations of the West. The impulse 14. Yama said. "Hearken to me live for as many year as thou listest.
towards this mastery of the concrete, tho O Nachicatus, I will expound to thee
24. This hoon if thou deemest equal critical and hintorical sense, and above all
the restatement of her own intuitions in the the celestial fire, for well do I know him to thy asking, choose then richos and
more exact terms of nodern science, are the He is the ponebbion of infpity and the termleus life, be king orer a mighty
things which India will owe to the West. foundation of existence in the secret country, 0 Nachicatus. !I give theo thy
The complementary lesson is the Mongo heart he is established, for such know him will lof all desirable things for thy of the East. The western nations, After O Nachigatus."
period of unparalleled success in the inventi.
gation of the concrete world, the 'conquest of 15. Of Fire, the world's eldest, 25. Yea, all things that are desirable
Dature, and the adaptation of mechanical contri. ho told him, what are the bricks to him and hard to win by mortals, all these
vances to the material ands of life, Alo Apponchand what their number, and the manner demand at tby pleasure. Lo, these ing in every department a certain critical period. of his building, and Nachicatus re- glorious women with chariots and with The far-reaching developments of cum hierinlum peated what he told. Then Death was bugles, their like is not to be won by are undermining their own stability. Onepleased and said to him yet farther ; U w nim yev barvoer; human beings, these I give thee, live tenth of the British population dies in the goal,
the workhouse or the lunatic mylut. The io.. 16. Yes, ho said to him, gratified with these for tby slavegirls. But of
Creaing contrast between extremos of wealth the mighty mind, the Great Ope;" Yet death question not, 0 Nachicatus."
and poverty, the unemployed and many other a farther boon today I give thee, for by . . 26. Nackicatus said. "Today man urgent probleme point the Minie moral. Exthy pamokball this fire be called. I enjoyeth these, O Death, and tomor
tremo development of . vulgarity and This rocklaco also tako,
reaction. In necklace of
selflances imply the necessary they are not, surely they turn to
science, the limit of possible investigation by many Agures. decropitude the glory of the sonnes.
physical means is in sight. The bain body of 17. B. that lighteth the three You, all life is but for a moment. Thine
scientifle men cannot much longer avoid the form of Naehicpit and waitath himself be these chariots, and thing the dancing Decemity for the investigation of super-physical