"slap the cube out, jamming on the romaons make for more prodt per ab
unk and doing all sorts of daabing per INDUSTRY.
than the large comresie." fortyneen that they would certainly never The article tirer «plaine in detail, - 0
Indulge is, if the machines were their how the big compaay uyatem tande to MR HAVEL'S VIEW
own property. In many co the whole make the motor cabman not only oneTus MORAL FACTOR 11 TE MACRINE
difference in running a motor-cab ata lone and idle workers, but deliberately It should be obvions to anyone who
Jon or profit lion in whether you tear dishoneat in their dealing with their mtadies carefully the facts I have given
your tyro by the abune of the brakes omployer. Like the power-loom Inctory that it is either stupendos folly or wicked
resulting from recklew driving. The wyatan his over-centralination of work best to wasta Abe inherited skill of the
writer goo on to show bow the big com- 1 is economically unsound bonese it de Indian village weaver by forcing him
panion, no far from getting choice moralioon the workers. No programe
a means of into power-loom factories
of the best drivers only got those that the possible, either in art or in industry, educating him in the science of modern
small proprietor do not desire to when the moral factor in ignored.
distincindustry. It is noual to draw
employ. The small proprietors earn Tbo wadeabi movement will stand or fall
and material" tion between the "mom
more thoninelves, and thos CAD Dol by ita succes me political manouvre pirngress of Indis, though the program
afford to pay their employees better nor by the increase it bringe de the URwhich is not moral is not real program
Wages than the big companies give. ber of joint-stock trading companies and 'The moral factor dominates even the
Their pinploy oca in their tara, knowing to the fatness of their dividende, but by machine
the establishment is worked on all its power to help in the moral uplifting An interesting illustration of this is ucale, handle tho machine with care in
of the Indian workmen. So far as I have being shown in the streets of London at place of abusing it, because they know
been ahlo to observe, it has hitherto doce the present moment, one which is very
that if it goes out of work they go out more towards putting money into the pertinent to the question of Indiso indus
of work alon. These cabren of the pocketa of middle clase shareholders by trial development, especially to the reanuall proprietors are thrifty, sober ten
the usual process of Wostern comiuer vival of the great hand-loom industry. whome object it is to save money until
cialion, than towards the promotion of The handsome cab ond other horse-drawn they have sufficient to become small
economic and moral efficiency on the vehicles are rapidly being supermodel in proprietors themsolven " Manufacturer
part of the Indian bandicraftainan. It in the streets of London by motor vehicles.
atate that there are no clients they trust true that the demand for Swadahi mabuIt might be supposed that here w a toore willingly than a catabman....
facture bu kept the village weaven tase in which the advantages of capitalThis development of the samll proprioter
buy for a time and seat many unemploy. ism and of the centralisation of industry and the honest cab driver with enter
od back to their looms. This is good, no would become clearly evident. With prise is one of considerable interest
farm it goes and a long w it lanta. But horse-drawn vehicle it is easy to underThey are likely to form clans that will
unless Swadahi reformen work hard to sland that the personal interest of the increase considerably. The pancial
teach the village weavors to organine driver and his kindness towards his future for the large cab companies in
themselves and to improve their mer. horses are most important economic facnot bright, for the capital sunk in
banical methods, bow long will the Indian tors which give the small proprietor an them is enormous and, in the rain,
band-craftaman be able to stand against advantago over the joint-stock company. every extra machine that is put on the
the "Swadeshi power-loom and large But when the automatic machine takes road does not so much bring in addition
handloom factories which are being multithe place of the living animal it might al receipts we tend to reduce the tak
plied day by day to help the middle clan Le imagined that these factors would be ingo of the other cabe of the company
Iudian capitalist to make larger profitar almot entirely eliminated, and that all on the road. Ono allows that iu regard
One haare much in the Indian Pron about iho mlvantages would be on the side of to repair work, motor-boune facilities
Swadeshi factories and joint-stock corn the owners of large capital and great and so forth, there are all the materials
panies, but very little of Indian handiuntralined organisations controlling and there is all the special accommoda
oraft which is a greator inunl factor than large number of motor vehicles. But so
tion that can be deirol But those all of these. far froun this being the case, it is the ere not the only essentials for Snancial
India will ceas to be India but will Meall proprietor, the owner of one or two
Sucose and the minall man in more or bot, in the long run gain a single rupeo of those motor vehicles who is gaining the
less of a make-shift tablo can for many by ignoring the moral factor in her indir advantage.
trial organisation. The modern indusAn interesting article in the Morning Just out!
Just out!
trial systein in /'ont explain the reason for this. The
Europe is in a great meaTHE
euro a temporary expediout based on the moral frotor rules even the motor cab. HINDU SYSTEM OF RELIGIOUS
transitional character or imperfection of "The future of the taximeter cab propo
modern scientific developnient. If India Lition in the Motropolis," wye the writer,
is to be pared in future generations frons "presenta very interesting problem.
Price Rs. 1-4-0.
the great social conflict which now thre. Doubtless the general impression is that
atene Europe, ber industrial tofunner only the very large cab companies will
lunt look to the future, and not I.
the taod chance of surviving. On first-hand
Extract from the Brok named KAN
prevent, of European progies. Iuvestigation of the facta, however, leads
should load and not follow. o'to precisely the opposita conclusion. KRISTINA, HIS LIFE AND RATINGA" by Prof. The profitable running of motor-cab can F. Maxmuller page 94.
Dr. «XOMARSWAMY'S VIEW. le achieved only by conscientiousnen on "The difference between Bhakti deve
The rewults of European commercial the part of the driver Aod by voluntary tion and Jnana knowledge is fully treat.
production by means of labour-ving attention to snu...ber of dotain such a ed by Babu Kishori lal Sarker in his internting lank &e"
machinery are seen in Increased produs cannot possibly be undertaken in any vat
De 11We chliedene of Hanover | tion; and I need toßt to the ou organisation where a cab is merely a cab (Germany)"Both the treation on the linux
talint and not less. Therefore under a well 4 that on the roma rnd Bhakta and a driver is merely a Dun, without, as
are very valuable hand-books for prac- the cotomercial system, in no longer it wors, individuality. For example, in .
tical students of Indian Philosophy and demand that regulater supply, but large cab company, if dan take holi- serve for its application to ordinary life
production that forcen & market and day his vehicle is naturally not kept Idle,
and to higher spiration.' BY THE BAMX AUTROR.
machinery ha anabled the enpital to 10 but is taken out by mother liter. Any. (HINDU SYSTEM OF MORAL SCIENCE this to the fullesto body who know anything of machinery Second edition (Price Hel.
The Hindu Ayaten of Self-culture.
wethod of it IETVALO I . tu wiil rendicat seo tutt for a vehicle tn
Price in l. creato want i Fr. lave : 44 le caven by two distint chivery is ruin. Selda! -
tuni! I
l tulikfil. On Again, how is usy wig company to
191. Cornwallis Nrect,
Inerc> PL Comercial production or clock the manner in which the Wivon
(alcutta, the Testera system Allutely frbuda