Aristorade Qubting
the result of a struggle in which sions of sympathy by EnglishstatorWhen we speculated that the India is deeply interested.
men, they, ignored by humanity, are Lords would be more likely to
fighting humanity's battlo in the amond the Budget and leave to THE TRANSYAAL INDIANS. pure strength of the spirit, with no their opponents the onus of throw. The visit of Mr Polak has ex- wonpon but the moral force of their ing the finances of the whole citod once more a closer interest in yoluntawy sufferings and utter selfcountry into confusion, we under the Transvaal question and nasocin- crifice. Mr. Polak has well said estimated the want of wit of which tions are being formed for the that the Indian nation is being built this highly vencrable but some agitation of the question. It will np in South Africa. The phrase is wont brinless house is cnpable. therefore be opportune to consider true in this sense that the supreme This want of wit has shown itself tho prctical aspect of the struggle example of the moral and spiri. in an anasonable and wholly in the Transvaal and the possibility tual strength which must be behind intilo cxoons of refined ennning. The of help from Indin. There can be the formation of the new nation, has House of Lords folt that its grent no two opinions outside South been shown first not in Indin but in weakness when its conduct went bo- Africa, and possibly Hare Street, South Africa. The presive resis. fore thu country for its verdict,would
as to the oral spocts of the tance which wo haul not the courage be the odium of its inconstitutional question; for it must be remembered
and unselfishness to carry out in atteinpt to interfere with the con
that the Indians in the Transvaal Indix, they have carried to the ut. trol of the finances by the poople. are not claming, any political mort in the Transvaal under for 'n mend the inconstitutional ap- rights, but nerely
Jy trentment ns treatment as
more anduous circumstance-,with fur prearince of their act, they have human beings first, and, next, equal- less right to hope for sucec. taken up this position, that they lity before the law. It is open to
Whether they win or lose in the have no right to amend but they the South Africans to exclude In- struggle, they have contributed for they have the right to reject the dinns altogether, but, once they
more than their share to the future Budget. It appears to be a right
Rre nimitter, they are morally greatness of their country. which they have sometimes been
bound to refrin froin a treatment. We must consider their chances wWise enough to claim, but never
of them which in an extreme and of success, and though we do not unwise enough to enforce. The
tinpardonnble outrage on homanity. wish to speak words of discouragearistocratic hairsplitter who dig.
To degrule any part of the human ment, it will not do to hide from covered this quibble, noems to have
rnce to the lerel of cattle is in the ourselves the enortnous difficulties forgotten that, however pleasing the
present stage of progress an insult in the way. For success, cither the distinction may be to his ingenuity,
nnd an offence to the whole of Government in England must in the inny of tho voters will not care
thankind. It would be cqually re- terfere and compel the Transvaal to one straw to examino fine distinct
prehensible to whatever mce the do right, or the Transvaal must be Lions which claim the whole nnd
humanity 80 degrnded belonged, stirred by whamu nnd by the interviselnim the part. They will nim
but the fact that there men are est of the poorer part of the Beer pl suy that the right of rejection
Indians, has made their enffer- community to reverse the Inws, or ineans the right of baffling the re
ings n national question to us and the Indian Governinent must interpresentatives of the people and part
A standing reproach to the British veno to protect it subject lysing finance. The other device of
people who, out of selfish fear of The first course is einthinkable. the Lords is to avoid the appearance
offonding their own kith and kin. It would mean a quartel with the of disputing the people's right by
allow this outrage to be committed newly conciliated Tranerul, thr putting the rejection in the form
on their own subjects whom they marring of the work of which tha of a referendum to the people, a pro- have doprived of all means of wolf Liberal Government in juntly proud, cedure which the British constitu
protection. The great glory of the and a resentment in South Afrien tion does not include in itself and
Transvaal Indians in that while men which the English ministry will not which is entirely new. Unfortui.
under such circumstances have al face for the sake of all India, much hately they have made too much
WAYS Bunk into the condition to less of a handful of Indian coolie noise about the woes of the Dukes
which they have been condemned and shopkerpers. The pourer and Mr. Balfour hoe mndo the
And needed others to help them Boers will be only inconvenienced, lamnging mission that it is only
ont of the mire, these sons of not seriously hurt by the extinethe liquor and the land launch to
Bharntavarsha, inheritors of an tion of the Indian shopkemper, anil. which he objects so that it is too late
unexamplert moral and spiritual in any cases, thoy are not chann to pretend that it is anxioty for the
tradition have vindicated the who are wont to not politically liberties of the people and not soli
superiority of the Indian people The 'Trannval Government is not citude for their own pockets and the
anilite civilisation to all likely yield to any henne of shoote. pockets of their allied the publicane
other people in the globe and all The Boerer stark toetubborn that has dictated their action. The
other civilisations by the spirit into the death, and the grit thr indecent crowding of Lords who
which they have refueed to reengni e showed in the face of the British never before attended a single sit
the dominance of bruto force over Empire, they aro also likely to be ing, to reject the Budget wns, also
the human soul. Stripped of all in this very minor trouble. Nir a tactical error. On the whole the
MOANA of resistance & helpless are they likely to have for u! action of the House of Lords has greatly helped Mr. Asquith and we
handful in a foreign land, muided ten the action of the Indians who inay await with some confidenou by Indin, put off with empty profes- rewarded the comparative Ioniche USB CHATTERJI BROS RAZOR AND SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS TRR BEST & RELIABLE IN THE MARKET