WORKS. No. 1, Kogal Kuria, simla P. O.,
IMITATION Aswa gandha Wine
hall forth with publish their names in (9) When the counting of votes han INDIAN CHEMICAL nucli manner as the Local Government been comploted, the Returning Officer p ribe.
whall fortlıwith declare the candidate to (3) uch date and at much times an whon the Inrgent number of votes bas the 'Lawal (woment may appoint in been given to the lected.
1.-half, the cloctor'desiro o f (10) Where an equality of votes is cording their voter whall attend for the found to exist between auy nodidates I'M at the office of the Returning and the addition of vote will entire any
of the candidates to be declared elected, NU (1) The Returning Officer shall there the determination of the upon to whom prin deliver to ach clortor
CALCUTTA. voting Hurh one additional vote shall be deemed in Form II annexed to this web to len given whall be munde by Int lul, in which thall be entered the the dawn in the presence of the Ref the candidates
turning Officer and in ruch manner as he (5) The elector will then wign the un determine. Reclaration on the back of the paper in (11) pon the completion of the counthe prominee of the Returning Officer in ting and after the result has been deneconvince with the instruction on the clarel lry him, the Returning Officer real Fare thereof; and the Returning Officer up the voting papers and all other docuhall Attrat his rignature in the manner menth wating to the election, and whull ieel by the sume inanitions. retain the witmo for a period of six months, (6) The plector shell then pred to and therrafter nuse them to be destroy.
Wellknown invigorating tonic of Actrend from observation which l. unle other wine directed by an order shall be provided by the Returning of comptent authority.
body and mind. It had been recog. Cofficer and shall there word his vote on 9. The Returning Officer ball without nised in the best tonic alterative the ting er in w orlance with the delay report the result of the clortion to in Nervous lebility Exhansion, LOS instruction thereon and shall deliver it the Local Government, and the name of
of Memmory. Brniung Dimniers of to the Returning offeet: the vanililate elected shall be published in
sight, Confusion of Idens, loss of (7) Neglect on the part of clertor the local official Ciazette. to comply with any of the instruction 16. The Lord Government whall p
vigour, Nervous herulnche, palpitaWall tender the vote invalil. point, and slnll notify in such manner Ax
tion of heart, Mental prostration, (1) Onroeiving the voting pers, it think lit, much ante, and, if neuenry General sleeploxeness etc.-te oz. Le Retorning Officer will examine them much time and place it any think uit phial Ro. 1 Dozen Rs. 11. Found t o whether they live lieen cul rectly while for much of the following roceedings
Rs. 3-8 filled
Daniely:-- (!) The Returning Officer shall en. (e)the lection of delegates inder rule 4:
"rejected" on any voting r (b) the attestation of bomination pH ! ich he may reject, and mark "discard. under rule 5: ul" against any vote which he may di (.) the shutiny of nomination c an the ground that it does not allowner nulei; with the instructions on the voting (l) the attestation of voting
A potent remely for habitual cas mvler rule:7; and
tipation congh gout rheumatinin (8) The Returning Officer wbull then () the empting of votes under rule ..
(to le Comil.)
worms,biliousness and piles. fold the lower portin of every
The pel,
best nervinc tonic administered in whether valid or invalid, along thu lotte lite on the back as to copen the name of
convnlascent state. 4 oz. phial Re. 1. Just out!
Just out! the elector, and shall nonl down the poor
Dozen Rs. 11. Rs. 3-8 Per poun. tarthus foldled with his official mul.
HINDU SYSTEM OF RELIGIOUS (1) The Returning Officer wall at fend for the purpose of counting the
SCIENCE AND ART. votne on such date and at much time and
An ideal combinntion of Iodisert. palume may be appointed by the lanal
Prir Rs. 1-4-0.
Sarsaparilla with gold. The best (invernment in thin Delni,
remedy for all sorts of venerial pois () Every candidate may be prurent KINORI LAL SARKAR MAI..
and mercurial taint in the blood 1 person, or may send a representative Ext.ut from the Book named RAX duly Authorised by him in writing to KEISSA, IHIN LIFE AND MAYIS" by Prof.
07. phial Rx. 1-12. Duxen Rs. 20. watch the procent of counting. 17. Milvuller 9L.
Pound Rs, C-S. (0) The Returning Officer shall blow i The difference Letween Bhakti cleve thie vening papers wenlod #4 provided by tinand
J o wledge is fully tient. stih-rule ( 3 ) to the candilates or their wil by Lulu Kilori Lal Naiker in his
litering lumik " representatives
Dr. Hubbles Schliedene of Hanover (7) If an objection is made to any (Cel mani th the treatise on the w
#4 well as that on the l and en Wing per to vote on the ground that
nie very valuable cloen for at it do that comply with the instruction trend w cente of Indi l'hi und the votin paper or to the rejection lay ve forIt ionta dinary life
end to higher apimtis the loturning Officer of voting per,
HY THIK NAMK AUTHOR. or thy dinding by him of any vote, it HINDI SYSTEM OF MORAL NCIENCE It is used sucessfully in Acility whall bo decided at once by the Return
Second eclition (Price Rs. 1.
Indigestion and diarrhoen. Very coning Oficer who decision shall be final,
Price Rs 1. Nubject to revernally the Local Govern
venient for Mofussil inhabitants
To lie hnid - mont in the event of the election Loing
3 oz. phial As. 8. Dozen Rs. 3-4. questioned under Regulation XVI.
121, Cornwallis Street,
Completo catalouge sent froe on (8) In such case the Roturning Officer
application. wball rècord on the voting jumper the pinture of the objection and his decision
. N. BASU fleone,
Essence of drakstu