. Polded that we coulinet whall (0) The elector absl then proceed to a
found to exist between way candidates
found to exist between any place screened from our nation which
place nereened from Hulile uue than we domination
pad the ouervation which and the addition of's vom Lentitleme
hall be provided by the returning otheer, paper.
of the candidates to be declare lected And whull there record his vote on the
hall be pre ( 4 ) Nomination
the determination of the permatom Tafate the .
voting paper in accordance with the macb one additional Tote wall be demnast vented for atte
inatrhctions thereon and whall the delito have been given whall be made by lot late and at the time appointed by the ver it to the returning officer.
to be drawn in the Tral internment in this befall and
presence of the (1) Neglect on the part of the elector turning officer and in such banner at br when attesting by the #urling officer
him without delay shall be delated
may determine. tu rumply with any of there inutructions liy rugi tetep to the returning officer.
(11) Upon the completinn of the amtsball render the vote invalid. (:) N atin Mp which are not
(1) On receiving the voting Impering and after the result is been derhana Inn by the mining officer before
by hit the returning officer shall seal op the returning officer shall examine them the date and time printed for the to wo whether they have been correctly
the voting papers and all other dutinanti tity of laination papers shall be wret. tillel op
relating to the election, and whall retain (2) The returning officer wball endorse
the wine for a period of six inonth, ani (1) On the date and at the timp "rejerted" on any voting paper which ho
thereafter came them to be destroyed, p ut by the Local Government for may reject and mark "dincarded "nguinet
the otherwise directed by an order of the rutiny of nation paper
competent authority. Any vote which may discard on the
and conde andidata and hip
9. The returning officer shall without ground that it does not comply with the
delay report the result of the election to instructions on the voting paper. may attew at the place appantel, and
to the returning officer hall allow them
(3) 'The returning officer whall then
the Local Clovertiment, and the name of
the candidate elected whall be publisbet foll the lower portion of every paper, ruine the ention or of all
in the Ircal official Gazette. whether valid or invalid, alone the dott. didate whitli have been received by him
10. "The Loul Government hall apell line ith the lack 10 A to conceal the A4 Aforemail (5) The turning officer all entoine
point and lill notify in such time of the clertor, and whall real down
LU 4*
in it thinks fit, uuel date if weecey, the fortion thus folded with his official the main pur, nad ty, ther of his uw muwa, upale objection Meul.
surh time and place as it wisy think me, rjevt any nomination pou the te (1) The returning oflicer null attend
suitable for each of the following provedl ground that it does not comply with the for the pure of munting the votes on
ing lamely :-- poison of rule 3 wub rule (3). and him suele date anil at much time and places in
(a) the selection of celegates under rule lection shall be, endorsed in such may be appointed by the Lowal Govern
(b) the attestation of nowination papers pt and shall be final, subject to rever ment in this hehull.
under role: al by the local serument in the event
(5) Every candidate may be present
() the writiny of urination papers of the election being que-tioned under in premon, or Hy wend iepresentative
under rule 6; Regulatiou XVI. duly authoried by him in writing, to
(d) the attulation . voting paper i. (1) If any division the candidato watch the power of counting
under rule 7; and only in duly tumutul, the returning
(6) The returning officer wall whow
() the counting of votes onder roles officer whall furthwith declare much allthe voting per winted in provided by
HY THE DISTRICT BOARDN. clate to be elected. wub-rule (3) to the candidates or their
1. (1) .Attesting utter" means une (2) If snute candidates than one are representatives
oftver all the laual (ivverument way, liv duly nominated, the returning officer
(7) If an objection is made to any
otitiation in the Lucil wirial inzette, bull furth with publish their names in Voting paper or vote on the groud that
appoint to perform all or any of the duties chitet as the Lwal Covernment it does not comply with the instructions
of the attesting officer ner tieru rules on the voting paper or to the rejetion
and include any officer deputed for the
time being by the testing officer 3 woch date and at much time w hy the turning officer of voting paper
hy the turning officer of voting paper form his duties, ind the lealuvernurnt may it in this or the cliending by him of any vote.it
(9) "Returning ottirer" entracbtitt wulf. the eleta doiroux of recording Whall be cleride at one by the returning
as the luxul Ciovernmenty, by wtitle ettirer whose lerision shall be final, Mubtheir wutes shall attend for the purpose at
tion in the loeulofteil Gazette, app ject to everal by the lawal (hvernment
! the office of the returning officer.
perform all or any of the duties of the The returning offer all there in the rent of the election being ques
Returning Officer under these rules and wwn deliver to such elector #votingtione mer Regulation XVI.
includes any ulticer deputed for tlett ... 111annved to this
to this (I ch per in Form
the returning officer i ng by the Returning Officer to perform betule, in which shall be entered the shall hard the roting the his duties. names of the candidate inture of the objection and his decisi
Of the ci biber irritied in Her
lation 11. uh-heul (it). thereon. (5) The elector shall then wign the
() oue whall le lected by the District de laration on the back of the air in
(9) Wben the counting of votes has
Branim of rail of the following five din the propose of the returning officer in een pletel, the returning thier
Non namely, the Premidleney, Burdwan. eurdance with the instructions the wall forth with deere the entwlidate to
Pat, Tirutiind Bhagalpur Divisivi fare thereof, and the returning officer wbom the largest number of votes
and shall attent his signature in the manner Leen given to be elected
(boue whall be elected alternately by the prehribed by the same instruction
(10) Where all muality of votes in District Beard of the clot Naim and
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