regard for this civilization. But he down in goud; furtif it wore trade it wyud and hearts and, liberalinud thoir Nado Bus not stop to make use the ground of Le.. . . . . it made them, retful and hateatbl. This road this preference pe lut1 But all this is nothing to the put pome. I at force with the ru l in amity
ver it may wallet. Ile Nintento Prof. Haldar, I have mid already, does with the most of the port the it his with varie rennlities? onil n o p to makb clear the grounds of his belped them to harmonine thyrarelves I hope he will prvom me for saying it pri c e for Wontern civiuntion. We with the grens marob of. pliendihana in
he went to telling nuder I , therefore, rent maliafied with such this woring CORTO of our Bightly np retain infusion and l inen hinta of preference be has given w: wmugly, I ain of opinborr that Western yht.
. . and we find then hinta in no sentence: civilization has been judged by these Thule MAVR: "Western Civilration call civilization which has producent standarin and luas been found wanting. had en nuy thing like what Prof. Shakespeare and Milton, Wordsworth and I think tlust Western civitation, Pay Paueri prints it tir le mondelor Coleridge, Shelley And Byron...... Kant drawjng our attention the much to thn Are waarned the world and low in and Hegel Darwin and Spencer, Carlyle things of the earth, blinda m to the the w ar.". Are we then to under And Emanun, and the Nat might be in- apfrit' and taloon off the finer and kroner All that material perity and deinitely prolonged, hal, The Inten, nebge of AIR I think further Jaminame in the world are the best
barbar ' is, well what shall Ryt AR that Western civilization, with its test of civilizatiea! W know inimel a matter of fact, he enda by mying: evi. exaggerated emphasis on the that this is my fallacy but we dently any irreverence has neandalized needs and pleasgree of the individual, hul every wo to lipe that Prof. him too much. Tut, while penitent for tends to make mon , onld, and sel. Haldar wwuld like above this name and Me ahork I have given him, MHRY Rah; Aod, though it may make for
p tion of civilization, as Ruskin that Prol. Haldar' inode of pwedere material prosperity in the fort in tance, is never tired of telling ni, in primarily is rather enrious He call together the it is bound ultimately to end 'n red ruin thing of the lent; it maken men rinil, name of the lat ADR of Europe and and utter dowlution. No civilization which humah. kindls, and generon. No doubt Ainei'n, claims then ne the products of how made ite basis on material contour it issues in ratom of outer condhet And Winter civilization, and then triumphan. Birl material prosperity has ever been life but to take it a wynonymouth with uy anks - a civilization which d en allo to witntand the tout time 19terial propperity--to take it an rom Shakespeare and Milton, de, low Egypt, Babylon, and Romne what moral priad in milli aud'netorin, in the mail. can it be called hald, barren, barbaroun, do they point! Anxl the Atory of way and the steanwhip, or in the endlesete? It is dfficult to expose the scrumulated their fall -- with what lennot in it frauglitt outer appertenanses of modern life, is fallacies underlying such propostinni as Who knows who can prophecy, that the utterly Nomins it meaning and signifie- But thin. I munt Awer by mying that civilization which has Patte Londe, ou Ance Ideny the validity of Mr. Haklar's stand
New York for a holy places of pilgriAgain Prof. Fall way: "A nation and criticism, and I deny the soundness
ninge is not destined to a run Mutter that dyer not respost other nations does of bin mode of applying that standard. irratrievalle as that? not, in reality, respnet itrelf." The wenti- no. In other words, I deny that the worth But let us proceed to our second conment sound very beautiful and reads like of civilization is to be judged ly the tention. Prof. Haldar clip that * Copybook maxin. But it is much an very best products of that civilimtion hakespeare, Milton Kant, Hegal, utvim truix. ! and when trottel out and what is more important I deny Spinoza, Emc non, all are'the fruits wit with all the racle of a general truth, it that Shakespeare, Milton Kant and Wowtern civilization. I do not onder APP ro lollow ud fintpenningLet us Spinoza are the fruits of Western civili.
are the fruite of Western civili- stand on what principle he hax funipel take recrete MK.' The English xation in the generally necepted wenno all these mot together. WUR: Are #wolf-rempting natin--O Prof. of that word.
Shakespeare in common with Milton! Hildar wuld readily admit But do 'The first of these points may be
Wordsworth with Byron AndBhelky! they just dow with respect for other briefly dismissed. How in the civiliza
(toethe with Tennyson and Browning fun national Nut even the bollent championtion of a country to be jndged? Is it
either of these with Kapt, and Hugul of Anglicas civilizatiop will have the to be judged by the greatert men of
And what curious chance must it br lundi hool to go so far'ns that. that country rare and gifted unul, men
which brings togetbert Darwin nil Elsewhere Mr. Haklar says: "No who are more for the universe than
Carlyle ? or Spencer and Euron Thi wham eserindutin (iod's work." Again for any particular country and race,
were all born in Europe and Amerie : we fuel tempted to exclaim how like a tuen who ly the very splendour of
but is that Ruficient to clare thein M . www.look maxim it reads: What an their genius are not to be taken in
prochact Western Hvilization ? 1). obvim truirin it in! and wlust pro- typical of their country and me but
you find in Europe and Anierig of the found fallacy it conceal! Even Carlyle, are to be regarded as beings afar and
prenent day that universal hunsa syr from whom Prof. Haklar burnuwa hix Alt-ris it to be judged by the lifo pathy, that wide-eyed search for truth rink, would say tham can ulti. and climacter of the generality of men And beanty, that joy and delight in the
etila endute in the world: but what pre- living in that wantry? Evidently the Dounty of heaven, which brenche vents it from flouri bing like a groen buy latter wald, be the more preferable
through the plays of Shakespeareor tree for laryn lengths of days and yearsilsstandard. To rófer again to the remark that anstere and unbending purity and vot the world onerunteit Wuk with ubame of of Runkin quoted abovo-civilization
nobility of thought which leads adult very van alle Antiquity--fossil remains in that which maken men civil, which majesty to the grand org4n-uric of Mil. of age worn ans, and obxolescent be chantena and subdue their libarta. Ita
ton? Where again in Western world liefst and how ban the benom vf reforma pogoney therefore in to the jndged by
of the 20th century, do yo find any tre te bewer outplayhid tunnin pweeping
11 in weeping
the width no loan than by the depth
the width no less than by the depth of that God intoxication, which filled to them awnym rging the world from of its influence. Whethór Western vorfowing the pion s o Spinoral or theit.
c ling contagion Become a Sortait civilization is good or bad therefore that lofty and passionate onception of type of viivation las existed for a certain will depend, upon the answer to this morality which thunders througla the length other we to conclude that further question what is to offect npon categorical imperative of Kant ? Givethe. it munt urlirat. , formooth. po the generality of men living according Carlyle, Eruerwun, Kant, Spinoza Aro 15 shami bradu cidus workit/ Obvious. I to itu cunoDS? Ha itindo tbeth gentlo none eluter the products offspring ly on thy logie of str. Linidar, wincerer d human ? Had it, refined their
l e r os rechers of the mirey-loving
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