Vol. I.
19th ASHA DH 1316
No. III.
OPINION AND COMMENTS. to shut out humanity, but that we mal philosophical aspect of Nationalism
get that individual strength, unity and but with the policy of the mo.
wholeness which will help us to live ment. Our position is that NationThe bigboot syathesis.
as a nation for humanity. A man alism is our faith, our Dharma, and In the Bengalee's issue of the 29th must be strong and free in himself its rcalisation the duty which lies June there is a very interesting article before he can live usefully for others, before the country at the present on Nationalism and Expediency, which so musta nation. But that does moment. If so, it is a thing which seems to us to call for some comment. not justify us in forgetting the ultimate must be done and from which we
The object of the article is to modify or aim of evolution. God in the nation cannot turn merely because the water the strong wine of Nationalism becomes the realisation of the first 'forces are against us. If we rely on by a dash of expediency. Nationalism moment to us because the nation is an analysis of forces, what is it we is a faith, the writer admits; he even the chosen means or condition through arrive at? It was only yesterday that. goes much further than we are pre- which we rise to the higher synthesis, there was a series of articles in the pared to go and claims for Nation- God in humanity, God in all creatures, Bengalce which sought to establish the alison that it is the highest of all God in Himself and ourself.
proposition that the Hindus on whom Wntheses. This is a conclusion we are
the burden of the inovement has fallen not prepared to accept ; it is, we know,
are a doomed and perishing race. The Faith and sadlysis. the highest which European thought
writer arrived at that conclusion by has arrived at so far as that thought Because Nationalism, is the highest patient and exhaustive analysis. has expressed itself in the actual life synthesis, it is more than a mere faith, I What else does analysis show us? and ideals of the average European.
says the Bengale, it embodies an analysis, l It shows us one of the most powerful
however unconscious or even inadequate, Governments in the world determined arrive at a higher synthesis, the synthe- of the actual forces and conditions of
not to part with its absolute control sis of humanity; and Socialism and life. We do not quite understand our
and aided for the present by a large philosophical Anarchism, the Anarchisin contemporary's philosophy. An uncon
part of one of the chick comın unities of Tolstoi and Spencer, have even scious analysis is a contradiction in
in India. On the other side a peuple envisaged the application of the higher terms. There may be a vague and unequipped, unorganized, without means intellectual synthesis to life. In India illexpressed weighing of things in the
or resources, divided within itself. we do not recognize the nation as the rough, but that is not analysis. a considerablc portion of it inert, and highest synthesis to which we can rise. Analysis is in its nature a deliberate even in the educated class a part of There is a higher synth quis, humanity : intellectual process; the other is merely. it unsympathetic, afraid, insisting on beyond that there is still higher a perception of things separately or caution and prudence. Shall we then
ynthesis, this living, suffering, aspiring together but without analysis. And turn from our work ? Shall we deny world of creatures, the synthesis of analysis is not inconsistent with faith, God? Rationality. demands that we Buddhism ; there is a highest of all, but must accompany it unless the faith should. And it we do not, it is the synthesis of God, and that is the is merely superstition. Every faith is to simply because it would be to deny Hindu synthesis, the synthesis of a certain extent rational, it has its own God, because we have mere' faith, Vedanta. With us to-day Nationalism analysis and synthesis by which it seeks because we believe that God is within is our immediate practical faith and to establish itself intellectually : 90 has us, a spiritual force strong enough to gospel not because it is the highest Nationalism. What the Bengalee means overcome all physical obstacles, weak. posible synthesis, but because it must is apparently that our faith ought not is apparently that our faith ought rint
nesses, disabilities that God is in the be realised in life if we are to have the to exceed our observation; in other movement, that lle is its leader anil chance of realising the others. We words, we ought to caloulate the guides it, that we belong to the must live as a nation before we can live forces for and against us and if the world and the future and are not a in humanity. It is for this reason that favourable forces a weak and the spent and dying force. This faith we Nationalist thinkers have always urged unfavourable strong, we ought to hold because we understand the the necessity of realising bur separate move with caution and hesitation processes by which He work, and can ness from other nations and living to. Now that is a very different question therefore sce golin evil, Tight in the ourselves for the present, not in order which has nothing to do with the darkness, a preparatios hits jctory in