Repeat has been received from BetLane (jan) of inch which Tuesday night last, ing ridetable damage to mikl vigs from Kalikota to Madras Owing telegraphar interruption the exact extent of damage and loss of life cannot
acertar L. It is however reported that many hours have been blown arta Berlampur and that two inpatients of the Julelee Hospital have the partial will w of the building. The Hailway for havached at Kalikota and passengers and unls are being tran slappet The has been no train wer the ince the day before yesterday be tween Kalikota and Pulase
that the same stringent measures were lopted in other Rappert Statos to vate by the Viceroy Mr. B. P Base and puty were obliged to cancel furthe arrangements for visiting other shrine and leave Jupon for Agus that
The latest news regarding the Patiala se lition use is that Mr. Rushant Barnister appeared before the Special Trib anal on the 29th and stated that although fifteen days had elapsed from the date of the arrests, yet Mr. Warburton Inspetor-General of Police has not sent in the papers of the case nor released Chiranjial, admitted to tail by the Special Tribunal on the 18th. Mr. Rushanlal, therefore petitioned to His Highness the Maharaja stating all the facts His Highness sent the petition to the Special Tribunal as on the 29th he did not at tend Court. Twenty stays have elapsed since the arrests were made, still the ac ensed and their counsel are in the dark regards the nature of the complaint.
la view of the Viceroy's visit to JaiTe stringent measures have been adoptthe State regarding Bengali t Even respetable shrines at Jupe and Amen are not allowed en Time int without being subjected to most serutinising poli thes, Mr P. P Bose proprietor of the Caletta veranlar weekly. "Ban
with our other members of staff of the Telegraph" and the Bonga" had to undergo simular search He was He was not given shelter even fa Bengali State official not hot wa J allowed to rent a house for staying only 60 for a night He was distinctly told that he could only stay there under pedice sunveillance ontside the city in ne of the huts where all Bengalie had stay. Eventually however through the Lindness of the European Station-Mas ter of Jaipur he was allowed stay in the waiting room till the Aera mail came farming over from reliable sour
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Wellknown invigorating tonic of body and mind. It had been recognised as the best tonic alterative in Nervous debility Exhausion, Los of Memory. Brainfag Dimness of sight, Confusion of Ideas, loss of vigour, Nervous headache, palpitation of heart, Mental prostration, Genen sleeplessness etc. phil Re 1 Dozen Rs. 11. Pound
Rs. 3 S
In the first place the internal eal situation in Turkey is so much th reverse of all I all we are accustomed to. England that one feels instinctively
IMITATION of it. The is filmtal.
and is maintaining Liberal institutions The comutry is rastly reactionary and throw the Parliament if
Essence of draksha
A potent remedy for habitual cas tipation cough gout rheumatism worms bilionsness and piles. The best nervine tonic administered in convalaseent state. 4oz pal Re. 1. Dozen Rs. 11. Rs. 3-8 Per pound.
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It is used sucessfully in Acidity ligestion and diarrhoen. Very convenient for Mofussil inhabitants. 3 oz. phial As. 8. Dozen Rs. 5-4. Complete catalouge sent free on application
The Balkan correspondent of the "Nation" writes:- To an English misse -at least to the mind of an Englishman Trought up in the okl Whig di.. trast of great armies- one of the disquieting features in the Turki h catlok is militari-nr.
could. When the despot does overthrow the Chamber it is the army that rashes to the assistance of the latter. not the commonality.
ition intes
When we come to consider the natter more closely, we find that the July rev lution was caused by army officers whe were ashamed of the weak condition inte which the armed forces of the Empire had fallen under the Aesolutist regime They said, "ly the other day we we at the gates of Vienna and all termbled before as To-day we are thing. Let as abolish the systems whah has lenght or glorions aus L. Let n establish a Parliment in order that our army may be organised and that Europe may again have to take s int account."
A far as I col see the military lend ers of the Committer went no further than this, unless incidentally. All then reforms all their new-found telerauer, originated in their regard for Turkey' military strength. In July last they fraternised with the Greek and Bulgar ian brigands in Macedonia because these brigands might help them in the march on Constantinople which Young Turks then thought unavoidable. Ahmed Riza Bey and some of the civilians had brer views than this but they di not and d not count. It was the ul tary leulers who made the revolution of July and of April al who are maintaining the Constitution. Anl though the military chiefs act but never speak or write, they are the only good statvann and politicinus in Turkey The civilians suake endless bluuders. Their journalistic controversies did much to bring about the April reaction But save, perhaps, wheu threatened to
march on Athens- Shefket Pasha has
invariably done the right thing.
The army therefore, has all the brainall the power and all the discretion. And as its one great object is to improve itself, to increase its size and its efi
whole arm
ciency, it has progressed enormously in every direction since July 1908. True the April wantiny lost it a v corps but the misfortune only gave it an opportunity to show its power. for the rapidity with which Mahmud Mukhtar Pasha got together a new army corps and licked the recruits into shape before the end of July was ve remarkable