A novel holy, with the power in policy entered largely into the nniver Maharashtra and Rajputanah it to effect a great object never sl support given by Punjab Hindus vided it with a basin. It was neces Te-fore accomplished, the effective to the new body and its great initial wary because the mouse of their uninn of all shades of Hindt opinion ucces. Mortificntion at the snccess domination by the Mahomeda from the lux Anglicines Agnostie, of Mathornedans in securing Anglo
eement was foul to India's futun Him in nothing but birth anel Indian nympathy and fuvour and
and had to be punished' and Cypreethow to the interne enil narrow the exclusion of Hindus from those
Lindus from those ed by the resurgence and doini. worship of the institution of Wissful privileges figured Inrgely in nation of the Hindu. And because Haglunandan? Or is it merrily an the pech of Sir Prutul Chandra it was possible and nocoury, it
fetul ninpiration, like the old Chatterji who was haile 19 the came into being. But under mm. Congr. mapable of creating a
tural leader of Panjab Hinduisendern conditions India con le neral sympathy and one of They are not gooi omens. I: is exist as a whole. A nation depends sim, but not of practical p er not ly rivalry for Anglo-Indian for its existence in gengraphien anul effective organisation. The facut, it is not by quarrelling for spriateness and geographical com are only two things strong cong the leaves and finhcu of British pactners, on having a distinct and tot Hinduism. atpiritual administration that Hinduism can separate country. The existence et impulse baron Velanta, the rise into an united and effective thiy geographical separationens
Sentul mense of an the force. If the Hindu Subhi takes sure in the end to bear down all t ener and militarinn character its anchor on these pretty nspirations differences of race, language, reliof institutions, the Indy weals of ur, if it found any part of its
the whole or if it found any part of its gion, history. It has done so in ther from it, and stoungth o political emulation with Great Britain, in Switzerland, in
nition of the Krunt minion the Mahomelann, it will be impi Ciermany. It will do wo in India e mighty future of the Hind ble for the Nationalist puty to join But geographical compactness in inal ideas discipline and in a movement which would other- also necessary. In other words, .! the Indian race or a wise have their full sympathy and the deale or country must her political impule string enough eger support.
comulct that mutual columunicatonte limus together for the Lala Lajpat Rai struck n higher tion and the organisation of a con porrvation and suivancement of note that of Hindu nationalism Antral government becomes enny or,
herruumiinity. The limu Il cessary preliminary to a greater at least, not prohibitively difficult. Sabhat could not have come into Indian Nationality. We distrust The absence of such competness being but for the grant national this ideal. Not that we are blind in the reason why grent Empire Internt which wakened the ufacts, not that we do not recog ire sure in the end to fill to pieces national spirit, the HODs of past nize Hindu-Mathomolan rivalry is they cannot get the support of that
natness, the divination of a legncy of the put enhanced and immortal and indestructible nutionmighty future transforming the not duninished by British Ascend al self which can slone ensure whole spirit and chararter of the aney, a thing that his to be faced permanence. This difficulty stands
cated community. But we fear and worked out cither by inutual in the way of British Imperial that in its immediate inception concession or by it struggle between Federation and is no great that any and work it leans for its hope of nationalism and supratim. But temporary strucNs of that procions M USS on lower and less power. we do not understand Hindu nation s piration will surely result in the ful notive-ravalry with Mahe ali i posibility ander modern speedly disruption of the Empire melan pretens in n desire to conditions. llinumtionalisme haul Indition, there must be an unit put the same time of an a meaning in the time of Shivaji ing force strong enough to take nnit Hinduisen ngainst the and Run, when the object of vantage of the geographical com intensity of a Mabomun
s e r tiomul revival was to overthrow peteng and separateness, --either tion supported by thical Morning Mathomedan clomination which # wise and skilfully organised and Anglo-Iwlinn Ever. Alarm once tenuing to Lucian unity and government with persistent trudi and rentment at the lawr Maho- toleration, had become oppressivetion of beneficence, impartiality
bun p ey underlying the Refort and disruptive. It was posible and oneness with the nation, or else Scheme and listinfiction with the | because India was then a world to a living national on insisting Body shottinnists for their itself and the existence of two keo-l on ito separate inviolability suicidal support of the Government graphical units entirely Hindu, and self-roalisation. The secret of obqooppouocarboCMOPON OUDOUDODOVODOPADOOOOOOOOOOODIDODO Dobodnogo
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