everity with which the agitation spectacles on their hazardous ex- but the Mahomedans are a dying would bu visited if, instood of the
peditions, dacoits who mik English race, -- ven if the Hindus be in some inimplaced leniency of British 90 us to give a clue to their identity, places a little moro rapid in the bureaucrats, we were exposed to dacoits who turn up at a railway race for extinction than the followthe ruthlessness of an inigenous station wearing gold watches, bare ors of Islain. With all respect to gonernment. As every indian footed and stained with nud, the carnontnogn of these tw kwws, these self-gratulations are dacoits who curry in their
Incoits who curry in their pockets. gentlemen we think it woull sincere and meaningless. The bloodcurdling oaths neatly written have beun well if they had been majority of Native Status Are wholly out for the police to rend in cause lens stronuous in their discourage
der the thumb of the Resident they are mught, are creatures of ing interpretations and cheeen und with the exception of one or No novel and eccentric character . len positive title. The real
wo independent princes like the that they must have vither come truth is that, owing to an in metse Guckwar, neither Maharaja nor out of a furcical mpera or escape transition being offected under Cancil of Administration can call from the retrest lunatic sylum.peularly unfavourable conditions, their souls their own. On all this The later account modify some of both communities, but chiefly the
y the commotion in Patinin. the more startling features of the more progressive Hindu, are in The Patian conspirncy has yet to first, but until the story for the cr hienl Lage in which various
proved to be more real than the prosecution is laid before the Courts, deepeated manding have come to Mampur specimen. But, if all is thoroughly known and thoroughly the surface, with Deets of an true that is being asserted in the tested, seational hout lines and inevitable thungh Inmentable char Tanjab press as to the refusal of graphic details are apt to mislead. Acter. None of these talles the most ordinary previleges of Placo and Patriotism.
mortal and the roue is not dying Defence to the numerous nocneed 1 The clevation of Mr. Krishna- But the knife of the surgeon ... thranizing and successful ywamy Aiyar w the Bench roue is needed and in to the remedy 1. liance of High Court orders by short time nyo wis the occasion for rather than the ding nusis that
. Warburton, the [wlice are not some comments from the Moderate attention wheuld be printedly ung the best way to convince Pruns highly culogistic of the man directed. The mere decline in the the public opinion on this point. and the choice. Mr. Aiyar was a rate of increase in in itself nothing. The facts stated amount to a grosu successful lawyer and a capable man It is a phenomenon which one to and shameless denial of justice. We and we huve no doubt his elevation soce becoming more anille
u tot blame the young Muharajn was justified. But the curious habit marked all the world over and it A his inability to interfere in favour of ultra-Modernte politicians gravi. is only countries backward an der
the "ppressed victims of police tuting to the Bench is a survival of loproent and cluentin which keep val. We know how belpless the those idyllic times when a judgeship up the old mate of increase. The pinces are in the face of an Anglo or a soat in the Legislative Council unfit toud to multiply, the little Indian Resident or employoa aud we was the natural gunl of the political limited in propagation. This is at S isendit the newspaper aver londer who rose by opposing tho abnormal state of things which
on that these strange proceedings Governinent. This harmony between indicates something wrong in b. initiated or are willingly place and patriotisin, opposition and on civilisation. But, whatur
intenanced by him. It was first preferent wis natural to those times the inally is it is not peculiar ... test that is usual !--the police for whosu return the lovers of the Hindu or to India, but wohl har full evidence and information in praceful past sigh in vain. Mr. wile dichisc. their hands. The present delny Krishnaswamy Aiyar belonged to The Death of Senor Ferrer. and sufferings entailed prove the old school and his fin consum The extraordinary commotion in srufticrently that they had nothing mation is natural and laudable. Europe over the ration of the of the kind--Again, as tual. The But our object in writing is not so onthusinst and list. Peute : Ernted Arya Samajists may be in. much to praise Mr. Aiyar as to sug- judicial murder comel by (out tent or guilty, but the procedure gout to the Government that, if they Martial.hu revealed i t in 1. Against them would be tolera- would similarly promote Sir Phero Europy with which ulosmen und 4.dia no country where law and shub Mehta, they would be reward Governinents will have very soon to quity were suprel e.
ing a 'oyal champion and at the same deil on pain of extinction. We The Daulatpur Dacolty.
time conferring a boon on the coun- have to sympathy with the philoThe extraordinary story fruin
try. Farther, if only done in sophy or practice of Anarchistn,holl. Daulatpur of a dacuity lwy young time, it might silve the Convention ing, nu we do, that the Anarchist vien of good family, sons of Governfrom going to C
philosophy is some millenium Intit servants, is the strangest that The Dying Race.
ahead of the present possible evolu has yet been handled by the detec- Dr. U N Mukherji recently tion of humanity and the Anarchist tive ability of a very active police- published a very intersting broch- practice sotue millenniums behind,
rative, if not successful, we are ure in which he tried to prove that But Senor Francisco Ferrer wilt lv afraid, in cases of this kind than the linus were a dying race and rueru Anarchist. lle was a man those in which the dacoite tre of would do well to imitate the wcial high enthusiasis and ideas, a less interesting character. The freedom and equality of the still in- gaged, at great scrifice ind, details as first published read more crewing Mahoinedans. Srijut Kimuri turns out, risk to himself, in ne like a somewhat gruesome cornic lal Sarvar has gone one better and the Spanish mind boy cat opor, than anything clse. Dacoits proved to us by cynally cogent from the filters of that b el who wear gold watches and gold statistics that not only the Hindus Clericalism which has ren thu