fill the role of mere critics as the wdmitted to a participation in the responsibilities of Government, our poli.
s will advance from the sentimental to the responsible stage, and the preci eus interest, at present felt in it by young men, will tend to disappear.
But because is impossible to provent ladian students from taking an interest in politics before their time, therefore it does not follow, that they should be left to pick up their political ideas, where and how they can. On the contrary, I stongly hold, that a crying need of the present situation is the provision Colleges, of facilities for the efficient training sense of our young men. The
prosent policy of treating politics, an-1 specially currnet politics, as dangeroas, and in some respects, even a forbidden abject has only resulted in depriving students of that guidance to which they are entitled at the hands of their teachers. in forming sound views on in forming Rut on important questions To leave them thus to their own devices, amidst the perplexities of difficult situation, is to neglect a plain daty towards them at a critical perio. in their lives, and the consequences of this neglect have been and are bound to be, serious, and far reaching. I was glad to see this view urged, the other day, in a latter to the press, by the Rev. Mr. Andrews of Delhi, than whom there is No better friend of Indian students and In liau aspirations in the country. The kistorical and economic questions," says Mr. Andrews "which lie at the base of at least three-fourths of the politics of wedern Indian students should be dealt DEERHUGARDAquaggo0000 THE CALCUTTA HOMEOPATHIC
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with wisely and sympathetically by those, who are teaching history and economica, and sound option thus be built up within the colleges themselven Different teachinga will no doubt take different views of the same questions, but it is not so nuch the views urged on the attention of the students as to the proper cultivatio of their political sense, and the habit of careful and comprehensive thinking in regard to political problems, that must be the chief object monght, and will constitut constitute the real gait.. The very fact ha: our stu lents can not help taking an interest in polities before their time, goes to emphasize the great need that exists for their efficient political education. 1 think, our students, especially college students, should enjoy every possible facility for an jairio knowledge of political matters, and forming sound views in regard to them. They should be encouraged to discuss such matters freely in the college; and publicists whose opinions are entitled to weight, should, from time to time, be in rited to take part in the discussions They should be at liberty to attend puli he lectures and addresses on on political subjects, and they may even attend political meetings with advantage provid ed, they are there only as spectatars But when it comes to active participation in what is called political agitation, I think we must draw line. Political agitation, directed towards the people, Berks to educate and organize public feeling and public opinion in political matters. Directed towards the Govern ment it sucks to bring the pressure of
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that feeling or opinion to bear upon the authorities for the purpose of accur ing the changes that are desired. lu either case it is most iceponsible action, and students, with their immature judg ments are not qualified to take part in it The active participation students in political agitation really tends to lower the dignity and the responsible chareter of publie life, and impair its true effectiveness. It also fills the students
themselves with unhealthy excitemicut after evoking in them a bitter p partizan spirit, which cannot fail to interfere with their intellectual and moral growth. The period of four or five years which munt Janu young men pond at coll ge is all t short a time for the work which properly belongs to it, namely, preparation in knowledge and character for the rewponsibilities of life. Surely it is not too much to ask our students to exertine a little patiesen and self restraint during this period and defer responsible action in politien till after they have ea pleted their studies, and taken their place in the public life of the country. I venture to think, that a stage has deen reached in our affairs, when
is necessary for us to face resolutely our responsibilities in this matter.] Every one knows that during the lat few years a new school of political thought has risen in the conntry and that it has exercised a powerful facsination over the minds of young men, more or lew, all parts of India. A considerable part of what it as preached could not but find read acceptance on every hand. That love of country should be the ruling principle of cur lives that we should rejoice in making sacri
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