ch) Virumal Begra), Manager of the Assistant Superintendent of Polion, Bok
isud Printing Prow, Sakkor, at which kur, to lodge the above coroplainant. It was printed and from which it vu
(Sd.) 1. G. OMANEAT published.
D. & P. Sukker.
PANDIT Buo Dutt's Case ANOURNED. (c) Chetumallarima, l'ublisher, from
Camp Sukkur.
At the Calcutta Police Court not long home shop copies of the book were sold. 10th Sept 1909.
ago, Pandit Khoj Butt Sharins obtained a That the mid bonk contains malter, William Bernard Manley having
rule from Mr. Swinhoe on the detective the writing, printing and publication of taken the nath son of Samuel William
Nuperintendent at whose instance an order which is calculated to excite feelings of Manley ayod 24 Christian, Assistantt Su.
WAN ingved rentraining the Pandit from of disaffertion, hatred or contempt towards perintendent of Police Nukkur atr,
holding any merling and taking any part be Governtuent, putablished by law in
I have inquired into the facts which
in any incetink to ahuw cause why the W ish Ladis and in paninhable under constitute the implaint fill in this
esparte under pwd against himn should tin 194 A of the Indian Penal de Court and find that the search warmnts
not be cancelled. The rule was liaud fr strety are annexed, which illustrate applied for are necessary for the pur
hearing before Mr. Swinbre on Frilay be wolitioun tone of the book, which pie of further enqniry into the Cam. Bot, at the Pandit haul mind the nail jurticularly insint ou alien character of
(Sd.) R. B. MINK,
train at Agra, he would not be prument in the Giovernment and ita indifference to
& D. M., Shikarpur, court, and on Mr. Home, who appareil the welfare of the people 24 9-09.
to show c he, insisting that the matter That the said Gordbanlal Kalchand, I. William Bernard Manlev, having
might be heard and the witnesses whoul author, Viruinal Bagraj, printer, and (he taken the oth son of Sanuel William Levantined in the l'andit's provence, the tumal Hariram, publisher, are therefore Manley aged 23 Christian, Arrietant
matter tras adjournel. all guilty of the offence of nedition Superintendent of Polier, Suhkur tater, letinel in section 184A Penal Code
The almore complaint has been ral A MARARAJATUH WIT. That this information is lowed by aver to me and is correct. I have ratified The Horretary of the Poona Hraneh order of His Excellency the Governor of myself that the bank mentioned cuntains the per l a Minion writen Boruly in Council (original order Atta- the patruet quoted, and has been publish the Panjabee that II, II, the Maharajah bed) and that the undersigned has been
ed by the persone therein mentionel Saheh Ciackund hos lieen plenul to give deputedly the District Superintendent
(Sd) WILLIAM BERNARD donationof RA 1, to the Institution in l'alice, Sukkur, to carry out the order.
MASLAY.Pern for the purposes of founding annul Wherufure the undersigned prays that (S.) R R MILNE
price and scholarships in the name of lix be court in the exercise of its owurs S.D. M.
Highness. The Mahniajah Nahe has ter wection 130 of the Cr. l'ru. Culo
also lieen plertsud to oriler from Marudla will take cognizance of the offence of di
Being Antinfiel that there in ufficient five gold in bars with His Highner tion ueder 184 A. I. P. C. connitted in a
ground for proceeling and that the proper face, three of which are to be presenter super stated by the aforesaid Gordio- whetion has been obtained I order that to the Chambhaa girl why kirlandel in Klcband, Virumal Begraj and Chetum procesa lie innued under sertion 904 and and two to the Mahar girls who water Harirsmu sud dual with them neording non-hailable warrants he r for the the "arti" to Thin light on the
arront of the person complained against. rasion of the prize distribution In Sul (Sd.) W. B. MANLEY.
(sd.) . B. MILNE. day. The mors are tu le preserved by Awistall Superintendent of Pater,
Subdivisional, Shikturpur. the girls nouvenirs
Sukkur. 24-9-09. Sukkur.
Bengalue. Srut. 4. 1909.
An eye witness writes to the Bengale.
THE PARTITION DAY 1. Government order to tilu informu
SIR, -- Yesterday, just after the rulega INLIGE NOTIFICATION,
hours when we were returning home, Kun.
The Cidentti hertte publishes the follow. II. Translated extract of the luk.
caucht night of three four contables III. Declaration by Virtual Begraj ing notification over the signature of
huddling together war the erung under the Printing Preses Act. Mr. F. Hallday Certutuiwer of
Ambw Street al Mirzapesttel ORDER Police Caleutta; -
When we uwe uitle, WU W ty
In exercise of the p er conferred by Cuder stivu 196 of the Code of
were worridewly bunting
de I'wal Prwuduru, 1898, Louglas (ranie section 62 of the (kleutta 'olien Act
The Piliconen Muid not ururi 1163 (Ilen. Art IV 1905) and action humaney, District Superintendent of
They were rocklesly nlapprog the pow 39 of the (Wheuttu Sulurlan Pie Aet Pulice, Sukkur, is hereby ordered by HIN
fellow that when we rules forul, Excellency the Governor in Council 1966 (Ben. Act 11 of 1866) And with the
w4 even fult the vuglance of their pun waption of the lautenant- vermer, either personaliy or by such officer o he
Whea thu sbbler Was lelle, Wer the miscoter of Police, talrutta, way deputy for this purpure, nake cou.
quind what it was in him that make planut against Virumal Begraj, Chetumal larly makes the filing rule
alunyol the anatable. The man web
Na member of Away of p Harirain and C hantal Kalchand, the
* Babu, I did but I was mending wall carry any lathe. of the oil prutor, pullinhor, and author or linn
whose sitting on the footh." Watu
ud treet slawr, 1 expectively of
live weapon, ON MIN publie Sindhi-Arabe
e back to the rouen wink thain hook cutitled "Swadeshi Hall (hayu thamugh fare hint or landing plan
wby did they u rruelly beat that it
cobblet fur antence like that. They or in any other plare of public result Muhlia Watan Shri Tilak Raja" (ie.
unhoitatingly replied "We are revans Swadeshi movement of the opinions of on the 16th (Alolar 19.
uf t arkat (luvertunt) au wedi The patriotic Shrijut Tilak audrinted at
not to give uut us what we have de
woulu" the award 'ru, Sukkur much can
Frut the hy.tanders, we lo pinint to be made under section 124A
that wunatallo order them to
the fortfath which would not wanted the Indian Penal Code and any other
his work in hand we finished the Wition of the said Code as may be found
anye to lotity Nucle ligh-laude pplicable to the car
of the Police ? By order of His Excellency the Govor. uwmake FOOTBALLS.
His Haghoro thu Raja of Nalului that an ouncil. Agents wanted everywhere
petrol of the law Enti (N ) Secretory to Government.
anh contributo R %. Wads
Lista free on application. JUDICIAL DEPARTMENT.
fund. The Raja of Xahu aad 12. la.. SEN & SEN
l'onch have all the pain l'oves
their uulncryptioun a luuuntiup t il 1. anth Sept. 1900.
1, Chowringhee CALCUTTA. 100 each. I bereby order William Bernard Manlay,