sritual taking precedence of the
whole country will be within wight. What was the seoret of that of natural beauty, find
On the 16th conise
of October, in the gantic intellectuality,spirituality and
People's Proclamation, the first Hilelity to the deeper Vision within
superhuman inoral force which of the
see pulosting in the Ramayana and lover of art it demands
condition of an United India was the power to
Mahabharata, in the ancient philonsthe spirit in
created. things, the openness of mind to
There is yet another unity which
phy, in the supremne poetry, art, is is yet only dimly symbolised in sculpture and architecture of Iudini tolkwit developing truulition, and the mattwe
Whist wis at the basis of the ini lity, discharged
the ceremony of the Rakhi, A unity
which cannot come into being comparable public works and en out prejudgment, which opens lumi.
until perfect coinrudeship in aspi- kineering achievements, the opulent HOUNTY to the micret intention of the picture and in patient to wait
mation, in trurgle, in mutlering whall and exquisite industries, the great
have won ernted throughout the triumph of science, scholarship, until it atting i parfect and proind divination.
the length and brendlth of the land, jurisprudence, logic, metaphysics, the UNION DAY.
the unity in national comrade unique social structure? What sud
ship of the children of one mighty The 10th of October is generally
ported the heroism and self-abandon Mother, whatever their class or
ver their class or inent of the Kshatriya, the Sikh and known as the Partition Day, and it
cotidition - Indian fraternity bared the Rajput, the unconquerable patieninevitable that, so long as the
on India: liberty and Indinn al vitality and endurance ? What we w inistrative division stand, this equality.
it that stood behind that civiliss frature should be emphasised. Es.
THE BRAIN OF INDIA. tion second to none in the massivepecinlly now that the Reforinthra
ness of its outlines or the perfection Ion to make the division in our l
of its details? Without a great Ininistrative les manent and
A new centre of thought implies ournful significance ntfaches new centre of education. The
and unique discipline involving
perfect education of soul and inind, to the celebration this year. It systein how prevailing in our univeris possible
a result so immense and persistent that, before the day sities is one which ignore's the paycon
would have been in possible. It would ndngnin, the fatal complai- chology of man, lends the mind or and wenkness of rules and laboriously with numerous little
be an error to look for the secret of pale tuny have effected the divi- packets of information carefully tied Aryan success in the details of the etween East and West Bengal with red tape, and, by the methods instruction giveu in the old Asrama used in this leading process, daina
and universities, so far h the hand of Lord ('ruzan
as they Attemptuel in
have come down to us. We must vain. The Reform e s er atrophise the faculties and in the thin und of the wedge, struments by which man assimila
know what was the principle and tes, creates and grows in the rulers know how to trust to
bris on which the details were time and national cowardic and inanhood and energy. The new
founded. We shall find the secret National Education weeknimmensely
of their success in a profound knowInertin to do the rest. But if we to plurge the field of knowledge
ledge of huinnn psychology and its * overcome the temptation 14 we VWne the intimidation, the 16th to which the student is introduced,
Hubtle application to the methods October will take its place And, in so far as it Inys
of intelluctual training and instruc
tres on 100ng the national festivals of the com festivals of the experiment and observation, em
tion. Putere under the time of Union Day. ploye the natural and easy instru- At the basis of the old Aryan "The unity of Bengal was almost ment of the vernacular and encour- system was the all-important prin
do when Lord Curzu Mtruck nges the play of thonght on the ciple of Bruhmacharya. The first his blow, but there were defects little subjects of study, hrn corrected the
песеннity for the building uр оf ѕ urs which might undur ontoward habit of spoiling the instruniente
gront intellectual superstructure is remitancen develop into great of knowledge by the 11e of false nie
to provide foundation strong and increuing cracks, Tarl Cirzon's thus. But many of the vicious
emiugh to bear it. Those systems blow devined in a spirit of Machiavel methods and idene employed by the
u uduentin which start from an in statsmanship. but lelivered old system are faithfully cherished by
suthct knowledge wiinan, int of instante stunnlike hante the new, and the dominntion of the
think they have provided a natin .tul fury, in tow of politting sun
Council by men wedded to the old tractory foundation when they have de liderul Bengali unity into lities is likely to have an unfavour
wpplied the student with a large perfict whole. Being one and able effect on the integrity of the
or well-selected mnse of information vible fume inte existence on system in its luost progressive fer
on the various subjects which conthe 16th of October. The in:litures. Another vital defect of the
pri tle Lust part of human cnl. Visibility is to be entirnew elucation is that it has increas
ture at the time. The school give .by withstanding the curt ed the nount of informntion the
the materials, it is for the studer. subtlu pre of the noformed student is required to borb
to use them, this is the formula, nels, but even if for tno
without strength.ng the body and But the error here is foundamental went there is bukluding the brain sufficiently to grupple with
Information cannot be the ng hall the future and in the increased mass of intellectual
foundation of intelligence, it can het het Bengali e and
toil, and it shares with the old sys: in lisible tom the defect of ignoring the puy
only be part of the material out of The inity of India w e slowly
chology of the race. The mere in which the knower builds knowledge, by the pressure from above
clusion of the matter of Indian the starting point, the nucleus of the era of lection in the
fresh discovery and enlarged crerthought and culture in the field of ... It is only by that rutia
knowledge does not make a syntem tion. An education that continus KIVITA birth incl u s
itself to imparting knowledge is the of luention Indian, and the insIpant towards on
tinction given in the Bengal Ni- education. The various faculties r on rent on its
tional College is an improved Euro- of memory, judgnient, imagination, W hen that the dream of an
peun nysten, tot Indian or national perception, reasoning, which build 1 cube match
Another error which has to be avoid the edifice of thought and knowI'he pletion of the People's
vel and to which care minceledge for the knower, must not only Irelmation on the 16th With the
ir liable, in thu renetinnry idea be equipped with their fit and refusios litterince of such
that, in order to be national, educa- sufficient tools and materials, but .d ocrney, il vet imperfect and
tion must reproduce the fenturer trained to bring frusb materials incheiate but aware of its separatu
of the old tol system of Bengal. It and use more skilfully those of istence and cutincious of its poten
is not cighteenth century India, which they are in possession. And til strength. That democracy is
the India which by it moral and the foundation of the structure they nnw
intellectual deficiencie gave itself live th Bengal and Maha
have to build, can only be the prorashtra, it is sugaling to get ris
into tho keeping of foreigners, that vision of a fund of furce and energy tenee in Punjab and Mulr:
we have to revive, but the spirit, sufficient to bear the demands of
And i i slighter extent, in the other
ideals and methuis of the ancient continually growing activity of the provinces. When it is fully awake
and mightier India in A yet more memory. judgment and creative
effective forn and with a moure no all opur India, the emty of the
power. Where is that energy to dern organisation.
I be found ?