11 Emprego A YOUNG LOWET CONGRESA: umal that be held on hilable 404 dolock home latter from the si
ne bundred and wanty Egyptian Mat of arrest.frnw.the Subdivisional D. M.. Robri roquing him to attend delovat, Neo ROUM Apambers of the Magistrate Bhikorpur-Sukkur and the Collaborate where the paperi lukon House of Commons, Inoldog Xr. Kok Another for the March of this pro away would lie worted. Hardie, Mr. G. N. Burnos und Mr. T. M. to discover borklowe op pamphlets or The other accumd Bhai Chetumal wa Ketth, the Irish Nationalist attended purporting to the the translation also ordered to be released on bail by Mr. the Young Erypt Congress at Geneva of Tilak's Swarlobi writing made Boyd on his furnishing surety for Mohamed Farid Boy, the leader of the by Chatural proprietor, Swadeshi shop nituilar suin. Egyptian National Party declared that Bukkur. Mr. Virumal allowed the foreb the people of Egypt would never ask to be made and pointed to them tho Giat Britain for Constitution. They bonks that were needed. Mr. Shillidy
BOMBAY PRARTHANA SOMAJ. would ask the Khedive for it, and they FA at the prnu till 4p. X., be removed JUSTICE CHNDAVARKAR'S would soon oltain it Mohamed all the per under sal it was latend.
LECTURE Alaidy read paper in Engllabed to met the papers afterwarde All
"DAXKNESS OR DAWN" nerting that it w Rot England's bumi. kinds of letters and papers have been ne to put down Anarchy in Ekypt any waken wway though not covered by the
In connection with the forty sernd warrant. Mr. Virumal's family how
annivormry of the local vore than in Mexico or Poland.
Prarthana A telegram was despatched from Con- Was sinultaneously narobed under war.
Bunaj Juntivo Chaudavarkar Int oveuing
delivered an address on the gran remiuding the Commons of Great rant by Mr. (Hillapio Police Inspector.
Darknem The house wbere Chetumaal lived and
or Dewa" Lefore Britain's reiterated promise to evacuato
crowded audience.
The lecturer is wurse of the addres Egypt. A menago w also sont to Hil- the Swadeshi shop he ovaned were soreli Pasba Grand Vizler of the Ottoman
gave an interesting account of thote ed. Both were arrested and taken
tablishment of Brahma Sanaj iu Bengal Empire bogging him to un bla influence to the Collectorate where the accused
and the Prathana Samaj in Bombay with Great Britain to secure the with and Mr. Manley A. & P. ronisinert
with political acciations with national drawal of the latter's troope from Egypt. for some time. Thence the necuand were
ity for their watch wonl Ho aid they Mr. Kettlo amured the gathering of produced before Mr. Milne, Sub-divisional Ireland's sympathy with this Egyptiane Maglatrava Shikarpur, who remanded the
were not only where they had been in their present en England, he ad
forty years back but perhaps they had secured and died the trial for 1st October. ded, bad outatayed the welcome ia Egypt.
gone even furthur backward and th Mr. Parmanand, Public Prosecutor Ap. nKeir Hardie promised to defend
wigos of the times were such as to peared for the Crows and the secured Mgypt's cause in the House of .commons
make one feel duwpondent about the Mr. Virumal w representa by M . future of his country. Lord Morley Bhojning and Murlidber, pleaders. An
gave them reforme and first sign ly A MEETING AT CAIRO. application for ball made to the Bub- which they were followed in the con An orderly demonstration attended by
try was that the Mahomedans catne kergral thousands of persons was beld at rejected; but no bo very kindly granted forward and wld they must bare neper. im. As a result of the gathering, true copies of the papers immediately the
Ato representation Controversies ensued tolograru www despatcbed to Mr. Asquith application wuronewed before the See
with the result that Hindu Sabbas protertiug against the British occupation slon Judge, Mr. Boyd. He issued noties
were established and now they had or of the country and doularing that the to the Crown pleader and the District
ganisations which op tho one hand Egsplaps rolled upon the engagementa Magistrate and solemn oaths of the late Queen's
The application wu bend by the Bes.
professed to protect the interests of the sions Judge Mr. Boyd in court, where
Hindus while the other party Government. To guia our friendship is
tho the Crown w represented by Mr.
Mahomodan the meage stated, more preferable to
Anunciations professed to English honour than to lose our hearts Parmanand, Publie Prosecutur, aasiated
protect the interests of the Mahoma und support A Lelogram was also mento by the complainant Mr. Manley, Asal
dans True Hindus and Mahomedans ant Hilmi l'aube
Superintendent of Police, The
had in a way heon divided 35 or 40 Application for ball was opposed by the
years ago but tbe separation lied not SEDITION CASE IN SIND. Publio Prosecutor onder instructions liocu polpted as it now had become
from the District Mygiarate. Mumont And bere they had All of a sudden, Ms. Bbillidy, Bab
sectariatum of facta in the application that in this and dimension in dittional Magistrate Kubri, accompanied
the most pointed by Mr Hirotand, Bab-Inspector and 3
particular c , Mr. Virumal acted with form. The question auxgested to their
mither than other police ne the District Magintrat
ww whether it was darkum or whether arrived at the
A Rainst the (tovarnisent was not wrongly it w Edward Promo Bukkur owned by Mr.
dawn. It was not to the Mhe. contooted. The Court was overcrowded medaus alone that this separation WA4 Virunal Hegray on the biorning of Fri. and tbo Boosione Judge ordered Mr.
Judgenleredar Dunlined. But if they went to the day about 10 AM. The Bab-Ins
Verumal to be released on buil and fur. niah. surety of Ra 10,000 with lond
Findus they would find that they hul pector Mr. Hiranand Informed Mr. Vir
Leen divided in the house. Every en munity and every caste had now own to the front aud wid they must als have separate repreacutation. He ale
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