yearning towards truly national succeer. Their instinct for form was has yet imagined posible and it is future. The Indian spirit has not yet
greater than ours, our instinct for colour when she has found the soundt of ox conquered the whole field of our politics was superior. Our future art must
pressing herself in these various setiin actuality, but it in there victoriously solve the problem of expressing the soul
vities that her industrial and social in sentiment: the rest is matter of in the object, the great Indian sim, while
life will become strong and expansive. time, and overything which is now achieving the triumphant combination
Nationalisin has been hitherto happeuing in pilities, in helping to offect form and colour. No Indian
largely a rerolt against the tondency prepare for it true and potent expres has a strong an instinct for formas
to shape ourselre into the mould of siin. The fat i now salired. the Bengali. In addition to the
Europe'; but it inust also loon its Religion and politics, the two momt innnte Vedantism of all Indian races he guard against any tendency to eling effective and vital expressions of the has an all-powerful impulse towards to every detail that has beon Iudian. nation's well having been nationalized, delicacy, grace and strength. and it is that has not been the spirit of Hinduism torrent will follow in tur lire three qualities to which the new school
in the past, there is no reason why it The preds of our religious and political of art has instinctively turned in its nu plitical of art has instinctively turned in its should be in the future. In all life
there are three elements, the fixed and it i these needs which will restruct model in the scanty relies of old Indian
permanent spirit, the developing yet our wociety, recreate and remaid uur art, it was only natural that it should
constant soul and the brittle changeable
body. The spirit we cannt change, a new and victoriotin art, lit. race are there triumphant. But 'Japan
we can only becnire or lose; the soul erature, ucirner and philosophy which
has not the secret of expressing the soul ha
must not be ráshly meddled with, must will be not European but Indian. . in the object, it has not the sim. And
neither be tortured into a shape alien The impule in already working in i the Bengali spirit means more than the
bit, nor obstructed in its free exHugali art and literatur. The need nion of delicacy, grace and strength;
pansion; and the budy must be used carlf-expression Birth national spirit it has the lyrical mystie impulse ; it has
as a meany, not over berished as a thing in politics Muldenly bright back the passion for clerity and concreteness,
valuable for its own sake. We will Ingali literatuur: t its ential and and as in our literature, so in our art
sacrifice no ancient form to an untrenal well, and it was in mir runt venue these tendencies emerging--an
reisning 1.16 of chan:, weill keep untional song that this will realisation emotion of suty, nameless sweetness
none which the national spirit desires caine. The lyric and the lyrical spirit and spirituality pervading the clear line
to replace by one that is will better the spirit of simple live and poignant and foin. Here too it is the free spirit
and truer expression of the undying sul expression, deep, imale, traient of the nation beginning to emancipate
of the nation. forward emotion of 1 frank. it-ell from the foreign limitations and axalted enthusiason, the dominant nute shackles. of love and "Bhakti" of mingled No department of our life can escape MAN-SLATE OR FREE? Mrtone and trength, the potent this great regenerating and reovnstructintellect dominated ly the illumina ing free. There is not the slightest to heart, mystical exaltation of doubt that our society will have to The exclusivo pursuist of Ygs by Paling and spiritual insight expressing undergo a reconstruction which may
men who seelude themselves either iself with a plain a reas and amunt to rev.lution, but it will not be physically or mentally frm the contact pretioality. this is the soul of Bengal. f Europeanisation as the average re of the world has led to an erreitis All our literature in ursler to be why Corner Windly hopes, but for greater view of this sience * y mehung alve must start frm this ne and wil mere perfeot realisation of the Dyrtie farvand unreal. The wider Whatever variations it may indulge s p irit in society. Not individus! hich has been oliserted with ward' to in, never lune touch with it. In fi n eltishness and mutually conduiding Yogio practives, - necessary secrecy in again the national spirit in, struocle but love and the binding of the former stages of human evolutionwaking to watinly it in art in an into a single inseperable life has stereotyped this error. Practices for the first time with the th i ng impulue. It ought to followed by men who form secret circles declior of the Mchulo a new wel l itself in the past by the bond of and confine the instruction in the of national art is relping itell. H in the fint family, by the bond of mysteries strictly to those who have a the whol of which Alanindruth oral communisen in the village system., certain perparatury fitness, inevitably l'agire in the founder and master. It is the wind birli and a corporate bear the stamp to the outside world of
till thubled by the foreign thach i pol honour in the te. It becultism. In reality there is nothing Wintie influenor fnm which its manter X seek a mare perfeet and spiritual intrinsically hidden, occult or mystic started and lon mething of n otician in the future. In commerce also ahout Youa. Yoga is based upon certain appearance, put the develment and img 3% We follow the European laws of human paychology, certain welfetnancipation of the national wiri t and kirpein model, the indivi. kuowledge shout the power of the mind in mn this tempurry dimination can dinle mpetitive welfishness, the bond over the body and the inner spirit over already be watched and followed. There more infest in the joint stock the mind which are not generally
mpany that worst and most realised and have hitherto been consi***prians itsell. The attempt to oprensi
merito delopment of operative dered by those in the secret too momon
Ospitalin, the giant tipus like Treist in form and limit she thing of that
tous in their consequences for disclosure which is formlesy and illimitable, is the
ant Syndients, we shall nerer stered in until men should be trained to use them
renilding healthy industrial life. attempt of Indian art. The Geeks It is not then honds which can weld
aright. Just as a set of men who had siming at aller and inire est
discovered and tested the Indians together. Indis moves to a
uttermost. siele ond, abiered a more
possibilities of meamerisun and hypnotism perfect der er and greater life than the world might hesitate to divulgo thom freely to