. LEADERS' Puntos no CRIBED.
Mr. Deshapande, lat Claw Magistrate Now and again and crop up in our Rautor, telegraphing froin Shanghai, Mahad, (Bombny Proaldoney) inueda Potior Cinta
Polier Curta of old offenders who have Raton that Taotal has l ed a prou notice, under Section 42 of the Nistrict already suffered in the aggregaty many zion to the merchants exhorting them to 1 Police Act prohibiting anong other years of impringment Again appearing abstain from the boycott of Dritinh TA- things the cries and Jayajavatnrar of the on charges Rometimes serious and er at Kiukiang : Alm franh atringent nénies of gentlemen like Mewar's Tilak
sometimes wight. Anil nince one instructions have been telegraphed from Peranjape, Lajpatrai, Palaod others. of the current theoring of penology Peking to the high officials along the He has also prohibited the exhibition and is that the confirmed offender whould be Yangtre, insisting that they must end the distribution of their phone and topped
removed froin further chances of mischief The Chinese domand the disthe cries of Shivaji and Paude Matram he is given a long term of imprisonnent, missal of the Police Innretur Mears And nongo ant Approved by hins at prib
Aninetimes for trifling offences. The terriwho is alleged to have kille (hinatnan
lic placor Three plant of Mr. Tilak Isle injustice that this mometimes entails
were reized by the Police before the at Kiukiang.
of the above notification at Gajar.
ie seen in case reported from Brakelan
hy naine, sixty years of age and with twe It has been decided to provide Upper Particulare of companies working in
previous convictions against him WRA Sind with a Governmont agricultural
charged with traveling on the F. B. S. R. India but registered in D:gland for the farm at Sukkur, central place for Agricul.
for the alleged purpose of committing month of July whown that the frouli ixturl work in that part of the province.
thoft. Under unual circumstances he Rule of capital for that month amounted Irrigation will be provided by pumping to 6432,000 and of debenturen to
would have received a further rentence wator direct froin the river Indus £1000, 000.
of some severity. But fortunately for The Chleutta Electric
him the occupant of the bench that day Supply Corporation issued nominal capi. PROTOARD FEDERATION HALI. - tal to the extent of $400.000; the
WAR Mr. N. L Ragechi, Deputy MaginThe Tribune in its leading article hoarti- Rukni and Chargols Ten Companies
trate, who found that Khettry was in ly approron of the proposed Feleration were started with capital of 67, 000 re
Postcasion of ticket and that there was Hall in Calcutta but suggest upon the spectively and the Bombay British Boer no scrap or tittle of evidence against him. Bengal leaders the desirability of mulking Rrewing Co. was capitalised at $15,000 The Police, as usual with an eye to their the Hall a Valhalla of our national worth The Oriental Telephone Co. innued do percentage of convictions to arrests, asked ies instead of confining to Bengal celo bentures for 650,000 to be applied to
for a remnand to jail for further enquiries, brition. Of course" it says “Bengal Bengal Telephone Co. And the Bengal but the Magistrate had some common celebrition will naturally
sense and a little backbone in him. He loom much Iron and Steel Co. alio inxuod 650,000.
declined to commit to jail, and, further Larger than those of other provinces : for the Hall will proclaim & adorated Bengal NO HELP FROM ZXXINDARA
ho indignantly declared that the police
The landowners of Bengal as a rule are in spite of partition. But why not make
had not given the Acuad chance to it a natural Valhalla." It also suggests
not on uventerprising class nor in agricul. earn an honent livelihood. He had been that buste of that great and rightovun
turo one of their strong points. Assistance Arrested for no reson. In a further eve Viceroy Lord Ripon and steadfast friends is not to be expected from them and any
that day Mr. Bagchi had ooctaion to like Hume, Wedderburn, Cotton may be improvement will have to come from the
criticise the police and he told them placed in the Hall. intelligent and go-a-heall classes and not
roundly he would write empecially to the from the Zemindars who have shown
Inspector-General about the matter. POLITICAL PROSECUTIONS.. themselvon singularly indifferent to any
Sealdah is to be congratulated upon
Healdah in ta On the 25th September under A DOD- improvement of their opportunities in the
possessing a Magistrato like Mr. Bageli Lailablo warrant the police arrested past and a far as we we will continue to and we trust the higher authorities will hlachand, son of Pandit maintain that attitude. It was the Rajab
strongly support him in his efforts to reTopandas Sharms under Section 124A, of Naldanga who excitol Prof. Wallacea form the police of that area and to preI. P. C.. (Bodition) and seized in his admiration when he saw him whoe his own
vent thoni harrying ox-convicts back to house a quantity of papers and some hories but much Rajabs are rare. The
prison before they have hardly been pictures
Rajah of Tikari can and does we believe t h out of jail. The Prisoners' Aid 80
repair hin own motor cars having gone ciety, which bus powerful backing from SKYXRAL ARRESTS YOR EDITION AT through a course in a large Paris motor
the High Court bench, should also have SLTEUR Brm but we do not hear of any one
Bolaething to say about the matter. For A Sukkur telegram says that sonrch else of the sort. The Bengal Tenancy
if precedent goes for anything Mr. Bare warrants and un bailable warrants have Act is more in their line and the Awful
chi is about to have a bard fight with his been inced against Virunal, oditor of effects of the latest decision of the High
police and any amistance be gets will be the Sindhi local vernacular paper and Court on suits by co-barer-"1. D.
welcome. (bitumal, proprietor, Bwadeshi Store, Now."
Indian daily netta. Sukkur. Also that lail has been tofusrd hy tho Magistrato and appepl for ELECTION OF CONVENTION PRESIDENT. be wamein ponding before the Sobiona Karinigunj public protest against the 1BIMIA MALARIA CONFERENCE.--
Hon. Raj Sunderlal Bahadur. Additional Court. election of Bir Pherozesha Mehta u Presi
Judicial Commissioner, Ouch, Mr, Fored dant of the Convention Congress
Commissioner, Allahaha, Tivision, and Major Chaytorulit, Hanitary Commis
Rioner, havn heen appointed to reprenent - CHRINGER & Co.
the United Trovincepas be Maluria l'an
forebo to met Biale on 18 October 4 DALHOUSIE, SQUARE EAST, CALCUTTA. ESTALBISHED 1887.
!! B. DUTT1 & bits, and genuino Homoeopathic medicine, inkoda 3
1 . B... ) that you get them from RINGER'S. BERRIAKOOL