Then Kalyani replied, "Do DOL AN EXTRAORDINARY 144 of the Criminal Procedure Code cuand met drink the toille PROHIBITION. order and direct the said Pandit there is an obrtnole, I will not
Prindit Bhojo Dutt of Agra has
Bhoje Dutt ta refrain from delivering drink it." been in one młdat for some tine,
Any lecture or prouching or holdThe recluso answered in a voice and none had hitherto imagined
ing or taking part in any meeting full of compassion, "Tell me what that he wis #political agittor or
within the town of Calcutta, and I
hereby direct the public generally is the obstaclo: I am a fomat-dwell- his prenchinge dangerons to the pub
to refruin from attending or taking ing Ascetic, you are my daughter;lio ponce. Wo all knew him as what can you have to my which you secretary of the Sudkihi Samaj, R
part in any lecture or prenching
by the unid Pandit Bhoje Dutt will not tell me? When I carried religious body having for its object
and to refrain from you unconscious from the front, you the ro-admission of converts from
attending or
taking any part in any meeting then meemed to me as if you had Hinduism into the told of the reliheen sadly distressed with thirst and gion and
of meetings held by or on behalf also, we believe, the
of the said Pandit Bhoje Dutt in hunger, if you do nnt ent and drink, admission of converts to Hinduism how can you live?"
tho town of Calcutta and I farfrom other religions into
ther direct that this order shall Kalyani answered, the tears dropHindu society wit! the full
romnin in force for a period of two ping froin her eyes, "You are a god status of Hindus. The society
months froin the date thereof. And I will tell you. My husband re- has been working for some time
Given under my hand and seal innins still fasting and until I meet with signal success and no brench
of this court datud the 25th Sepehim again or hear of his tasting of the law or the peace. Yot the
tember 1909" other day Mr Swinhoe thought fit food, how can I eat?"
The value of the evidence which to prohibit the Pandit from le turThe ascetic asked, "Where is
so easily satisfied Mr. Swinhoe may ing in Calcutta and the public from be judged from its innccumcy and your husband?"
attending his lectures for the space triviality. Pandit Bhoje Dutt is "I do not know," said Kalynni, of two months. We reproduce
Dot political agitator, but a reh"the robbers stole me away after the order as it affords singularly
gious preacher and social reformer; he had gone out in search of milk."
clear proof of the contenThen the facetic by
the proposed lecture had nothing to question
tion, always advanced by Na- do with the Mahomedans and was after question elicited all the in
tionalists, that under the present upon tho Hinda Puranas, and there formation about Kalyani and her system such public liberty as we en
was no broach of peace or any aphasband. Kalyani did not indeed joy, is not an ensured right but an
proach to a breach of the price at utter her husband's name,--she
insecure concession, based not on Monghyr. So much for the uccucould not; but the other informastatus but on permission, and there
racy. Secondly, Mr. Swinhoe onght tion the scretic received about him fore not, properly speaking, a liberty
to have known that, although a was sufficient for him to under at all. It runs;
lecturo may be Against the interstand. He asked her, " Then you
"Wherens it has been mado to ests of the Mahomedans," Against are Mohendra Singha's wife?" Kaly
appear to me by evilence the interests of the Mahomodans" ani, in silence and with bowed head,
ndduced before me that Pandit cannot be the title or subject of a began to henp wood on the fire nt
Bhoje Dutt, pulitical agitator and lecture, and we can only suppose which the milk had beon warmed.
Editor of the vernaculnr paper that this satisfactory witness was a Then the poetio snid, "Do what I
"Musafir Arya," Agr, has arrived badly-educated detoctive or infortell you, drink the milk; I am in Calcutta and intends to lecture
mer who either did not know his bringing you news of your husband.
in the Albert Hall in Calcutta Unless you drink the milk, I will
own meaning or could not make it this evening at 8 p. m. on the sub. clear to Mr. Swiokith Nor is it 110 go." Kalyani asked, "Is there
ject of "Musulman logonko bar- alloged that thuireaching in * little water anywhere here."
khilaf" i. e. against the interests of Monghyr resulted in a breach of the The nacetic pointed to a jar of Mohamedan
peace, only that it nearly no resultwater. Kalyani made a cup of her
And whereas I am satisfied that ed. On such incorrect and Aimsy hands, the ascetic filled it with
such lecturing or preaching by the water, then Kalyani, approaching
evidence, given exparto and withsaid Pandit Bhoje Dutta At any
out any opportunity to the lecher hands with the water in them place or in any building in Cal
turer to expose its falsity, a mngisto the Ascetic's feet, said "Please put cutta may lead to a serious dis
trate is able and willing to deprive the dust of your feet in the water."
turbance of the public tranquillity Acitizen of his civio rights for two When the ascetio had touched the and rioting which will be a source
months and bamper legitimate water with his foot,Kalyani drank it
of danger to human life and public movement. If, after proper enquiry, and said, "I have drunk noctar of the safety:
the Magistrate had found that gods, do not tell me to ent or drink
And whereas I am satisfied that there was likely to be anything in anything else; until I have news of
the immediate prevention of such flammatory in the lecture, he could my husband I will take nothing
lecturing and preaching by the said have stopped the speaker from else." The secotic, answered,
Pandit Bhojo Dutt within the town giving that or any similar lecture, "Abida without fear in this temple. of Calcutta is n90essary in the inter- but, even so, there would be no I am going in search of your
ests of human life and safety and husband."
ground for a prolonge-ldenial of civic in order to prevent any riot or rights. Farther, it is not enough
affray. I do hereby under Section that a lecture should be against the "The bengal soaps are the cheapest and best in the market."