National Religion, Literature, Science,
Philosophy, &c.,
Vol. I. }
16th ASHWIN 1316.
No. 15
FACTS AND OPINIONS. Presidentship unless it were offered is no doubt that the savage outThe Rump Presidential Blection unanimously? A strenuous attempt break of mediæval and African Nava
The Lahore Special Correspon- was made to save the free of the gery of which the Moorish Sultan dent of the Rashtra Mat telegraphs Dictator by representing in the has been guilty, is revolting and to his paper a story of the proceed- Lahore cables that the nomina- deprives him personally of all claim ingy at the Prosidential election tion of Sj Surendranath by the to sympathy : but European moral for the Rump Congress at Lahore, Bengal Convention Committee was indignation in the matter seems to which, if correct, sheds a singular only a suggestion in a private let- us to be out of place when we relight on the proceedings of the ter. But even then, what of Burina? member the tortures practised by valiant Three who are defending What of this remarkable division Arncrican troops on, Filipinos (to the bridge of conciliation and alli- in the toy committee itself at La- say nothing of the ghastly details ance between the bureaucracy and horu? We imagine that the Lion of lynching in the Southern States.) the Moderates which now goes by will put his clignity in his pocket and the unbridled atrocities of the tho name of the Indian National or in his mane or any other hiding European nrmies in China. Be that Congress. According to this cor- place that may be handy and ac- as it inay, we come across a remarkrespondent, the account of Sir cept the Prosidontship; and if he able account, cxtracted in the Phorozshah's election called from does, we also imagine that he will Indian Daily News, of the stuff of Lahore is incorrect and garbled. ronr discreetly at Lahore about the which the Moorish people are made. What really happened was that touching and unanimous confidence The narrator is Belton, the English cighteun gentlomon assornblod at placed in him and the imperative man who commanded the Sultans Lahore as the Reception Committee, voice of the whole country calling army and has resigned his post as it of whom more than half wore em- him to fill this great and responsi- protest against the Sultan's priiniployees of Mr. Harkisden Lal's ble position of a Rump President! tive method of treating political various commercial ventures. We have a anggestion for our high- prisoners. Death and mutilation This independent majority votedly cstoemod Lion. Why not save seem to have been the punishments plump for Mr Harkissen Lal's can- is dignity and effect his object inflicted.Bel on narrates that twenty. didate, Sir Pherozshab, but the by appointing some lieutenant liko officers of El Roghi had their right rest were strong and firm for Sj Mr Wacha as President ? In that hands cut off und then scarod, accord Surendranath Banerji. This rovolt case Sir Phorozshah would be as ing to the barbarous old surgical fush in the camp led to much anxiety much President in fact as if ho ivil, in A chuldron of hoiling oil. to And confusion and great efforts enjoyed the doubtful and mutilated stop tho bloeding. Not from one of were made to bring back the in- honours of the Rump President. thene mon, reports the English surgents to their allegiance, but ship.
soldior with wonder, did there come, in vain. If this account is correct, Nation-stuff in Morocco.
all the time, single whimper. no criticism can be too strong for The Powers of Europe are highly And he gopa pn to tell how one of the misrepresentation , which indignant at the tortures and mutathem; after the mutilation, quietly suppressed the boots of the election. lations practised by Mulai Hamid walked over in the fire whore the Wait notweitcolatod i thet Sirl on his vanquisbod rival, El Roghi cauldron was boiling. And, while tangu would not coept the and his captured adherente. There his stump was being plunged in the