are common also. Ita sacrifice gathered. Later these became the ners, frorn industrial k ill, from and achieverents will also be com- opposing forces of Hinduisma with increase of erlacatu m the
its ever-incre uning subjection to recovery of national tige. the the Brahmin, and the Sannyasin
establishment of It was grid that it is actually
a univer: with hi4 unbelief in a destiny in
sities and centres ! learning, necessary to the national idea that i should tako its birth from ele ped by birth ---caste and democracy. And from the aire and
development n' the Asie culture. ments in trong tutunl opposi- culture and social oquality side by
Whether a man button his coat to tion. The
side. Under Mahomedanism ngain. higher the contrast, the
right or greater the strength of
left and bath the iden of human equality and
at dawn. the nationality crted.
or michly, srpet mai! 9 that This fraternity, the idea that nothing
concern his is well scen in
depends on birth and all on indiviEnglish history.
nationality. Dut the dunlity, again finds witness, Akbar
inerende of learning anilloner of Spain, is the waymaker of Orthois a Mahornedan deeply tinged with
self-direction amongst his own peohaciam, was defentel hr an English in! in Hindu culture. Each of the great
ple navy under a Catholic w
will bentit the son of Islam the time of Elizabeth. The Jing Moguls has his share of both.
as in ich in the chillren of the To-day, if we hnd all been Hindus
Sanatan Dharmin, and whnt is gainleshman's sense of nationality was
ed for one is ynined for both. * strong, that he never thought or all Mabomodans, we could not apparently of his church. The
Mahomeats are rented to Arabia hope to have made an Indinn nation.
by their whole prst. That tie political parties, of which today one It is because we are both, that we sings tweeledum to the other's
thry need do nothing to strengthen, shall swerve neither to the right
since their fathers have done it for tweedledes, were once the Cavaliers hand nor the left, but create that and Roundheads who made war on bowly of thought, feeling and disci
them. What the Mahomedan ham
to do today, and what he knows he one another, fought pitched battles pline which is yet to restore our
his to do and will not be preventand behealed a king. The com- Motherland to her ancient place. hoon home and the common All men have certnin characteristic
cd from doing, is to relate himself ener have only to be felt, in ideas and intuitions which are apt
to Indin, the soil and the People. order to me all other considera
His own and his children's future to run to superstitions. All men tuons into the background. He who nro linble to mistake the supersti
depends on his doing this Islam says that inore is necesary to na- tion of a truth for the truth itself,
is no longer to be reckoned as a tion-making is but poor builder.
backward frith. The Caliph hin. The English are great in that power
self is the representative of progre' If the common Inngunge were 's- of organisntion which rises out of
And enlightenment, and it is not Rental, could the Swiss ber nation? commerce. But they have an idea If common religion were (wentinl. that everything in the world must
to be expected that the Mahome. could the Germans be nation ? be suburdinated to cominerce. The
dans of Indin will be contented to If a common history were essential, one thing is a truth, the other
lag behind their brethren in Tur. could gland bere built up of superstition. Only by the presence
key and in Pernia warring factions nation? If of strongly contrusted fnction, any thing more than the cornmon free from the spell of the given
ANANDAMATH. home and common future were re. prepossession, can the line be anfely
CHAPTER IV qurrel, wit hope anul there be drwn between truth and film.hod. The darkness of the wood wat or ia today! An ng rega The English cannot emancipue very deep and Kalyani could not un vil forms it district, not themselves frwn their own delusion, find her way. In the thickly - muntry. The languine of a pro though it is cany enough for 119 to
woven entanglement of tro, creo vine need not be trurowincial. sce and Ninile nt it. Similarly well and thorns there was no puth 4 nation cann ot any mo- have to cnncel out of the national at the best of times and on that Bir of unlike por unly culture all thnt is merely sectarian there came this impenetrable dork there be the male
or mutually exclusive. Such thing s . Separating the branches In Indin, 19 matter of fact, are to be relegated to the Aphere or and creepers, pushing through 1.4ison greatness has always occur.
personal opinion of ecclesiastical thorn and brinr Kalyani Legan in Trias i resultant of www opposed practice. Only that which is to
make her way into the thickness 1919. The Empire of Patliputra
the honour and advantage of both of the wood. The thorns pierced ** made popular and emocratie
W ind Mahomedian, may be the child's skin and she cried frot: #hder Asokn, when action by the
sken by either within the circle of one to time and at that th: nders of Budhism. Buddhism was the natural life.
shouts of the pursuing robber's rose mithur more or lesy, at that Let 114 look for a moment nt how higher. In this way with torn and T d than the democratis- much this covers. First, fool-up bleeding borly, kalyani mule tar ing of the highest Aryan cul ply and woulth. It needle na argu progress into the woodland At Tute Here we have two fo.rs nct- Inent to prove that abundance of little while the moon PO ng at right alo: tootie mother- rice or wheat, abundance of wenith Until then there was some plight the Vedic, inter fra 1..'dge, is ny much to the good of Maho- confidence in Kalyani's inad tlust as the forest
: uni- medan as of llindu. 'The one has in the darkness the mobiliers sculd brities like S
u flus lunch to gain as the other from not be able to find her and after Ace of the D
i ng social stability, from A wido- a brief and fruitles march would lal men to Norr
h us spread amelioration of man derist from the pract tot, now "The Bengal scars are the cheapest and best in market