will not there be change and programu
No. 1, Nogal Kuria, Simla P. O.,
It is a matter rather of surprice that Lord on colonial line is based upon general | INDIAN CHEMICAL Morley with his window, erudition, e- grounds of difference in historical tradi-
AND perience and statesmanship and life-longtions Nligious belief and reial boudi. liheral principle is not taking advantage tions There differences do not in my PHARMACEUTICAL of a golden opportunity for conferring an hun ble opinion present insurmountable verlasting benefit on Province, the difficultion and then again can continuity de-tiny of which it him pleseed Providence in the existing differences be asserted to place in the band of England and logically I will not the world nove British Governnient of which he in a red
wille Minister. These are our expect in India in connection with MALIA ations but I regret to find on the other social religion and vrything else!
CALCUTTA. . hand two matters in connection with the 11 Lord Morley, would be pleased to 1rforms which give a rude shock to our consider the question in a dinionate entiments and aspirations. We have way, I have no doubt, with his liberal lean aiming at nelf-Governtent on Collidens he would have to change his
il lines that in our goal and that is opinion sal remove the disappointment what is meant by "Swaraj." But Lord which is been causeal toy his utter Morley in his pooch delivered at ancen. Arbroath to "his constituency on 21nt We regret to understand that Lapa Otober 1907, in reportel, to have said, Morley in connection with the representa that may papie hive Anil, that what- tion in Council has shown an inclination ever is good in the way of welf-Govern. to favour a particular coninunity ou reli. ment for Sale must be cred for Indir gious grounds. It would, I am afraid, In my view that in the most incinelle a ad mintake to naho religion
Wellknown invigomting the ut statement that I an imagine and the factor for determining an electorate. Its body and minil. It hal buon rrenig K ARBA fallmey in all politica. I think offect would be to give permanency to nised as the best tonie alterative it is a mont dangerous, I think it is racinl religious conditions and to bring in Nervons debility Exhansion, LUN the followent and I am sorry to any, the into exintence and einphasise inbarmoni um monest of all the fallacies in the our relations which have whown wigns
of Memory. Bruinfig Dites of history of the world in all wanges of of alateient and disappearance. Many sight, Confusion of Ideas, long vf civilisation. Because a particular policy | Hindoo aud Mahoredan Jendura are vigour, Nervous headache, tulpitoA principle is true and expedient and vital persevering to the best of their abilitien tion of heart, Mental prostration, in certain dotinite circumstances, therefore to work in harmonious way forgett. Goneral sloeplustes ete. 2. it is equally true and vital in A com i ng ditferences in religious faiths.
phial Re. 1 Dozun Rs. 11. Pond pletely different of circumstances Protection of minority is needed, but Tery dangerous and gross fallacy. You that protection can very easily be given
Rs. 3-8 might just as well way that because by the judicious exercise of the power Turcoat in Canada at curtnin times which will bo retained by Goverubient. of the year is a most oufort.ble garment A separate electorato at all stages for therefore & furcoat in the Dacca of the Mahumedan community would runko India in vrt of haudy garment which unity amont Hindous and Mabomo You might be very happy to wear. You daus an imposibility. The wubject in might way, "oh, but a fortu of Guvern- one of vital interest and of very great
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door and Mahomedann. Hot want to bu arrogant or insolent,
Dozon Rs. 11. Ry. 3-8 Per pourt.
It would be but I say that to transfer by moru logic premature to say anything more on this all the conclusion that you apply to ono subject.
use to the other is the highest of poli- INLOCURATE AND INTERESTED MESSAGE tical folly, and I for one, will never . The British nation who really govern
An ideal counbinntion of lodine. lead rayaalt to that doctrine." India ruouive impressions through colour.
Sarsaparills with golil. The best The conclusion arrived at by his Lord ed glasses and mischievous vehicle; in- remedy for all sorts of venerial poikot slip for maintaining the policy of 'non accurate and interested messgow therefore and mercurial Guint in the blod. + vstendon to Indir of self-Government play an important part in prejudicing 07. phia! Rs. 1-12. Dozen Rs. 20). Lorem
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