THE CO-OPERATIVE BINDUSTHAN BANK tinct imlividuality of its own, can be best served only through the good of the Indian nation as a whole." The paper is priced so ay to be within the easy reach of all (Rs. 1-8-0) and we hope it will meet with wide circulation. The spirited manner and the logical nature of the organ may be gathered from the following passage from the issue of the paper for June and July
-000We have received a General Cir cular giving the rules of business and a statement of the achievemen's of the Bank during the half year peling 30th June. The Bank has pad dividend at the rate of six per cent. on Preference and Deferred Shares and at the rate of seven and half per cent. on Ordinary Shares. It has opened agoncies at over half4-hundred centres and is working well. Bengal can congratulate
herself at the signal success of her banking enterprises. Two previous attempts ending in disaster had made her shy capital extremely reluctant to come out of the strong room. But as trade expands into commerce it becomes necessary to work on the Joint Stock system by which to quoto Davenan" the wealth and strength of many are guided by the care and wisdom of a few." And for the working of Joint Stock Companies the establishment of Banks is essential. To meet this demand two Banks were projected and established with the growth of the Swadeshi movement In Bengal. And there was room for 10ore. Both, we are glad, are in existene. But while one made the initial mistake of placing on the committee for management men who not aught to have been there and began by appointing a European manager the other clearly avoided these rocks-a-head and is now prospering. We hope and trust it will prove a pillar of strength for the Swadeshi novement and open out a new path for the prosperous progress of Indian capital in Indian enterprises
YOUNG MUSLIM." The Young Muelim, which is started in London (236 Grag's Inn, London W. C.) since May last and is conducted by Mr. Saiyad Haidar Riza, a monthly recorl of the
Mahomedan Thought. It represents the nationalist school of Indian Mahomedans, and the ideal of the organ is "the dovelepment
of true manhood in all its spheres of Activity, social, political, religious, and industrial, for the benefit of oneself and one's country." It is the firm belief of the school the paper represents that the good of the Muslim com-unity, possessing as it does a dis
"The birth of Islam did not take place in the land of the Fire-worshippers or the land of the Pharaohs,
The Mother-country, Arabia, sent her branches off to the distant fields, and there they took root. If the Mahomedans can regard Morocco and Egypt as their own lands, if the Mahomedans can shed their blood for the soil of Persia, we shall judge the Mahomedans of India to be a standing shame to the name of Islam if they swerve from allegiance to the luxuriant and exuberant bauks of the Ganges and the Brahmaputra. Nay, we shall say more. India has the largest population of Mahomedans in the world. China, with its teeming millions sprinkled over far and wide with Islamic elements, Russia with all its vast lands of Siberia and the pure Islamic countries of Turkestan and Caucasus tracts, Turkey with her intense Mahomedan Empire, Egypt with her vigorous and progressive followers of the Prophet, Persia with her mujtahids and strong orthodoxy nay even Arabia. the root of our holy religion, fall far behind the fertile soils of India in the population of the Mussulmans they contain. India was the sent of the biggest Mahomedan Empire, India produced some of the best of Mahomedan statesmen and Emperors, India reared some of the bravest Mahomedan generals and soldiers, India gave to the Muslim world the most learned Mujtahids
whose superiority of intellect, learning and divinity was acknowledged in Persia, Turkey and Ara-" bia, whose Decrees of Religion (Fatwas) were obeyed in Mecca, Medina, Karbala and Najaf, and who are regarded second to prophets only in the Muslim religion. Wo maintain that if the Muslims have no interest in India, if they have no stake in the plains of the Indus and the valleys of the Himalaya, if they can bear no love to
the holy tombs of the Muslim Saints at Ajmere and Delhi, if they cannot regard with affection. the stones erected over the sacred bowers of their sturdy and warlike fathers, then they have no stake in any part of the world; then the feelings and sentiments of patriotism and devotion to the land cannot be roused in their breasts, reside in whatever part of the world they may; then they cannot call Persia Turkey, Egypt and Arabia their own; then they may proudly come
before the world and say they are
homeless like the Jews. In fact
he will be the greatest benefactor of India in particular, and Muslim world in general, who could deepen the sense of devotion to India in the mind of the Indian Mosleme, and who can prove to them that India is their own land-the land of their hearth and home."-- Maharatu.
The Swaraj of Allahabad pubsubscribers at Pasrur:--- lishes the following from one of its
On 17th August last, the SubInspector of Pasrur sent for me and asked me to give him my copy of the paper (Swaraj) as he wanted
to see it.
Subscriber I have not got the paper with me at prosent.
Sub-Inspector-I order you to
bring it at once.
S.--Had I got the paper, I would have at once brought it.
S.-I. You don't lose anything in it, you bring me the paper.
S. As soon as I receive the paper I read it and pass it on to others to read. I can not get it back now.
S.-I. Our Sahib wants to see the paper, you bring it.
S.-I say I have not the paper with me. If the Sahib is so fond of seeing it, I can get you a pice post card, you may rite; ta the Swaraj office and the Sahib Baha dur will directly get the paper.
S. I. We had written to the
Swaraj office. We have received a reply from them that at Pasrur one Tara Chand gets the paper. And as you have got the paper it is advisable that you bring any issue of it.
S.-At present I have no issue with can search toy me. You House yon like. If you are se
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