*weet if you call it by any other and causes. There is no practical and who are in capablo of comų. wanie" and enll onr movement sim-use in carrying on any discussion tting offences and crimes which ply swadeshi and this nomenclature in this matter or making it a sub-were imputul ta them. Of course if adopted, would like our hostile ject of controversy
in the long run British Justice, critics and I feel confident we shall The economic effect and the poten- which we have so much faith ishin at onco secure the sympathy and tiality of the movement are demon. ted itself and innocent men efter co-operation of the Government and strated by the rapid developinente rotting in jail for long time and without which n cumplete ance of in industria l arts, the Mill undergoing the hardships and
inilustr. !!! . industry, er scheme, within a s pace of
sufferings of'a prisons life and dis. the T. .. Face Anil varitime can hardly he exp . 31- ils incligius arties of daily Up!
cipline though only undertrial pricott" in its fullest sense can never and of which it is unnecessary to
Soners and after a great deal of he accomplished. For instance w
give detailed list all testifying to mental anxiety axl worry and wnnot boycott foreign machin." the development
after considerable ** *, Wern boks, scientific instruine its and
I may here profitably quote a honorably arguitbull need only so on. You will no doubt have
Hofer luy way of illustration possnge from the well known punch ample time to consider this ques.
the Mirinapore case, the Bighaty of H. H. the Cimekwar of Brown rion and come to n definite conclu.
case, the Barrah Cile, I d et "If your Swadeshi movement has sion after mature deliberation.
tention the Alipur case in 11 brought some relief to these obisAt the outset when the move.
in subjuice. enn and unnoticed millions and went was initiated it iny be al
The Government is doubt tens of millions in India, am I have mitted there was picketing and in
primarily responsible for the inrexon to believe it has done to a mune instances perhaps exoUHCH were
justifiable prosecutions, but the perceptible extent; if it has created committed. But the Swiuleshi idea
real repousibility attached to the
Inrger demand for their manufiehaving permeated throughout the
Police and onin-complaint ingriturv', widened the sphere of their length and breuith at United Ben
cvane mainly lie in the fact that Jabur and brought some liglat w gal and having filtrated down to
the Govermunt places
d e colti " their dark and cheerless homes then the people of the lowest stratum,
fidence in and reliance on Police the movement, gentlemen, has my There is no longer any need of pick
reports Police reform is absolute-- pick cordial Hyan pathy." eting or use of force, in fact the
The Government has Agrain and necessary and the Theocrity has idea has taken auch deep root
to its intention
long recogniser loy aynin declared
the amongst the classes and the man
Ciovernme, but ther. irevry encourage the development of inthat there is hardly any need of
greitt vifficulties in attaining
listries, but digenous arts and
te "xternal pressure; self interest in
CCN in this direction. unhappily it muli. distinction the dominating principle now any
SEPARATION of JUDICIAL AND betwern true Sweshi and false the ally of swaweli.
EXECUTIVE FUNCTIONS. Swadeshi and treat the existing Tholunds and thouses of MA
But the abuses of powers by the movement is not an honest er i homedan Jollas und Hindu Tan.
Police can be figurled by effects true onc. I regret and dresily you They have been silved from starva
Heparation of Juliciul Exocutis will join with me in expressing the til since the swadeshi movement
function without tarther delay same regret that the Government notwithstanding very high prices of
The semration is not a contro in its pronouncement hill not staple tool.
versial matter, it is long bano thought it fit to point out the The movement is * protective
conced by different secretard to difference between the two kinds of masure and not one for attack or
stilte for Swiuleshi. I venture to say the dis
Indirt and Vicerin by way of retaliation. We have no tinction is without a litforence. I
and Covernors that it is a counsel hand in the Government fiscnl syshave no doubt and I hope in the
of perfection. The recent state protem and we have no power to make
very near futuru the Government secutus mphitise the immediate i protective turidt, but as the
Neparation of the two functions. human will carries its guiding will change ith opinion --and if we
The question has been discus inake only # blight. -- it nomin::)
thrubare in the Press and trotu priuciple within itself we have
change in our nomenclature and thu platform. So further observa recto # protective wall by our
tions are unnecessary. attitude will give its unqualified the own will forces. I do not wish to tormont you with figures and support to our movement. The US
SELF-OILING COMB recent onder for the use of indigenous statistics to doinonstrate the effect
Grandest invention articles in Government offices OFFSPRING OF TRUE SWADESHISM of the Swadeshi muvemen: resulting
sufficiently indicates bww the wind Avoid deterioration of hair by in an appreciable diminution in
friction with hand. the imported
is blowing. cotton wouls the
Our comb will you to
thread of your hair and will any POPLICE AND STATE PRONECTiOxs. fact cannot be denied, but that
medicated oil to their very INH. portion of the Anglo-Indian Pross
I have already referred to the The beloved w of Mora
INDIA" Srijukta Auribindo tin which condemns the movement
unrest and the prevailing excite in a spirit of rancuur und hatred ment. At this juncture the activity
*. The idea is a very
in genious one and has been ingeni and which predicted its failure of the Policy was at its zenithand
oliwly arred out # 120 mb and abortiveness, has now been
omne prosecutions were initiated at urves its purpose well." laboring, with the assistance of their instance of men of high and
Price---1-12 with a phial of we!! of inaccurate figures and illogical respectable position in society, men
medicated and scented Hair ol. deductions, to show that the diminuof culture and education, men,
D.D. Gupta, tion is attributable to other factors whose ehuraeter was well known
79 Nimtolla Ghat Street.
. The lid has