between the Ruling Power and the tant state of things, one gute ruled and that happiness prosper. confused, nay, bewilderet. ity and contentment may pruunil MATTERS FOR CONSIDERATION. thmughout the Province. PRESENT SITUATION IN BENGAL.
Naturally the question arises (1)
what has brought about the present THE PRESIDENTIAL Bengal is now in a state of tran
situation in Bengal? (2) what is ADDRESS.
sition; it is using through an the attitude of the Government?
eventful period and God alon. -000
(3)What is the frame of the national Brother delegates, Ladies and knows what is in store for her in the
Inind (4) sind what line of action gentlemenfuture. Take an extensive of
should be now upto!? PREFATORY REMARKS.
Bengal in matters cunnerton with
general Permit me, in the first instance,
adminitration, politics, to thank you for the honour you education, economies,
inclustry. have done tno in electing me your
arts and every other inatte-inter. Political act was almost Print. But I must confes iny
esting to all concernel; and what unknown in India call 1885, when litter unworthiness to Ell the chair,
would you find ? stupendour the Indian National congresi Wa pacially wlut the Conference is
change in the course of a fer Wars. nuugurnt in Bonday and a Nation being held at a time when the poli- Unrest prevnils throughout the Tro- al Conferener i held in calcutta fical atmosphere is surcharger with
vince; want of har xists in 1885. The Indian National elements that may CAUSA gravo
'nmong those whose common object Congress WAN from its birth of apprehension and anxiety, l
is to wrve their country owing to priptotic nature and it went on my incaucity to discharge the dittirense 19 t ueans and mort- holding it Ses from one Proheavy Tespitibility that link on one hws; political offences including vince to another. The National who has to guide the deliberations
murders and attempt at murder are Conference, in course of time be of representative resembly liko being conimittel; state proieu- came metamorphoud into the Pruthis, which consists of members tions agnitust political offendere, vincial Conference and for the last with political ideas of different real or supposed, are being con- few years it has been bulding its shades. In discharging the duties ducted, in some cases sticcesfully Sessions in different Districts, inwhich have devolved on me and an in others unsuccessfully; de daunted unthwarted amidst opposiin carrying through the proceed- portation without trial or without tion from various quarters, the two ings of this Conference in a hitis
ovea giving information as to the National Political Institutions wont Tretory manner, my only hope lies
nature of the charges of men who nature of the charges of men who on doing the
on doing their good work. In this in your kind indulgence and for
are believed by my follow country connection I cnn't help mentioning bearance and above all, in your men to be perfectly innocent and the names of Mr. A. O. Hume, Sir hearty and earnest co-operation.
Who are loved and respected for Willian Wedderburn, late Mr. W.S Permit me Rgain to thauk you for
their genuino pintriotism; quarter- Caine and Sir Henry Cotton and the kind, warm and magnificenting of punitive polico in some Mr. Dwabhi Naoruji without whosi reception which you have been places; house searches are being co-operation, help, advice and selfpale to accord to me. The Remade by the police nccording to Hacrifice the movement could not ciption Committee are entitled to
their whims, drastic repressive le- have achieved the wucens which it my thanks for the very kind treat
gislative measures are being added has attained and for which they are
to the munt I am receiving at their hands
Statut Book. On the entitled to our everlasting grati.
other hand, the Government is I am not going to make this occn
chewing ity magnanimity and li. sion in opportunity for indulging
The Congress and the Conference in rhetorical display, even if I weru
bernlity in bocking to introduce a succeeded in educating the Indians capable of doing so.
clume of reform which is intended 'to certain extent in politics, and
and expected to give thu children the people of Bengal as it was before REAL O CT OF THE CONFERENCE
of the nuil Inrge sharo in thu partition got innpred with the idea But I shall confine myse!f to the Government of their motherland. of unity for the formation of - ca position of the real object of the My fellow countrymen, again im- Lion, notwithstanding divergence in Conference, to rulate facts and bued with new actionalistic ideas matters, social and relgious-when events to bring the antional forces And awakened to a sense of duty thu feeling in Bengal in its integral auto a focus to concertinto them are exerting themselves for the state was one of univernal brother. for the public good, to discusy matt- develupinent of indigenous industries hood a proposal was started in 1904 lurs of importance tcting the ad arts and are seeking to import for the Partition of Bengal. That wital interests, rights and privileges eduention on national principles, vi the people, to criticise measures without the help or Co-operation of adopted or to done by Govern- Government. Mills, Factories, and ment, for carrying on the siminis- workshops and Colleges and Schools
HOMEOPATHIC tration with thu avowed object of on national basis have come into giving protection to person existence, indicating the awakening
CHEMISTS, PUBLISHERS and property and tu make suggestions of a national life and a desire to
AND BOOK-SELLERS. for co-operating with the Govern- develop the natural resources of the
83, HARIHON ROAD, ment in a way that good and affec- country. In thinking over this ap- Branch : 45, Wellesley Street, tionate relations may continue parently conflicting and inconsis
CALCUTTA. “The Bengal soaps are the cheapest and best in the #sket.'