to here to the decision Arrived at first class of the Educrtiun Roso concessions, -and when it is practiby 119 at Pabnt to clear our politics lutiot: Er the sine reasu wbich cally an inducement for cuento that low and hurailiating notisi its exclusion at Pabna and ting the Agent mutilation in one and substance to make epily breast we look with of the braly politic and offered
It-rlianc, molf- Net Anil A suspen en t oevluction entirely without anesty, nation of ir manly presion of opinion the under til control. If primary prekrive en UTV or roles of the
of our public resolutions. lucian in ple ender fruthirteek it IN biwiling the The crtu inatters in which Dintuel Benards, there will be 10 Nittionalistelevalt t undar The tota cision rest with the farthest objection; otherwise we full by the rejection of the latte f romt ind yet in which the erfitterselves to the offer! In the mutter of an unite - ople are bound to expresh their
ton of National Exlu
We have winted out that 11 pason, but he long as they linnoin 1.. the primary W
i ly Decorary to proning instrument through i turis t i solution the w
man by which the le which they can bring their weight | Toit out which to Bengali nion can be brought abent,
bear in the matter all the Confiterought to pass after T... difficultire in the way of an do is to place their opinion on the perch of the Lieutenant union are two, the creed and th record and love to the Government Governor which still stands on Cutitut . "The Constitution of the res t of ignoring the corlaud has not been with
the hely now calling itself the pinion of province. The Sir Edward Baker distinctly declare C
h nsen framed and imprusion of in nk rose that the Governent has no farther posed on it without consulting 111. let the province and of use for in denunciations of the even that body and it is wel : ...untry it in their hym- otrages however forvently wonder that many inembers of the MolerIM ! moral support we and he has thrown on the whole al jarty refuse to join #berly
k and we do not wish to country the responsibility for the constituted by it means which, even p l to nn nuthurity which Cessation of the assinations or if it were not ultra vires, would s nut bon to listen to or
their continence. The suitable bens arbitrary as the most arbitrary er or apps and protesty Curse for the Conference IH to action of which even lord Curatas w with when von the rureplion diysocinte itself in a dignified than- Government was cror vuilty. The - mble rulutans by great boli nir from all forins of violence and Nationalists on their part insist *** r printing whole populations quirtly ruinind the authorities that
that they cannot be called on to a mutter of Parcondescension the triphery in which the worst
HXpt A Constitution of niny n apr. When w have a direct forms of political crime can alone offictive share in ndministra
clause of which they disapprove and exist in of their crention and the on her will be the time to submit mens of cradienting them in their which was imposed on A boly • printation and protest to hand. The people are belles per from which they were pecinlly exCinventaent which will be partlytators of this misrible Ntritu un
cludel. The call on them to l's. In our draft roulutine overy.
join the Conforencu h o right to thing expressing this attitude any resolution which would even by
i body which insists on their for. of inppu and univniling objurga
Hwearing their fundamental princion his bon rigorouwly excluded
plon before they entor, is still moro and in only on instance we There remain the questions of have followed the precedent of Reform and the Congres.
abour. Therefore a freely electer
On the the l'abna Conforonce in making a former w. have already enter the Congres constitued on the old lines ded, not bocu Woox puiet itittitude of tho Nationalist party is the only solution and the Confer
be fruitful but to mnrk A which is not irreconcilable on the strong sense of the serions bronch
once must decide that point if it fint but ref294 to countenance definite promise with which ny retoria which does not begin the
is serions in its desire. Our draft the authoriton hy long been Concussion of self-government. Es resolution provides a means by i n anul the nonfulfilment of an
pecially is it impossible for us to ---mentary obligation binding on sell
which negotiations can be carried nccept mettre which intrnecy Comments popular or democratic Dermanent elements of diword and
on by Bengal with the other provine which nunky wlong with the pre- innimh thu growing national sunti- cial leaders and the organisers of twvatinn of order and the lefence of the
what is called thu Lahore Congress munt by perputuating division, tu country from foreign in
sly nothing of the file and vicious 1:01. We were somewhat opp
and, in case of unanimity proving principles, destructive of deel to the taking even of this
mocratie development on which impossible, for the assunbling of a demand at the time of the Pabna it is based. The reform ensures real united Congress on the initiaConforence, but now that the authorities
us nothing but in increase in the lives of Bongal in co-operation profess willing number of nominated and elected T o return the adminis. members and a non-othicial, not an
with all why desire union. trition and claim Co-operation elective majority. It is hold, W aumit that the succes of the on our part, it is advinublu t em- ont tots promise of ampler dir- plan depends on it acceptphurnize the rerious failings which cussion, interyxllation and division. muk co-operation under present
anco by the Bengal Moderates, but But the rules for formation of elecaudition impossible and to indicate torates election and the conduct
We believe it was substantially this the condition which can Alone of business 14 well as tbe mine idea which the deported Modumt. make -operation of Ar kinilability of particular election and p ible to the pouple. The draft'
leader Sj. Krishna Kumar Mitra in inqualified pwer of voto are lutio n Council Refornial in the hands of the uthorities.
was trying to get carried out when In al molt government and the im. There wicht be, an inorene of he was arrested. We are no PACH provement of judicinl administration
moral weight behind #pipular have the lattor purpose in view.
why Bongul Moderatus should object opinion or protest, but equally Puruly local resolutions wo propose there right be an increw of moral
to it. At any nto this is the to omit. We have romtore in our weight behind the Government
Nationalist propowul, drait the Pabn rolution on the if thor can succed in Roycutt; we do not see any sufficient anti-national mensures by a majority
pering 1 Innddition to thosc amendments ram for departing froin the Pabna
and substitutions we have appendthe Pabna urling whether to lower the tone of men.bers, official, nominated
ed two additional rosolutions to ut to enter into an incorary Itification of the legitimate chane
wary tornton, 19 approved by a majority which there ought to be no objee. ter of the Roycutt which a body chame in & roformed Council. In any
tion. One of them is in the Pabna
we would not think so doubtful like the Conference lon comunited And trival a concision worth ac
list and wo do not know why it to the movement ought to take for eunting for gratitude for conces.
should be omitted. grunted. We havo emitted the sions implies acceptance of the