Drilling work or wealth busenary np until the conccasion of moal and distrous tendencies. The to ni T2 ne overriding control should import to these resolution on the Congress, while rule of neceneity which compels us to forms the sense of power which unexceptionable in sentinent, han
xclude ronchinery and othor instru- can alone save them from the the vital defect of not dealing with tuents of education work and produe- stamp of a futilo mendicancy. The the crucial questions at issueur tion from the Boycott, limits the phrasing also of these mit rosolu- showing a way to the realisation of application of the arbitration tions seems to us to be defective. the desirable consummation adprinciple nud the absteption from The pronouncements of opinion of vocated. At Pabna there was Is itish Courts. Formerly we were public mbly of this and distinct means pointed out and
tout to go our way in doubtful ing ought to be free froin an un- since that has been rendered null €44, such as the limits of the law dignified effusiveness, prolixity or and void, the people of Bongal nust
of sedition, putting our own inter argument ativeness. Whatever take other means as definite arul pretation and taking the consequen. Argument is needed beyond what more decisive to see that their
of n too elastic reading of the is barely neckenry for an adeqnate wishes are no longer ignored. To law. We even held ourselves justiexpression of the nosenbly's opinion call on the lenders in to express mere
w in the cine of unjust and on the subject in hand, should ly a pious wish and the time has gone arbitrary laws in breaking them not be reserved for the speeches. That by when in this matter the actat buy violence but pencefully and wo is the proper place for et can be left to the discretion of the Thaysively, ny the Linsenters did in thuniasm, eloqnence and rhetoric. lenders. They may ignore the rest England, Hons to get them vither To import thone elements intolution in their action or way that trend or altered. This we still the resolutions themselves into they could find no means of carry bold to be morally and politically import into the sunbly's pro- ing out the wishes of the Confer. justifiable. But the outbreak of nouncernents an appearance of ence. Terrorism compele to restrict our immaturity and inexperienced youth- In view of these defects the circle of passive resistance lest even fulness not conducive to its dig. Nationalist party in Calcutta hase by the munt perceolul rejection of nity in the eyes of those who are drawn up a number of draft resolu
just Inwe we should seem to be accustomed the murious hand- tious and annondments of the Weepticouraging lawlessness and disor ling of weighty atfairs. Two of tion Committe's crutt which they der. Still, if we nro to uberve the the resolutions, quitu apart from propose to bring forward before law scrupulously.jrint or injust, we other objections, travel lv yond the Subjects Cornmittee. We hold muust kon what thu law is, and now the scope of the Assembly by it imperative that in these matters that there is at man at the head of their local character. The proper there should be no unnecessary judicial ministration who known place for such resolutions in the secrecy or hole and corner action. the law and tries to keep to it, we District Conference and the mer We havo nothing to conceal cither vught to take avantage of this now fact of the largurassembly being held froin the Government, the people unusual circumstante ind use every in a particular district clocs not or those whose opinions may ditker opportunity to fix the legal position change the character of the Con fropi uurs. Our propaganda is open, of oth movement and its methods. forence whosu business is to express frank and democratic. The net
the opinion and guide the pub. details of action, when action is in THE HUGHLY
lic nctivitus of the people of Bon. our hands, are best discussed in RESOLUTIONS.
gal in matters atructing thu coun- Cabinets and private Committers Wu publish in this issue the draft
try and the province as a whole. but in a people striving to be from resolutions of thy Hughiy Reception
These resolutions deal with parti and democratic deliberation inust be Committed which have reached our
cular local interust of the puoplu public and policy openly and fully hands in a printod form. For
of Hughli and the riparinn expressed. Unfortunately, the Inte merly our inturbation had been
wwny rud districty on the banks period at which we were ablo to that the Commitiu hand based it
of the Ganges. If the Conferenco procurou copy of the draft resolu Tesolutions on thu l'abiliConfer
is to handle local matters, there tions and the necessity of imme cace resolutiope and preserved
is no reson why they should diate action have inade it impossible
ignoru siluilar wants and nocuities to circulate the draft in time to the iu the spirit of that in the
in the districts of Exst lelter, Wo ugrott tid that
Bengal receive the opinie . Mofusil this
Nationalists or even tu cuisultat infortuation
Finally, thoro aru two questions of was erroneous.
national Whilo appreciating the labours
importance in which who are in Calenta. W. hov
thu Nationalist of the Committee we cannot pre
party hold w ever sunt o pies w she fussit und to be satistied at the result.
views connect with a distinctanil hope that the delegatus will be The letter of thu Pabra resolu
policy and on which it is necessary ruly with any nuggestions they
to know the opinion of the country, may have to make when they mito trong bre buen preserved in a few
And in these two matter then Hughly. Cesen und their manly and dignified
T'he want of resolutions of the Coinmitto character contrasts strangely with
do Nationalist daily at this timo
not satisfy us. the company in which they are
The roolution being severely folt; we have to do
on found, but for the most part the
the Roforms contains what we can with the means at our
dispokal. mass of the rosolutions represent parenthesis which is unwarranted
The alterntions made in the luy the facts and will have the effect an attempt to go back to the tone of committing the people of Bengal
Committee's diaft have been dictatof appeal, prayer and protest
to the accuptance of the reformas od by the considerations buvo which Bengal had decided to give with all their vital imperfoctions stated. We have thought it right