PHARMACE WORKS No. 1, Hognal Karia, Simla P. O.,
ESSENCE of draksha propos
ben the case opted in the tow erted
I w ved by the and Inight. * to me
(ISADON AQUARRY on you wegtr e g, did not your
SREJUT AUROBINDO GHOSHE'S fail and V obeh out to tas
SPEECH. To thy prylation ?". L k Bow at the hatrage, look now at the prosecuting coun. I looked addit TN pot the Magistrate
In spite of the foul weather large number law, it was Vagodere, it wu Narayana
CALCUTTA. was sitting there on the beach. I looked
of perple nasaliled on Sunday alernoon *
Bendon Square where a big Badeshi mesting bo promocpting, counsel mod it was not the
was bold under the presidency of Beba kama breel for the privation that I aw: it u
nende hulterjem Eliur of the Prabanki Erishna who was there, it was iny Lover
Several sp.sk. address the moting. W. Friend who is there and smiled. "Now
pulilish low an aut.baried versiou Mr. Fou foar 1" He said I am in all me and I
Aurobindo China'pash delivered at the rule their actions and their words. My
meeting. ection is still with you and you shall not
j. Aurinko Thin one which in bronght against you
thun csid that when in jail
he hautern with the untry w Armor it in my hat. It is not for you. It we
Til hy the Wollknown invigorating for the trial that I brought you here but
tonicl: of
locald not beliavo
it then his exjarinnes of the omething else.
woment The me itself is only bxdy and mind. It had been recognised hullw ydiant he always front 1 for my work and nothing more." After.
thut when Swadeshi was flagging or thn Boyentt berite when the trial opaned
as the best tonic and alterative in in the Mariane
beginning Norvous debility art, 1 began to write meny instructions for
rolex, it only needed an art of
Exaustion, Loss of r ain the part of the Mathorities in gito Cheel to what we fal in the evi.
Memory. Brainfog, Dimness of sight, it relo vinir. Il send to him then bra against me and on what point the wit
imp le that the departation would have $400 might "he co-examined.
Confusion of Ideas, Loss of Vigour, different etrust. Whenninn of the nint activo
Then 'n ing happened which I had not expected. The
Norvous headache, palpitation of heart and devote I work on angnments which h a
the untry had been de for my de.
mobilenly turn Mental prostration, Gencral sleepless
away from their h es pre wereuddenly changed and another coun.
with my fault on their part withont the w there in defenit me. Ho un tex.
ness etc.4 07. phial Re. 1. Dozen Government link able to formata single tells, friend of mine, but I did not know
elinito vharga against them, surely the Ruyente was coming. You have all her the name of Rs. II. Pound Rs. 3-8)
instead of decreasing would grow tonfold more man who put aww from him all other
isten. And what after all wore the repress ought and khandoned all his practice, who
ions? Some people sent to prinn, No dnHe wp hall the night day after day for months
porul, un of warchoy law re. I broke his health to save me, -Srijnt
p e cuvinal, lilin the listy of pitlarınjan The When I him,
the prawl the platform. This was bobing setiaflot, but I still thought
A ptonont remedy for habitual consti. red with the price other nations br pail na cery to write instruction. Then
for their libr.y. They ale pation, cough, gout heumatisin vorins,
would have I that we put from me and hal the message
satiri thrun this bana they would w within." This is the man who will wara biliousness and piles. The best nervine that w ill want towards their u from the maten mit around yon font. Put tonic administeral in convala cent state.
vul. This *** it's law; it ww not the In the paru, 11 is not you who
rulom ho found the prin it ww hul ill instruct him, I will instruct Him." 4 oz. phial Re. 1. Dozen Rs.). R 3-8 wh n in de lit It IIlaw that a fall namn that tiina 1 did not of myself J. Por pound
min hul not be allowed to ring without rk word to my Connel aroub 'the
ir inte offering and mighty effort. That was 44 or Rivo mingle instruction and
the prin it hul to my for itn proviant la EJ WAS mked question. I always
fruim nalonal daty. Tha paler dil sot and that my answer did not help the case. 1.
think that there was any real deanalimine had left it to him and he took it entirely An ideal combination of, Todised. Moro might lon bittiin ninong the richer into his hands with what result you know.
and ma Sarsaparilla with gold. The best remedy
vulnerable part of the tunity knew all along what he meant for me,
blomforme or Notage or pivo public For I heard it again and again, always for all sorts of venorial poison and prac ts their view and ferlinge la linted to the voice (within: "I am
mercurial taint in the blood. A oz. phial did n4rt Abranch of the nero. kuiding, therefore fear not. Turn to your
murat ly th r u mortings or of poopla own work for which I have limought you to Rs. 1-12. Dozen Rs. 20. Pound
present at the linge Ho n rod it by jail and when you come out, renuernber never Rs.6-8.
the vingth and indomitalno obstinacy of forle to frar, never to heritato. Remember that it
ing and pure in the boarta of the people in I who am doing this, not you nor any
Their first duty ww skarp frin hold on their other. Therpinre whatever clouds may come,
ical and perforin steadfastly the way they whatever dangers and suffering whatever
hud mule before Cod and the nation. The diffirulties, whatever impossibilities, there is
CONE.. rulers were novar tired of mying that we should nothing imposible, bothing difficult. I am in
kot self-government when we were at Vitness the nation and ita uprising and I am Vouders,
It is used I am Narayan, and what I will shall be not
successfully in Acidity meant national capacity and strength was the
basis of espacity. That was what Lani Marley what others will. What I choome to bring Indigetion and diarrhoea. Very con
rally meant when he need Jimnell reportelly alut, no human power can stay."
venient for Mofussil inhabitant. 3 oz whether thin VMA rol prining of the natinta To be continudd.
or Mesing excitaniont Hommal vuit phial As.& Dozen Rs.35-4'
movement with real truth in it, boy Coplett catalogue seng free on applica- ment with elementare con it to Marat
warrivo! This laxperiment now be. Ition
ing made They moet nok espect sabotential I S . N. BOSE
cont. He had bmrd quely Manager. the worm whes in prison : Le
"VE") a siked
question. I alwayo
AQUA PHYCHOTIS Their tiramuty ww to keep hem hold on their