or National Religion, Literature, Science,
Philosophy, &c.
Vol. I.
12th BHADRA 1316.
No. 10.
PACTS AND COMMENTS circumstances created by an tortuous Greek met hoda by lowerThe roles DlBoulty.
unfortunato past, will not tolerate ing the Greek flag in Cape. It Foreign Affaim are as a rale light any attempt to be treated as Sultan has quietly ignored the attempt of ly and unsubstantially dealt with Abdul Hamid suffered himself to be the Powers to inturfore even by by Indian journals. This is part- treated. Sultan Abdul Hamid, suggestion in the direct ly dao to want of the posesonry afraid of his subjecta, afraid of the question between itself and Gruvee: information, partly to the parochial world, afraid even of his spies and for we read that Turkey in to habit of mind encouraged by informer, followed the weak and going to give any formal answer cabined and subject national lifo cowardly policy of dishonest, in- to the Power' Note rooum meadwhich cannot enlarge its imagination triguing and evasive Machiavellian ing pacific counsels m that Note outside the sphere of those imme- inn. Ho conducted that policy did not call for any roply. It hun dinto and daily events directly with a certain skill and statecraft been supportod by the newly liberat. touching ourselves. And yet the in details which eventually ovoked od nation by means of Boycom happenings of today in Asia, adquirtion, but it could neither which would have slarted into Europe and Africa are of great NAVO Turkey from ignominy and roon a stronger Government than nowout to the future of India weaknom nor permanently protect that of Athens. And a mrength;
ad full of encouragement and throne based upon cruelty, false when in and able, Can Dover be stimulus to the spirit of National hood and despicable meannesa. ignorod, it has secured the wympathy 1sm. The recent events in Turkey All that it did, for Satan must be of the Powers in the shape of con* na instape. It is not the me- given his due, was to staro off a cessions which would never have thode of the Young Turks which final disruption of Turkey and er been yielded to work or over have any lesson for India. The pulsion of the Ottoman from Europe. cautious Government. Strungth wrotistances are too dimitilar to But true freedom is always conaci- Attracta strength; firm and cloar. warrant any fanciful theories of ous of strength and know that it is minded courage commands succone that kind. It is rather the char better to porinh than to live for s and rompect; stroog and straight woter of the party of freedom which abort while longer at the cost of dealing can dispeture with the u. been leaon to all struggling continual insult, degradation and shode of dinsimulation and intrigun. nationalities. The dominant quali. Wakom. The fint efforts of the All these are signs of character and tale of the democratic lenders and new Government have been to have it is only character that oan give
bons are the qualities they have what remained of the outakirts of freedom and greatpew to Dations imprated to the movement. Tarkish empire in Europe, the
Grupo Teg.
It is not to be imagined however, strength, manhood' a bold boarty Joserainty in Crete, the supreme that this is the clowing chapter. The
We wonin, virile diciemoy control in Macedonia. Thal diplo. question between Greece and Turkey Tho. Element they have maoy be bore strong patupoken will have eventually to be fought
shawing there and forlom. I did the finish por out by the word 1 in true that
in say why drew hack nepoc h ediato question is for the
lity, lawer le toute until forood moment wttled and the root in the n
a while to builhotery attitude Creio patchwort pended But
e and obliged the Romano to balto the Hans palab