OF National Religion, Literature, Science,
Philosophy, &c.,
Vol. I.
Sth BHADRA 1316.
No. 9.
FACTS AND OPINIONS. some qultry tinkering with the at Bornbny was a falo Ntep which
Legislative Councils would stisfy he has since male momenttempt to Srijut Surendra Mata Banerji's Return.
the aspirations of an awakened recover. However it be put, it w114 The v rau leader of Moderte India. His first
India. His first speeches accepting
pecches accepting malndroit and unneergery: Any Bungalla netumeil from his or the forme wore great blunders
promise of co-operation in this res. wrical triumphs in the land of our which might have done infinito
poct implies an admission that we rulers. The ovations of praise and harm, but his later utterances, have the power to prevent these plause which appreciative audi- however equivocal on this point, did incidents and are therefore to
super critics of all auch to redress the balance. We extent responsible either for brinc. shades of opinion have hoped upon wait with interest Sj. Surendra- ing them about or for not stopping
... . thoroughly deserved. nath's action in this inutter. In thein before. It has the indir N r has the wront unatorical gift our view the one policy for s cretion by which Sir Elward Baker with which Srijut Surendranath "No control no co-operation, and in
sought to make a whole nation resIs so splendidly endowed, been dis this we believe we are supported not
ponsible for these acts of reckless. played th such faultlose advantage only by the whole man of advanced ness and cxcuses the vindictive and ats in these the crowning cfforts of Nationalist opinion but by a great hendistrong litterances in which Mr. his old age. The tasual defuct of his body of Moderater. The danger is Gokhalo tried to protect his own
matery, an excom of language and that the older Moderntes, trained party and invoke the fiercest repres. rhetoric over substantial force, & in a much less exacting kyatem of bion Agrinat hin Nationnlist country defoot which also limited Gladstone's political agitation, may attempt men. The isolated instances of aratory and made it the glory of an to enforce the demand for con- Dasination during the Inst
hour instead of an abiding possession trol only in speech while in ac- year or inore have been the reaction, thumanity, was aberent from these tion conceding co-operation without deplorable enough. Ngainst the
proches in England. For the first control and thus giving away for insane policy of indiscriminnte time the orator roue to the full rome funcied and worthless ndvan police rule and repression which height of # great and sound clo
tage the vital paition of the new WAH Atarted and progressively in. quence strong in matter as in atyle.movement. The reforma give no creased in the recent stages of the With the statesman'a part in the
an's part in the control therefore the reforma must movement. Not by a single word pushes we do not wholly agroebe rejected. Co-operation is our only or expression ought any publie man Nerertheleas it must be accounted eset, the only thing we can offer in to allow the responsibility to be wrighteousness to Srijut Surendra- exchange for sontrol, the only thing shifted from the right quarter and nith that he enforced the Moderate by withholding which we can by pres to rest in the slightest degree on Nationalist view of thing very suro bring about the casion of the people who had no part in them, different view from Mr. Gokhale's control. It would be the height of no power to detect and stop the which is certainly not Nationaliom political folly to give away our ioflared and resolute necret ansas. and hardly even strong enough to only set for nothing.
sin and do authority given them by be called Moderatiam.--to ita utmost also stay
which they can bring about the lunite and did not leave the Reglinh 8 j. Surendranath's maladroit me for removal of the real ca of the puluhie under the vaia delusion that ende to the outrages when speaking symptom. To disasciate o caulf is