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On tho
a very
of a great error in throwing a doubt reality of the reforms. Whatever any offer was made to the country by the officials, it was a habit of his to look at it a little closely. It was a part of English politeness, and also a principle of their commerce that when a present was given or an article mold it WAN put in beautiful case and its appearnce nade very attractive. But his long residence in England had led him to know that there were a kind of goods, called Brummagem goods, and that WAS synonym for shoddy. He looked into the reforms and they seemned to him to belong to that class Then there was another point. He was a little jealous of gifts from that quarter because the interest of the people and the officials were not the same. The position such that if reforms give any increase and enlargement of the people's rights or rather a beginning in that direction
for at present the people had no real right or share in the government-any beginning of the kind meant a shrinking of bureacuratic powers. It was not likely that the officials would readily Therefore when reform was offered he al give up any power to which they cling ways asked himself how far that was a real beginning of self-government or how far it was something given to them to draw their attention from their real path to salvation. It seemed to him that the refor the reforms give them not the slightest real share in the govern ment of the country, but instead they would merely throw an apple of fresh discord among them. They would only Le a cause of the fresh strike and want of unity. Those who are led away by the reforms would not only diminish the powers of this country. path.
but lod
others into the wrong path.
It is used sucessfully in Acidity Indigestion and diarrhoea. Very convenient for Mofussil inhabitants. 3 oz. phial As. 8. Dozen Rs. 5-4. Complete catalouge sent free on application.
Only 2 or 3 days ago, his fears were confirmed. Certain utterances had come from one from whom they were least expected -one who had served and made sacrifices
for the country. He said that those who spread the gospel of Swaraj wore mad men outside the limited asylum and those who preached passive resistance an a moans of gaining Swaraj were liars who
S. N. BASU, Manager.
did not speak out their real thoughts to save their skin; he invited the to denounce them as enimies of country and of its progress and, all that the Government had done ly saying that the only attitude the Government could take was stern and heartless repression.
Well, if it were true that only fear made them take to passive resistance; if they flinched now from the boycott because some had been deported; if they ceased to proclaim the ideal of Swaraj; if they coased to preach the boycott, then only it would be true that they had adopted an ideal that they could not reach and proclaim means of reaching it in which they did not believe, hecause they were anxious to save their skin.
He had heard many warnings recently that tho who persisted in public agita tion would be deported. For himself. and he was not a model of courage, rest dence for the best part of a year in a soli tary cell had been an experience which took away all the terrors of deportation (Cheer) If he had ever had any fear, the kindness of the authorities in giving him that experience had cured him of them. (Laughter.) He had found that with the ideal of Swaraj to uphold and the mantra of "Bande Mataram" in the heart, there was nothing BO very terrible in jail or deportation. That was the first thing he would like to impress
them as the result of his experience. Imprisonment in a righteous cause was not so terrible as it seemed, suffering was not so difficult to bear as our anticipations made it out. The prize to which they aspired was the greatest to which a nation could aspire and if a price wa asked of them, they ought not to shrink from paying it.
THE MIXED POLICY. He was not afraid of deportations and imprisonment but he was afraid of the hand who patted them on the back and the voice that soothed. The mixed policy of repression and kindness was the thing he feared most. The whip was still there
uplifted though it was not just now fall. ing upon them, but the other hand was held out to stroke the head and soothe. This offer of conciliation in one hand and the in the other pressure of
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