to turn, racing upon it, should develop gebotally guided the work of the ARM Y
Nathan Cwmcil, and is made it last . mudrengthen womanhan and woman
We .
33 bol of the natiu. Eluvatn mal wimpsible for Aravinda to throw his Y he dinero e pulition than it self lwart and soul into bi auntious!
BHISMA; rake le dirt fra rolichon ur work in Sleutta. His place in the
HIS LIPE AND TEACHINGS. onal Any wyntaf wlucation that Nacional lege, thoughs bewu ita!
I The mme of thy MAHABHARATA h heps warhienlution and division Itween notial Principal, was not really that of
Inmg boon kurs wilely all over the elvi the ve r anie relations of life, organivet a nlita, but simply of
Iwd world This great turn val vlt er. It is the teacher Innguyenthimity, even
piu bu
vilio educatif tinniter-altrant and it had been in the Maharajab'(Wileyeren translated into wont all o
Innganger. Therefore the shit of the u t the wluention of the m at Barla. He had left Hanna in the
Mahinhharta is kpowa to all; and the WA, ager to rain his fullest muhallure of time wiler wonpe of bene.
name of the grest Patriarch of the Kurs and through a very relation of Netieient and intuitivity in the now
Bhima, in familiar en every one, whether Aravila innawtle of mulm ndocal.enllege in later. Thas bope wint tiva. Indeel, hia waloftwera maliar. Almt frun the very loyin in the East or in the Wont. durtim in
2. His TWINCH In him bephewa 'n higher than whnt in ning lew to h annow of working un lento y ter wuration mi t truly inlees and thoroughly and tinexamplel in work thu marily in KrpeIt in # pealy national wysite of aluation, through are the grindert m the various phasen of
piritual weal. It aim is to actnaline the ntnimation at whome service he luubumin dutier-religion, cial, political the highest und dempet Cial-eonarious meulsatinlly placut himself.
and mural, that were over told to me, ness of the human ol, in the enter life
| Hut the man and boy para msins that were ever found in any other and appointment of human acety. T renteswhere he cannot find theinliterature. It cupio the whole Won the impatto lasing an open rady-made for bin, hin own insti.
RANTI Puram of the MAUARRARATA, LP field for the walimuti of this lofty edu. went for the reallnation of his wupremo o nt, the mout difficult, the growtent Intional ideal whicle rught Aravind to end in life. And wider fields of public
and the subliment of all other PRIVANIA Calcutt lue been given a free fulnews were woon openal before 3. But unfortonately the Mahabharam band in the www National Collego there, Aarnvince. The Nationalist Pehuolinta ant a handy wurk, but it is unen. that institution would have opted an Bengal wiw without daily English dous as of litornture. Hardly there is altogether new chapter out only in the organ. A new per we started. Ain-one is there bany days, who has time hintury of maleru Nication in Toxin, vinda w invital to join its nach who cares to take the table to but perbapa in the whole world. To joint stock any way whortly Hontol this great work from prege to page. Therework the Nalini of the spirit of intern to run it, an Amvloda became one of fore the NORANT CHARACTER OF BA
iru culture into the nwuld of the iderulista
This paper-Bandle is not widely known, or wo greatly appreof wicietat theophy, would not only
M " at one necured for it of s einted as it should be. Hlo RXATTACHNecure fur Todia ler lot powitinni
rucognised initiu fu Indian journal 1804-THE ORIENT AND THE OLANDET teacher of humanity, but would, per
ia. The hand of the master was in it | TRAT WARM EVER DELIVSRED,lie bidden lahre, wen vunoxlern civilisation
from the way beginning. Ita boid nuti- under the first of the great fron total collapse and destruction in der tude, it vigorous thinking, ita clear ident Mahallarta the presure of
and grooly it chato and powerful diction, it
1. We have tumbly venture to Industrialista
sorching arvam and rolled wittici
s undkurtake the publiention of this work. But, unfortunately, neither individuals were insurpal by any journal in the It will be a handy volume and will be nor estatunities can caaily break away country, either Indian or Anglo-Idinn. written in simple and lwid Ingungen from their own past. Must of the mom
It at once ruined the tole of every Ben that every one will be shlo to read anit bers of the new National Council of gallo papo, and compelled the ad-onderstand it without the least difficulty. F.ducation in Bengal were products of
miratius of even hostile Anglo-Indian Tbe book will be published in Monthly the old university. Some of the landing
editor. Morning after morning not Parts and will be completed in Twelve men it tha now organisation haut en only Ceutta, but the educatel on
suuh parts. Ech Part will come ont lovely Asociuto, for many years with
munity almost in every part of the At the end of every month. PARY WIAT the actual working out of the old vir
country, eagerly waitol itu vigorous SonD, THERE POURTI are out, fifth is myntetu. Storped in the traditions of this pronouncement on the stirring quen in the prou, and will shortly be out. wild education, they could hardly be ex. tions of the day.
tions of the day. It even for ed itaal
It wvun forced i t SecurTION-Each Part per V. P. P. pected to thoroughly enter into the spirit upon tho notion of the callous and well in one Ruper. of too lorn pelagony. They were will
wntrod British pron. Long oxton centrod
HINDU PHILOSOPHY. in to give fair rooia to the new priuci from it comingsod to be reproduced It exponition in in the best style. N. Wale, Min oriment; but could hardly week after woek, even in the exclusive Hindu household should be without give them thoir abnoluto and whole. columns of the "Time in London. It copy of the KINAE And and work. heartu support, as truths It seemed to
WM forma in the country which Dogo Every Hinda should know on what gruail thou to jumping into the unknown.
dared to ignore however much thay philosophical besimth is grant Religion Whily Accepting the principle of wight fear or hate it, and Aravinda was standa. National ducating me educatio: "on the leading spirit, the construl figuru, In (1) The Birth of the Hindu pilosophy. national lic" rud "uader national the new journal. The opportunities that (2) The Philosophy of the Upanishadu. control," and ently, ploilgod were denial him in the National Collego (2) Sankhyu Philosophy. (1) Yoga Phinot to m anly Mail nid, they were be found in the pages of the "Bando lorophy. ( Nyaya Philosophy. (9) Vais. not from it.ut.elar of juille ovla! MANDE" and froin tutor of Pow alia (7) Minangra Philosophy (8) V
canta Philosophy tv, ww, 1
(8) Jaina Philosopby. once around, youths be thus looma tha lanches of a (10) Daddhin Philosophy. (11) Chariska Word niake their work, they therebe. whu nation
inl. other Philonplin. (12) The Hladu ataulutely iunible. They had !
Religion and the Hindu biophy. dnal of the Burneuoraey, and no stri!
The book is thus dividol into twelve
rection dealing with tho Wladu Phi entilen. Bally, in their own peu
nophy in all itu pline Nothing abous The dominating a 1 declared idral of the
taft umwand. The wat dithout sad sbe
trustadu Philosophy bue-boue plaad. How Coubeil, eu. Aquently, ug wla P ACCOUNTANTS & AUDITORS Lefore the pabilities of this book i racla not in any way plat, but oaly
lucid way that oranboy be wide "pple, the e
to groap in dystery and intrar ngine . Prompto Arreliant rates import Bloe H -R RED und-Usiv-unity-wystal, of stia in
BE1* Pohinj Betra +!. ont. . .
B. MUKER JEE &co. uporning
To'Oni STA. POSESING HOME W ow vintone and we wen,
11, losarthakur Lane, CALCUTTA &, Clarva