Lorer stie Helser of makind, he dwells "SWARAJ" AND THE attitude which has consistently teen hornently in Him spd lecomes in. i : MUSULMANS.
adoplel by the Nationalist party in capable of grief, disquiot or lo es
Bengal towards the Hindt-Huned citement,--that is Yogh. I'muayan
question in ordinary politios. We do and assns, concentration, Worship, cer
We extract in our elumns this veetnut four Malundan opposition ; *
not them the crrements of Srijnt Bepin chandra long as it is thie, honest Swadeshi belves Yogs but only mins towards Pal's orgin, Sauna, on the Gwernment's
article and noi manufactured in Shillung Yus. Noris Yangs difficult or dang. Pro Mamedin policy and its posible
or Sinila, we vec me it as a sign of urous path, it is sure and any to all elects in the future. We ate kind to see y to all elects in the future. We ate glad to see life and aspiration. We do not sbun.
and who take refuge with the Inder Guide this great Nationalist again expreading we desire the awakenine of Iddam and Teacher: All men are potentially his views with his tual originality and India mren if its first riile e forts are tym ble if it, for there is no man who fino pilitiul insicht. We do not our misdirectoid agvit ouibela; for all has not strength or frith or love develop selles understand the utility of such a sirength, all energy, all action is prist ed or latent in his nature, and any one campaign as Srijut Bepin Chinun is to the inilt of the nation-builder. In
than is. Anticicnt statt for the Yuin. enrrying on in England. In polities that inith we are ready, when the tim: All cannot, indexed, reach in a single life quito y much as in ordinary conduct comes for us to meet in the political field the highest in this path, but all on go the rule of dish-kal-patra, Iberight place to exchange with the musulman, just as forward and in proportion as man the right time and the right Jersin, he ches the firm.c'ap of the brother advances he gets sence, strength and conditions the talue and the elective
or the resolute grip of the wrestler. jy. And even a little of this dharma neas of the work. For Bepin Balu's That time is not yet ame. There is delivers man or nation out of great mission there wuld not be a worse place s utely no resun why the Rectora! four. than England, & worse time than the
questionuld create bad blond between WER W at HTAT WIT " present and a worse audience than the the tocmaipities, for if we bare
It is an error, we repeat, to think British people. What is the propbet of aside the limited number who still that spirituality is a thing divorved' self help and diss viation ding in hunger after loaves and fishes of nurse from life. "Abandon all" says the Isha England ! Or v liat kind of messige is desi delusions, the reforms have no liv Upanishad that thou mayst enjoy all this that becarries to the Britishing interest' fit the Hindu. His field iaithor curet any man's possession. public, We do notveleone your favours of energy lies else here than in the enBut verily do thy'deedo in this world and we reject your belp and sympathy and larged preences of British Liberalism. wish to live by hundred years ; no will bave no political assistion with
Iis business is to find out his own ther way is given thee.than this to aje you until Swarnj is ours, -and there
strength and repare it for a great future, 1 be bondage of thy Acts". It is an Core I am here speaking to you and
and the less he meddles with upreal error to think that the heights of religion publishing my viens to British politics and Benelus activities, the Are abute the struggles of this world. I audience it loond. "We can only better for the nation. The Mabwedan The recurrent cry of Sri Krishna to Arjun suppose that B-pin Babu dues really has not pr greased so far. He has to india's on the struggle ; right and imagine he can produce gume kiod of taste the sweets of political privilege Uteribrow thy opponents !" "cemenbere.fect worth haring, moral if not sub and find them turn to ashes in his me and fight !" "Give up all thy work stantial, upon the ruling natin, and muth. He has to formulate demando, tu me with a heart full of spirituality, if so what does it portent. I. Saul rejoice at prynine's, fiume at beliayals. and free froin using free from welfish also among the prophets D.ps Bepin until he thuroughly discuters the falsity oli fubt! let thu fever of thy woul too stand in the d orway of Britania ! and impossibility of his hopes. His power from thee". It is an error to in the firat Uhree or four issue of progress is likely to be wuch "wifior
viue ibat eren hen the religious mian Swaraj disappointed our expretatione han ours has been in the past, for Me We not give up his ordinary activities A benue of the unreality of his pi. geis the advantage if not of our experihe yet Leojues to sattuie, tou saintly, tion woonel to baunt the writer and eace, at least of the idons pow' in the two luring of tuo pawionlous for the nugh robled his writing of the fruct
air and of the more beasing and stimu ing can strength and cline touch with the lating atm where. No is m e likely le more extreme and uncompromising subject. It was the old views, the fimiliar to demund than to crave, and his dis th , the reply of the Gita in the opposite thought, the well know manner, but illusionnont must nocanarily to the ans, hverer hus bis temperamentit perther convinced, illuminated por
prodier. It is ben that and he too will purved from eg sisin, whos ever nullers inxpired. This month's Storij in week be wirength in hinipell and touch at hix out w receito the imprese of re confident and ejectire, although thu truo wprings of selr derelment. the dood, though he alay the while world the thing still seems to be ill the Our Lest policy is to leave the ab yet de stage not end is not bound." Tho sir. The passage or tracted and te medau representatives on the council. Bariutoar of Kurukshetra driving the admirable character-sketch of Srijut tu work out their destiny face to fare ok of Arjana over that field of ruin is Shya bustador Chakrabarti are the best with the bureaucracy, with a weight the wine and description of Karu things in the issue. Bepin Babt werontier Hindu counterpoise than the esete yout, for the body is the chart aud the to have na lured the copious vein of politicians the timeservers sud the well For furthe horath of be driving sod i ught, the subtle and texible resson it is through the b rained and miveing the jast and original view of his of one thing we may be certain, but sudek wage of the tot. i r Krista sujact which made one wait with Hindu-Malcesa unity san lo Botsheul of my h. impatience Er erery fresh nurl.or of blood by political adjustments cru
Neu India. His attitude towards the gress flattecies. It must le vuglat der er iofirm Achemo and the Mahomeland.sun, in the heart and the mid tur deindir separate electorate i helbe:e the ca uwes i disunin are the