another. It in a matter of making uch more have your byg: Risline God GBRAT WORT ON BURN ther from time to time what work in the nation, adibe God in your
brother, railie God in wide humna Chere is to be performed to day and what is the best way of performing sweatsun." Thw the ideal by which it, what are the beat means of helping humanity is moved over the world, HIS LIFE AND TEACHINGS. wur countrytuon, what work we shall the iceul which is the shares of the
1. The name of the MAUABHARATA have to do inurrow or the day after Kaliyuga, and it is the ideal of love and
iyund, and it is the ideal of love and has
has long bona mow widely all over the and having nettled that to do it at the service which the young man of Bengal
civilized world. The goat Epic has now inted time and in the appointed no thanhle realised, love and.mernice been translated into moat all eville way. That is what I mean when I to your l..then, love and service to your languages. Therefore the story of the * that it in a question of working and Mother in this to the Anciation we Mahabharata s known to all and the of man. It is not that there are furning, the great sociation of the
name of the great Patriarch of the Kurus, things cannot be done except by the
people of Hengal and of the whole Bhima, io familiar to overy ons, whether Tort which our European education people of India. It increased and will in the East or in the West. has taught LH to value. Whatever grow for ever in spite of all the obstacles 2. His TEACHING to his nepbewa stand may be the difficultinn we can go on
That time in ith way. When the spirit Delampled in the world - they are the with the work. Thu necciation that of Aswini Kumar Dutt comes into every of Aswini Kumar Dutt com
grandeet on the various phases of hunan .ww whall have will be the Basociation of leader of the people and the nation dution-religious, Social political and lorothers who are united heart to heart become one great Swadeshi Bandhab
moral; that were ever told to man, or that a fellow-workers joined hand-in-hand Samiti, then it will be accomplished.
vere ever found in any other literature, in # comun labour, the vociation Thin is for ever our national idoal and It occuples the whole of the SANTI PAR
th our nation will rise
and in its strength our nation will rio I VAN of If than who have common mother
VAM of the MARABHARATA, the biggest. Hand. It is the Acciation of the whole whatever law they make : OUT BAUOn the most difcult, the restent and the
muntry, to which every Mon of India will rise and live by the force of the law sublimest of all other Parmes and every won of Boneral ought by the l of its own being. For the Nat of God & But unfortunately the Mahabharata
luty of his birth to belong. An O m gone out to the Indian nation, not a bandy work, but it is a stupeudous ention which no force can break up "Unite, be free, be one, be great". mass of literature. Hardly there is one t eociation of an unity which grows
in these busy days, wbo bas time or whu -4 dny by day, of an impulse that
cared to take the trouble to read this great w from on high and has drawn
work from page to page. Therefore the "* tuyether in order that we might TRIUMPH OF NOBLEST CHARACTER OF BRISMA is not His brotherhood, in order that tho
widely known, or no greatly appreciated Tudian nation may be united and unl.
as it should be. His great teachingto out marely in the Earopeen way,
the poblent and the grandest that were m; merely by the common sell-inter
Sensation in the
ever delivered, -lie hidden under the .but united by love for the common
market. !!!
great man of the great Mahabharata. e ntry, united by the ideal of Lrother
Kashilik haddens (shoots)
4. We have humbly ventured to uphul, united by the feeling that we are
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tan in simple and lucid language, ro that wwted humanity. That is the socia
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