July w
ant the
the app
thing thistle to altup and
I with the circulation of the war
wie by Babu Bipin (handra PA in PANDT SAMAUN CAR
Londott. "The Public Prosecutor te "The ( which Innilit Makala
oraining the case drew the Court (haric Numarhayi Wa charged with
attention to the double nummer nuinhen ROMED TREPORTATIONN... having lurred dacoita, and in which
of the State and reading the fly The intend run Automne the inevitabile approver WALMMeured has
Braf which explained the object of the taste deportatil e died out. We ended in the Pandit' Acquittal. The
pamphlet, Inid special emphasis on the hear the ta lejort Nrijat July turned an unanimous writ of
portion referring to honent nationalist Aurobo cibas fallen throngh. not guilty, and the Judge nequitted the
journal. IIe admitted that Hindu Nation merueil.Now what about the approver
alixt Agency, As gathered from the preand the organiner of the trial. ANI NINT EXU'RLIK
Tkctus, included intention of cumitting The S tars Middle Temple lave
literature in England which would not The MERDEKA :wid th lion af Virendra
Hallowel in Inrlin. After referring to
The r which appeared in the prem Nath (hattopull yays wing to the
the necunou's connection with Suveraj, the on "The Extremist Attitude 'has drawn exprd by him in the letter
Public Prowerutnr added, it was the article Alon rrply from Mr. Bepin (handra l'al, to the Turn, July 9th and 12th.
"Eliology of boinb in Bengal" that the who maye: "If th condemn the official
pruerution objected to. It was an represion which has heen the phycholo
nology for the use of bomb and contained SAVALKAI'M WORK PRINTED IN INDIA kical CAUNC And rigin of the varinus acts
British A (Puntu titiration prohibit
many suggestione inimical to the of violence in Bengal le a crime, I plead
Government. The writer of the article hanging liya r
InInnd into British guilty to it and challenge to be hrvught
suggested that Government had raised dixif any of the wik or painphlet to trial for it. If to found and edit the
Mahonied na against the Hinduis Cordin Marathi on the uljert of the Inclin Name Natarmhe A erine, I cannot help
parimin W drawn between Runnian and Nutiny by Vinayak mendur Navarkar,
But it is pleruling kuilty to it wlun.
Indian conditions and the use of bombe Any Engli li
t intinn or version of Significant that no provention WAN the Hitle. started nyninst this paper w
WAH prctically jumisel. The article began long as I
Aoftly by wying that there was no justiWAH in charge of it, though it openly
fication for beinhthrowing in Bengal any JCDECLARY 14
clerlarul acoluto autonomy an the NationTIVEA
more than there was for it in Rusin but n of feeling twtween the list ideal. In Indir, i elewhere, I
later on, the writer went on to say that High Court and the Ed'utive in Tray have nothing to alter and end in any.
homb was necesary fruit of Burian Abendte h Purrel The High Court, thing that I have written and whid dur
autemcy, Barb Wir mad out to be the it will be emurel quiltill all the
If these ing the last five or mix years.
weapon of the utterly helplony. Europeans in the recent riot Chandndered opinion
not pro. criminal why we
and Indians were compared in the article the art and prin cution of the Annis- ented for them? I have never been tant Superintendent of Police, Acharya hauled up for
much to the detriment of the former. dition even in India,
The general tenor of the article w WHM als larvught against cight police where almost anything in le construed
against British Government and calculatme
au kuch. My photo has, I hear, recently for kiving falso evidence and for
ed to excit race hatred between home Nuppreion of evidence. Though thy of been proprilied by an Indian judge Rs
climacy of His Majesty's subjects in India fetien WALA non-fusilable yet thene men Helition, but the original yet stands un.
The CANO WA adjourned. were wimittel tu bail by the local fin
cridented." clann Magistrate. The High Court quashed the bail and ordered the imSEDITION IN SVARAJ :
Gonish Balwant Molak, Agent Vart. ATTORL of thu policemen who
The following notification appeared were released on bail, and whilo rejec. man Agency, WRN Rretol on the 20th
in this week's "'alcutta Gazette: ting positions to elucidate the charge,
July ly Mr. Vincent, Deputy Commissi
1 view of tho announcement of oner trongly animadverted on
In the indiffer
Police, on charge of publishence on the part of the Executive since
ing widitions articles which appenal in political meeting to be held in connec. it was two and a half montlun NACE
the Sun of Hulu Hepin (hunder Pal. tion with the forthcoming celebration the p eution was crdered by the
The Heri WH placerl before the (hief Magistrate the nextday, Mr. Tuljanir.
of the anniversary of the buycott, Hin High Court.
ker, plearler, applied for bail, but the Honour the Lieutenant-Clovernor consi.
Public Primeutor nhjected. Mr. Tuli M. KER JIARDIK AND INDIA..
ders it opportune to invite the special purker contended that the inte nf the Awrit for alleged lander has been winti in qnention WAM hreivel hy the
Attention of the Heads of Colleges and mvud on Mr. (rewall, Unionint Candino uel on the 20th instant and the ne Schools, and of all parents and guardians, dute for Mid-Derly, at the instance of
cused was not aware nf its entrents They Mrkvir Harlo. Mr. Krir Hardie, in were ramineel by the Customis anthori
to the inexperiency of permitting the Court of speech at Wolverhampton tios fore they were delivered to
students and schoolboys to take part in thie wenk, replying to an interruption the curred. Hi Worship erdor- much gathering. In Sir Edward Baker's
peting India, said "I have received, el the accused to be released on while witting here, A report of Ameeting wil of Rs. 1.1600) Anil one
opinion it is most undesirable that
murety for added by Mr. ( well in which heliko arount of mil.
1 0 were or lefed
imtoature minds could be subjected to aid that I have said the Labour l'arty
tn be deposited in Court in cash. Two wanted to help the people of India to yet.
the excitement and disturbance which (Art van of papers, documenta, magt. rid of system which is wringing the le zines were secured by the police in
are inseparable from political agitation, Band out of them, just 24 the industrial virtue of the warrant. Mr. Vincent, and ho believes that this view is shared system in wringing the blood out of the Deputy Commissioner of Police Ankel by all right thinking nen. Hin Honour white ople # lonia. He makes the the court'n permission to examine them. mint that by wprerliru in Indin! The reused applied that he whould be
trust, therefore, tlist all who are reshave feel the woulition Tuovonent which
allows to be present nt the examin-
allowel to be present nt the examinat- monsible for the education and behaviour 12 lminated in the murder of Nir (urtion. The Magistrate kraute permission 2. Wyllie, I have to this hind of to Mr. Vincent Anal
of students and whoolboys will use their
to the acutisod. thung until I ran tand it no longer, and the one in adjamel
influence to induce them to abstain live this intimation thut when I return LA 1 whall give Mr. ('rewell the
from taking part in, or from being A.L.KARD EDITION IN BOMRAT. opportunity of proving his statment in Tho came in which Ganesh Balwant
prosent at, any form of political demonsThe Law Courts of the land. Every cur Mudak of the Vartan News Agency tration. in England lurke at my heels twenty Ntanda charged with the publication of VAN no when the man and his
(Sd.) C: G. II. ALLEN seditious matter, came on for hearing Wir wukol, but they cannot do it to the 4th August before the Chief
Offg, Chief Secy, to the Govt. of Bengal. with impunity."
Magistrato. The charge is in onnnection July 31mt.
wer PolierHicle which appear Pation with
When W
x iner Woche warraner of Policine them
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