Important Notice
it. Finally, ww of our Venoweto, che
gination, but incirable that
The Company started in the Ath BO t elless of wrinar
Octuber 1900 with proposed capital of 10' uth. In 'The Swadeshi Stenu Xavigation
10 lics divided into 40,000 shares of 25 that limitless funt, in the many Limited hardly needs any
rupees each of these bearly 34,00 t midnight, in -badk introduction to the public. The creation
shares have been applied for an llotted.
at present 8 Atem at
The Company mable lace there and trigule for existence are part of IS I
white And A wenu launch. It is neces N
Indian history. "Sll the desire of
It was the first attempt
Mary t mld at present this small on any lige industrial weale to challvvv bear la taller" erge the wy luy foreign capital
nucleus a versel of our awn and charterAt that the forest nnchen of the waterways of India. Taken up
alteruer. The company has result uth II 1. Stress. We
to raise a Jebenture loven of 3 lats of tt a time when there was no provious l' ill the thithun **ience to guide the projectors, it
rupees and in well for the purpu. and had leant 1. th . has fought
debentures of R4 1000 euch and it has in owing fight w inst great
adition in teased its capital from . will! A little whub alter the trld fandopped by the mistake in.
90 lace divided
of ou
into 10,000 white cu
parable free un the
novel Attempt, AHouter Hited only by the newly awakenel
1.95 cach. If hundreds of the wealthy ! o rang bith troublmg the
men of Iulia were to take up one lehen.
partiotin of the country: ud in spite hh , Shall the limit' my litt fall it hur married and with Holde
ture ench four thod s of the G
fruh help from Hver by
that patriotinm, will
Inicillo I were take cach one habr, Threat
wo soull be able to start of our business the will of turk #khle to resume ith activity fre of TICH MIY thus shake. Then the utacles instructed by experiene nad
with an aluelute certainty of HILOCOS innficient of Hur .
In alition to the roul the Company Su calu. " What is the stake
Our dificultis luxve been manifold.
is ding by its work to National develop pul clown The British Indian Steim Navigation
went anlith piower work in the past, The first t ime I have
it or training to young men in vart
any way in wide p ension of to my life and lots riches." the field and attemptal by great
purta vf Indian Navigations and The b uswen. Lite! it in a r tin of rates a
alipbuikling on conditiou of Herving fu
temporary loss hurch their calllilux position emhled
H e 's in the coupany's Over It Ill thing which alcun sicrifice." theu t otd w cruals their infant
10 luch to expt that the Pioneer - What is there? What more rival. Out with with burdened with
Stelu Navigation Company tinaneel Can I give?" the lenty handicap of losing to pay up
manage and run by Indians will stilly This with the swer, thy soul's
command the small amount of wkditional in prodal instaluant the purchase
MUP Ryuirul irun oir untry un worship." They of our Vens, that, the
The hepe ut out ravali. tlust thu cuny collection of whare being also veel rucht
will fail to command the funci hand, we had to keep the bi Kving without the wary working
for ita undertake and that, at capital. Finally, one of war vowels, the
its extinction, they will be able to res M. A Calliit hul long to idle while
their unnopoly aut the loves the Hence forward the translation from brators were fitted.
chupetition is netel on the of Pankim Chandra's Ananda The ditliculties Beve now been re
Repeitted poplustes have been made med urbe faced. The purchase
our collapse. The con las survived Matha by Sj. Aurobindo (thosh money he wou paid up and the u
them all and it vnly need this site will appear in the karmayogin
from of
County paly Hart
this in
to call i again
t clear cumam. Th. luilers of XX cullin
tion in tur favour, regularly every wock.
apprent for aterowly and will non lo fittel.
over the base of tw who expl As for the rival coupany, it4 certxt.
imuntry and Vendok tu prePOLI strongly the infant company have only
nerve their poly. wale where our wtrength liet Ex
Wo appeal to the cuntry At ITA OF per lo shown that our merchant
not fearly is a profitable tancial Sj. AUROBINDO GHOSHE. deadly prefered the Swadeshi limesen
cern, but I .ticnal tertaking w when ur car or were two three
HUR will l Price Tuu piee only.
the wymbol of girat .122 44 lugha as the abnormally reduel
patriotic Victory By uur wat and out By Inst ni tani. H of uur val Il lum allows that,
futuru we bly not merely to Mac Kindly new postage stamps. Not though the p enger tralie under thu
but to all India and fruin all India we sent per V. P. potential antageous circumstances
louk for the support for which we make has pruibilities of u s well in,
this appeal. MANAGER, KARMA YOGIN. the cutting tradlie bring in pure and
The Swadeshi Steamu Navigation (' 1.4. SUAM BAZAR STRELT, larve rutit. Even the engor service
my ltd. of Tittorin CALCUTTA. can be budu protitallo in the face of the
S.D. KRISHNA YAXUAR. dilliculties, it we can start with wuthivient
3rd August, 1900,
Srerfiry. WHILD SHAREHOLDERS FOR Advantage in whu luatter of capital and
14 Clive Stre au asuind profit in other direction, NO THE UNITED BEFGAL & ASSAM
a lo afford the bacondary facilities to 1 TI TIMMEUTICAL AND CHEMICAL
the push yers who are otherwing attractMUR. L.
u to the rivalling St Bighan 33 Chittaths in lo lake layout these favourable Tullinge (R ) on Mourashi cireumataucou aut get rid of those whicla RESERVED FOR harri lei
are still wulavourable, it is necessary to Ant. . .
havu . Factory
(1) rular casting service from
u to utta. NE ". UEFICI:
(2) July Merc lut wel Cuomba
ai Jutrin. Managing director
(5) M atlo! inercato our
teel in mert these duruunds. SiL HIGH COUNT.
(1) I .leintiel wen tal