unwielumn. It has turned the politics and their want of intorest nothing of the kind. It does not training ground of our youth into in the chief national activity would fall within the province of a school# means of restraining the progress be considerud a mark of degenera- inaster to dictate what shall be the ut our people and denying them tion. It is not the arguments of political opinions of activities of i hat hberty which the other nations advuraries but their own perwhal his pupils, nor are College proft:880rs of the world enjoy. An university and class interests which actnate concerned with what their students in which the representatives of those among ts who at the may do outside the precincts of Cul cemic culture are only allowed bidding of Anglo-Italians official lege and bostel in the hours of the to kuwp their position on condition or unofficial deur ont young men lawful liberty, no long as there is w forfeiting their sulf-repect and from attending public inetings or no infringement of law or morality the pen of the pedagogue supple-mixing in the nntional movement. The attempts anusurpation of the rats the baton of the policeman, To these also we can ty nothing. rightful authority of guardians or.
keeping. Men who can prefer the wulfith in the case of those who me conne But there are other considera- gratification
gratification of their transitory of their transitory Lafarw of the
of any of their right to gowth trots tecting a wider cricle than
individual needs and interests to their own personal action. There the educational world, which arise
the goal of the nation are not only remains the question of self immediawly out of this nutice. needed in the now nge that is intent. Thnt is a print we leave Evir since the beginning of this coming. They are there only to to their hearts and conscience, wavenient the opponents of progress
exhaust degruled and backward whether they whali prefer their enn have with an admirable instinct hit type which the world and the intent or their contry's. But upnu tho mislending and intimida- nntion are intended soon to out- if once they decide for the nobles tion of the youth of this country
grow. If some of them still pseuert, let them stund loy lle chere's as the best tucans of thwarting the
men of weight and lending, they have m e. God does not movement. Their diruit attempts it is only form unent. The having fuiled, they are now trying to will vanish and the whole wwk, nor does he want unstable keep down the rising spirit of young earth henve Nigh of relief that enthusiasts who cannot maintain India by objurgations addressed.
that type at lenst is gone for ever. thw energy of their first movements. to the guardian and by play. But to the young men of Bengal | Svendly, let them not only stand ing on their selfishness and fears, we have a wond to nity. The future by their choice but stand by their Once the National Education more belongs to the young. It is a young cotarules Unless they develop ment Wits thwarted of its natural
and new world which is now under. the corporate wpirit and the sense lours and triunphant succo by
process of development and it is the of honour which nofuses to the lauders, it was easy for the bur.
young who must conte: it. But it onwelf by the merilice of one's WHICH to enforce this policy by iN lo world of truth, courage cuturules in action when that Aathering up all the authority of
justice, lufty nupiration and straight-sacrifior can be avorted by and the Universities into their hands forward fulfilment which we week to line together, they will not be fit - tol using it 4 # political lever.
create. For the coward, for the for the work they will have to The loss of education and a career,
self-seeker, for the talker who goes when they are a little lilur. What --this was the menace which they forward at the beginning and after lever they do let them do belower the guardists and young waris lonvow his fellows in the lurch budy. whuutover thuy stuffer kt men of the country and by the there is no place in the future of this them buffer is a buly, living rul continul tuurishing of this wonpon movement. A brave, frunk, clean the coward and the filterer but they have succeeded in putting hearted, courgeous and aspiring once they are compact, tener back for a while the hour of our
youth is the only foulation on losing or allowing anything ! national fulfilment. The wuwhole which the futuro rution can be i brunk that compactness. 11th
and dangerous effects of built. This seventh of August in can act in this spirit, heedling denying the aspirations of youth & this year 1909 is not an ordinary unpatriotic cu from whnu's peaceful outlet, 19 dangerous to
OCCISION. It is a test, a winnowing. source they cute, then let them The government as they are un
fin, A suparater of the wheat and follow their duty and their chi wholesome to the country.. the the chat. Bucause it is so, Sir science, but Iut them do nothing in arbiters of official policy in spite of
Edward Baker has been inspired by light even if forvent enthusiast. their experience arv too blind to
an overruling Providence w publish moving forward without due collSI lize. Bad lealership had
his notification and the authorition dertion and then showing a weak because marred by selfishness and
of colleges to act according w their es unworthy of the nation to tunidity, has aided the political
kind The question is put not to which they belong an the with "xperience and insight of the
those but to the young men who to which they have been calle English rulers in inflicting upon
are asked under min of academical the cusca check which still works
penalties to abstain from an activty KALIDASA'S SEASONS. to bampor us in our progress. Wo which is both their right and their
11. do not propose wwwtu apce by duty. Let them remember that answering the sophistrios which our they disobey no law of the land and THE SUNSTANCE OF THE POEN opponents advance to cover their
no provision of morality if they autorstod suggestions. It is onongh attend the celebration of the new Kalidum's Season is the list L way in answer that in all nation's birthday. They will only buem in why literature written with civilised countries young men are disobey what prufuses to be an ex. the express ubject of dwerbung fvoely permitted to take part in orcise of school discipline, but is 'Nature. It is precisely simula