lift itself for good into an organised ite. There is a tr iles, there is wcialism, in the Anarchism if Bakunin
national unity. Formerly a congeries of no definitineptio or deep insight. and Tolstni, in many other is; and
kindred nations with a single life and a reel We have yet to know
it m it insists in whatever firm
Single culture, always by the law of this We were, am u may lo; what we in engrossing the whole life of muld
essential oneness tending to unity, always did in the past and what we are ing the whole of swiety and politics
the law ilealistic mapallo of doing in the future; o'r under
by its excess of fecundity engendering
fresh diversities and divisions, it has history and our Ins . This is the axpiration. It is not use the word
never yet Ixcen able to overcome permafront and import work which do grasp the idea, but it sees God
nently the almost insuperable obstacles the An t ifir itself to popu
the European in humanity. What
to the organization of a continent. The lari tiskalice. The Vedants or understood ly me, had to be it
time has now doing when those obstacles . Sudith place the megan, Nankrid of and put it of life, but real
can be overcome. The atteinpt which Sudhakar anlilainndas. Chaitanya or religion, spirituality pilealism, aliruisin,
vur race has been making throughout Cientista Brahmin and Kayastha self decotion, the hero after partin,
its long history, it will now make under and move what
of humanity and national in the whole day
entirely new circunstances. A keen obil set w he indigenous or si cannot be until .. After all God dies
server would prelict its snccess because mat
exists, you cannot t will work to make huwn, exist and if Il
the only important obstacles have been tigt in istilit plan and appreciate shove Him internet and say "That
or are in the process of being renntved. And the unit thing in how to in
for the world and in your place and
But we go further and believe that it is than . url the tumlif it h er." Herradra and
sure to succeed because the freedorn, of national lite and prethe future. mturns. K e of lonial is inly
unity and greatness of India have now 11H23-turing their relations p ration for her and more im
becne necessary to the worll. This is to the 14t ik mm illicult to Bi llirmation
the faith in which the Karwain puts Vis the there in the future The Kierw will be more of its hand to the work and will persist in The third thing is to kiyiw the national mix than wekl . l it refusing to b: discouraged by diffiwil wire and its relation to and paper. We all cirrt rente culties however iininense anil apparently how to in al with it. That is the
only a l i enee hur feet or insuperable. We lieve that God is be which we finne prosent the main the 11th of national life and with and in that futh ne shall conmot tilt and insistent is the plant of the file nation. r. We believe that humanity necils
latin de on the wolution of the Pitical and in prillems we all i uvl it is the love and service of ..thiru.
nel with from this standpoint.eeking humanity, of our country, of the race, of les that line is the fire their spiritul r a nd inner or religion that will purify our hearts how
of all: fixt of and then ing to mansurns and inspire our action in the struggle. all. In
that in the m an m ir. 1 similar spirit w The task we set before ourselves is not ci f religion at after all, what all deal with all s ong of national mechanical but moral and spiritual. th, Engin n hy wlivion is strength in the m anlin the present. We aim tot at the alteration of a forin
7sw. which is nother spirituali sking thrin. them h me to all com- of vernment but at the building up of t Iv, a ntuy th wht and prebensions and make thein applicable nation. Or that task politics is a part, ..cini f'r m uninni in with or to our life, dynninic and not statie but only a part. We shall devote oursolfer tu thirt with us which
natin and not merrly prestatire. sclves not politics alone, nor to social rules the world. In that we shall For if there is no creation, there must questions alone, nor to thcology wr phi.
it. This f a nd cherey oan le tir disinterrati... if there is no advances phy or literature or science by themdirect any purprise w desires for and victory, there must be recoil and lies, but we include all these in one 118: it internt to kn. wing, low lefent.
untity which we believe to be allinpor. or wors ; it for the liberation of
tant, the dania, the national religion, an individual yul, the building a
which we 'so believe to be universal. nation or the turning of a fool. It THE IDEAL OF THE There is a mighty law of life, a great Work from within, it works in the power
principle of human evolution, a body. of trulj! works with superhuman
of spiritual knowledge and experience energy. The wakening of that force
A nation is building in India today
f which India has always been des. in the mil millions of men by the before the eyes of the workl so swiftly,
tinued to bt the guardian, the exemplar man, which sur last has placed in our sa palpably that all can watch the process
and inissionary. This is the safalakt hand, that is vir obyeet.
those who have sympathy and intui.
charme, the cternal religion. Under The m an is proud of his success tion distinguish the forces at work, the
the stress of alicn impacts she bas in divreing religion from life. Belimaterials in us, the lines of the livinc
largely lost hold not of the structure gion, he way it all very well in its architecture. This nation is not a new
of that dherma, but of its living reality. place, but it has nothing to do with race raw from the workshop of Nature or
For the re'igion of India is nothing if it polities of new no commerce, which it created by mode created by modern circumstances. One is not liv
is not lived. It bas to be applied not spuil hy its intrusion; it is meant only for Sundays when, if one is English, one
of the oldest races and greatest civilisa-l only to life, but to the whole of life ; its putain black cluth
tions on this earth, the most Indomitable spirit has to enter into and mould our and tries to feel in vitality, the most fecund in greatness,
society, for politics, our literature, our good, and if one is continental, ono puts
the deepest in life, the most wonderful science, ourindividual character,affections the rest of the work away and amuses
in potentiality, after taking into itself and aspirations. To understand the oneself. In mality, the European has
numerous sources of strength from heart of this dharma, to experience it as Qot succeedel in getting rid of religion foreign strains of blood and other types a truth, to feel the high enotions to from w hice. It is coming back in of human rigatis now seeking to which it rises and to express and executa!