which the Srutis declare as “Not this, Not this ;" but for those who cannot, or will not reach this state, there will inevitably remain the triune vision of the one undifferentiated Brahman as nature, soul and the interpenetrating sustainer of both Ishvara. So, when Prahlada forgot himself, be found neither the universe nor its cause; all was to him one Infinite, undifferentiated by name and form; but as soon as he remembered that he was Prablada, there was the universe before him and with it the Lord of the universe "the Repository of an infinite number of blessed qualities.” So it was with the blessed Gopis. So long as they had lost sense of their own personal identity and individuality, they were all Krishnas, and when they began again to think of Him as the One to be worshipped, then they were Gopis, and immediately तासामाविरभूछौरिः अयमानमुखाम्बुजः। पीताम्बरधरः सनी 79144 : 11-“Unto them appeared Krishna with a smile on His lotus face, clad in yellow robes and having garlands on, the embodied conqueror (in beauty) of the god of love." (Bhagavata Purana).
Now to go back to our Acharya Sankara : “Those,” he says, “who by worshipping the qualified Brahman attain conjunction with the Supreme Ruler, preserving their own mind is their glory limited or unlimited ? This doubt arising, we get as an argument :—Their glory should be unlimited, because of the scriptural texts, "They attain their own kingdom.'-'To him all the gods offer worship.''Their desires are fulfilled in all the worlds. As an