back from the things of the world and tries to go deeper into the heart of things; when man, the spirit--which is here below, after getting concretised and materialised somehow
-understands, that he is thereby going to be destroyed and reduced almost into mere matter, and turns his face away from matter
-then begins renunciation, then begins his real spiritual growth. The karma-yogin's renunciation is in the shape of giving up all the fruits of his actions ; he must not be attached to the results of his labours ; he must not care for any reward here or hereafter. The raja-yogin knows that the whole of nature is intended for the soul to acquire experience, and that the result of all the experiences of the soul, is for it to become aware of its eternal separateness from nature. The human soul has to understand and realize that it has been spirit, and not matter, through eternity and that this conjunction of it with matter is and can be only for a time.