and the love of God form the highest and the only utility of human existence. Thank God there are some such still living in this world of too much worldliness.
Bhakti-Yoga, as we have said, is divided into the strat) gauni or the preparatory, and the (act) pará or the supreme forms. We shall find as we go on how, in the preparatory stage, we unavoidably stand in need of many concrete helps to enable us to get on ; and indeed the mythological and symbological parts of all religions are natural growths which early environ the aspiring soul and help it Godward. It is also a significant fact that spiritual giants have only been produced in those systems of religion, where there is an exuberant growth of rich mythology and ritualism. The dry fanatical forms of religion which attempt to eradicate all that is poetical, all that is beautiful and sublime, all that gives a firm grasp to the infant mind tottering in its Godward way-the forms which