assertions about the realization of all desires and the attainment of extreme sameness we get that the liberated gain the power of ruling the whole universe also. To this we reply that the liberated get all the powers except that of ruling the universe. Ruling the universe is directing the various manifestations of form, life and desire of all the sentient and the non-sentient beings, of which it is comprised and this does not belong to the liberated ones from whom all veils have been removed, and who enjoy the glory of the unobstructed perception of the Brahman. This is proved from the very text of the book which has declared the control of the universe to be the nature of the Supreme Brahman alone: 'From whom all these beings are born, by whom all that are born, live, and unto whom they departing, return; ask about ItThat is Brahman.' Had this quality of ruling the universe been common to the liberated also, then this text would not