be distinct and separate from each other, be fused into one sentient individual so, if the world is a single animal, and moves from the impulse of one mind, neither can it be dispersed in several deities; nor, if the gods are parts of it, can they be brought together and changed into one living creature, with unity of feeling throughout all its parts. The moon, the sun, the earth, the ether, the stars, are members and parts of the world; but if they are parts and members, they are certainly not themselves living creatures; for in no thing can parts be the very thing which the whole is, or think and feel for themselves. . ."-(Arnobius) A.N.C.L. vol. xix. p. 174.
The mystery referred to above in the passage from Clementine Homilies (A.N.C.L. vol. xvii. p. 264) is easy of explanation. A God is limitable with respect to His size, but illimitable with respect to His knowledge which is infinite. We can understand that He must be in the, enjoyment of infinite bliss to which extent He is comprehensible, but He is incomprehensible in so far as we do not know what is the actual feeling of that bliss, and so forth.
4. (Nothing that has been created' is divine) :"For as it belongs to Him who alone is uncreated to be God, so everything that has been created is not truly God."-(Recognitions of Clement) A.N.C.L. vol. iii. p. 313.
5. (Other Divine Attributes) :
They neither have any likeness to man, nor look for anything which is outside of them and comes from without them, and this has been said pretty frequently, that they do not burn with the fire of anger, that they do not give themselves passionately to sensual pleasure, that they, are not bribed to be of service, that they are not tempted to injure [our enemies], that they do not sell their kindness and favour, that they do not rejoice in having honour heaped upon them, that they are not indignant and vexed if it is not given; but-and this belongs to the divine that by their own power they know themselves, and that they do not rate themselves