and was taught tlic sciences of inssle and hand co liand capons anil 175 7thic samc mc instrucicd m 11 knowledge "
Mic mctlol of tcachmg in thc {rt schools and thic higher institutions of Icarning 1123 basal on a sound clucational psychology and instruction whether in academic, scicnulic and 1 mililary subjects or in Vedic Icarming was uncir force upon a tinwilling mid Education was adjusical to the natural benit of mind Thus is truc of music, singing dancing m an sciences and in other academic subjects Before admission to thic military course the prosjxciiic students liad to demons trace their fitness before the onclicrs by cxlubiling their bodily strength agiliz os molion and other alicncm qualiucs Thu is exactly what candidates for posts in the Anny Inc to do all over the cylized world Herc lic sectic molern American praclicc of giving machanical apui Ludc icsi or iryoul courses in icchnical commercial or in any practical courses to discover the dormant abilities of pupils as a preparatory to trcir locational and educational sclcction 11'c quotc bclou to suppor our claun Hc cxhibice to the Lord the shooting a doll on a whee) shooting an invisible object by sound uic shooting at a target in water thic shooting a clay ball on a wheel with anony He show cd padagati carrying a sord and slueld He u burled rapidly a lance spear and club giving uc appearance of a fiery surcak of lightning revoli mg in the sky He showed hum knife science with all the knife positions expert in all steps like a dancer showing a dance. From dei otion to his teacher and a desire to be taught by him he showed Ajita Svamın his skill in other vicapons also Whatever was lacking in Sagaras arts-the Master taught him for such a man has such a traclier So both engaged in activities according to their natures crossed the first period of life like travellers crossing the boundary of a village. too
We have already discussed the method of teachung in connection with our lecture on Monastic Education which holds good in the case of cducation for the princes embracing academic, scientific and in
64. The hathasarit Ságara, vol. 11 P 549.
6. Kalidius MalavikAgnimitram. I verse 14 also D C. Das Gupta, Educational Ideas in Kalidasa 1 India Prabuddha Bharat March 1941
66 Hemacandra Trisastusalaka purusa-Carltra, tol Up 71