Sigara dcfcated luis opponents by unerring questions from the doctrine of Syadrada lihc Jitasatru lus cncmics by arrous He plunged into the unfathomable occan of political science which had evil sca monasters filled with waics of the application of the six policies of the (four) means of regal poncr ctc. He learnt without difficulty the cighifold Ayuri cda also the corch of Lnon ledge of the strength and cffects of all herbs and essences Ho acquired the science which is the source of Inowledge about concerts consisung of four kinds of musical instruments four dramatic styles and sour modes of conveying pleasure Without instruction lic Wew the characictiStICS of elephants complete mith bitcs states of mada bodily characteristics and medical treatment. He established in his heart by study and experience practices about draft animnls and the characteristics of his horses and their trcatment.
He put his hicart on archery and the characteristics of other weapons just from having them as casily as his own name He attained skill in fighung with thc bor sword and shield dagger arrow axe lance javelin club Lampana staff spear pihe plou share mace cudgel, pattisa dusplota bhusandhi sling arrow trident dart and other weapons in conformity with the manuals He became filled with all the arts like the full moon with digits 31This short8 how the capa cious mind of the prince was equal or rather more than equal to the Herculean burden laid on it by hu teacher
Arhat Rabha the ruler of Oudh huslef taught seventy-two arts to his people for their bencfit and as elsewhere writing was caught first and last of all astrology and here we have special reference 10 sixty four arts meant for the females in addition to traditional seventy two arts Here we have clear inention of adjusting the curricula of the art school to the needs of the fair sex We quote below Rşabha curricula as follows "The Arhat Rışabha thic Kosalian clever with the aspirations of clever man of great beauty controlling (Bus senses) luchy and modest During his reign he taught, for the benefit of the people the seventy two sciences of which writing is the first, arithmetic the most important and the knowledge of omens the last the sixty four accomplishments of women the hundred arts and three
Trişastifalaka punya-Carlıra, pp 68 70