cquipment of the art-school for the guls Wc harc icsciences to the use of winting-tablet in the all-school in the Lalılavislara," the Jātahas, Kilidāsa's Raghuvamsa and in Albciuni's India, Vol 1 Wo also lcai from thc Prabandhacmiamanı thc usc of moucc-board and whuc chalk in 112lling purposes -
Thal thc diploma of Pandıā uscd 10 bc confeucd upon the compelent lacly-alumni of the lughei instilllions of Icarnıng is evident from the word "Pandita" being picfixed to the names of some of the females. Besides such Pandita could composc poems oi make up the lost poition of a manuscripe on the spot which cien lici Icained fathci could not 1ccorci Wc quoic bclon in support of the above slalement "While the Pandua ras icproachimg hem in these words King Bhoja burnt that original dialı 11 tlic blaring fic Then thc Pandit was doubly dispiace and doubly ciest-lallen, and lic lung himsell down on an old couch in the back pail of his palacc, and lay theic siglung deeply His daughici Bilapandına soused hmm siom his stupor with loving alicntion and made him bathe and cal and cumh, and then icmembering the fust half of the Tilalamañjau siom having seen the wailing of the first diall of it, shc WIOLC IL 011, and the second half she composed anck, and so complcıcıl the book "'S
Co-clucation scems to have picvailed in the Jama Ait-schools as well as in the monastcuics The case of Bhuya to which reference has alıcady been made is a typical instance to the point. she attended clension lcctics along with males at the Gūnasıla monastery at Rājagi ha The extension leclics of the monastciics, it appears, useil to be attended by audience of both scxcs The abode of Kanva, the god-father of Sakuntalā described in the immortal drama of Kālıdāsa seems to have been an idcal co-cducational hei mitagc This co-education was of a very resliicted type, but it was nevertheless there From Kālıdāsa's Vikramorvasi and Sakuntală we get an idea of Kālıdāsa's
23 Kathākośa, p 116 24 Lalitavistaia, p 182 25 Jātaha's, vol I, t1 by Chalmais, p 275 26 Kalidasa's Raghuvamsa, canto xviii 27 Alburını's India, vol I, u by DEC Sachau, vol I p 182 28. Prabandhacıntāmanı, p 36 29. Ibid, p. 61.