(IV) Lord Maha Trend under
11111 11011
1) Chandrabala as
head of a commu nity of
4) And nun Sala
så Revau as head
of a community of
a select band of 36,00 female ascetics.
an excellent select band of 318 000 female lay adherents "
The Lord Mahavira himself had directly under him 14 females who obtained perfect liberation on death
We learn from Hemacandras Trisaştısalakapuruşacaritra that 800 000 nuns and 551 000 lay women existed in India." From the statistical table cited above we get a glimpse of the tremendously effec tive type of spiritual culture affecting the female life in Jaina Indiaa glorious movement of education of which any age or country in the world could be or should be proud
The halapasutra And Nava Tattva, tr by Rev J Stevenson, D.D PP
5. Trisastikaläkāpurusacaritra vol I p 358